Jalter's win

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Poseidon Pov

I returned back to my Divine Throne with Artoria, Upon my return I was greeted by a happy smile on Jalter's delicious lips," Welcome back, my dear", she said with a soft voice, her hands ruffled my hair with care. "Where are we?", asked Artoria behind us confused by the fact that it isn't the same old mythical realm she is used to.

Jalter glanced at Artoria and her eyes narrowed, With a smile she asked," Are you the new subordinate of, My Lord?", Artoria looked towards me, then she glanced at the woman on whom's lap my body rested. She looked at her and replied," Yes, I am Liege's Knight". I stood up from Jalter's lap.

I introduced Artoria to Jalter first," Jalter, she is Artoria, a lancer version of the Legendary King Arthur and Lord of the Storms", then I introduced Jalter to Artoria," Artoria, she is my first subordinate and my lover, Jalter, the altered version of Jeanne D'Arc". Both of them stared at each other gauging each other's strength and attitude.

I frowned and said," You can do this later by a spar, for now, behave yourself", they remained silent for a bit and then replied respectively," Sorry My lord", " Forgive me for my impudence My Liege", I became satisfied with their replies and their attitude, then I said," Artoria, Jalter let's go, we still have to introduce you to the Godzilla".

"Godzilla?", asked Artoria puzzled, I replied," It is my Familiar and a Divine Beast", hearing that she replied with an 'Oh' voice, then her eyes widened in surprise," A Divine Beast?", she asked me astounded by the fact that I had Divine Beast as my familiar. Jalter frowned seeing her surprised and said," It is that surprising? My Lord is a God so that shouldn't be too surprising I think".

Artoria looked at me baffled and asked," Yo...You are a God?!", Hearing that my eyebrows twitched, it would seem she didn't know that I was a Divine Spirit aka God till now. I assumed that she had felt my Divinity and should be aware of this fact but I was proved wrong. I replied in affirmation," Yes I am God, my name is Poseidon and I am God of the Ocean, Water, Earthquakes, and horses, Lord of the Seven Seas, God of the Gods, Trannyical King of the Ocean are my few titles".

She gasped in astonishment and then knelt suddenly," I... I am sorry for my previous actions", she said, I asked her," You have already apologized can I know why are apologizing to me again unnecessarily?", she looked at me with her beautiful light yellow eyes with unconcealed worry and said," I had disrespected a God, a Divine being. I consider such a thing as a grave crime".

Interesting, I didn't know about that, and this is something really surprising considering her tyrannical personality. I chuckled amused and said," Stop with this, It doesn't fit your personality, King of Storms", She blushed lightly and said," Oka..Okay". Jalter meanwhile looked at Artoria with a skeptical look.

We moved outside Jalter's castle and were greeted by the sight of a big black-scaled lizard towering above us, Godzilla looked at me with affection visible in his eyes and roared," Roawarrrr!!", the wind pressure hit us cooling our bodies a bit, Artoria looked at the King of Monsters stunned, and so did Godzilla on finding Artoria beside me.

"Papa? Who is this?", he asked me with curiosity hidden in his eyes, I replied," She is my new subordinate, Zil, her name is Artoria Pendragon", he turned his head cutely and said," So a new Mama?", I chuckled, and replied," You can think of it like that". Artoria blushed hearing my words and then asked surprised," He can talk?". ' Why her reactions are so later? ', I wondered.

I nodded in affirmation and Godzilla roared in dissatisfaction," Father and Mother have taught me, don't consider me a dumb being", he said, Artoria looked at him speechless earning the ire of the King of Monsters," Why you are silent?", he asked, she sighed and replied," I didn't mean to insult you, anyway, I am King of Storms, King of Britain, Artoria Pendragon".

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