The Rewards

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Poseidon Pov

I opened my eyes to find myself back in my Divine Realm, I stood up slowly and then walked towards the window, looking in the distance that was covered by fog I looked down at the swaying water and sighed, the time I spent in the Apocrypha world while short affected me more than what a million years affected me which is quite amusing to think about it.

" System gives me the remaining rewards", I ordered, now every action that I take which is recognized by the system as worthy enough to be rewarded with something is called Merit, system has previously told me about it and asked if it should make extra merits which do not give any reward to be calculated in System points which I can use to buy things from the shop.

It does have a shop, but usable only if I want to and System points as well since the merits usually give me a specific reward based on my completing voluntary or involuntary quests like secret quests or simply are used to give me a random reward which will benefit me in some way.

Instead of giving me merit as System points or something I had already told it to give me rewards that I need if required as it did with giving me that Dimsenional teleportation card, or either save excess merits for me to use it upgrade my power, erase its disadvantage or so on but I refrained from making Merits being calculated in System points, as simply assigning anything specific value sucks, for now, I don't want something like but I might change it later on if the need arises.

(A/N: For information it doesn't nerf him anyway, the merits earned will be the same whether calculated by the System in simply a specific amount of merit or system points, and I think the former is better because it is more flexible but yes tell me your thoughts about it)


You have finished the secret quest 'Go Berserk against the Berserker!'

Completion Condition: Kill one of the strongest Berserkers in Fate.

Reward: Mystic Eyes of Terror(Gold Rank)

Function: Instills fear in the target's mind just by simply looking at them, it can paralyze them, make them unconscious, induce them into a coma, or even kill them depending on the user's will.

Advantages: Works on opponents even stronger than the user, can be used on several enemies at once depending on the User's Mana.

Disadvantages: If the power gap between User and Target is too big then it fails to work.

You have finished the Quest ' I shall slay the Herc! '

Completion Condition: Kill Hercules, the strongest Hero of the Greek Mythology of Fate verse, also you should reap all his life by yourself without others' help to complete this quest.

Reward: Anti-Immortality Touki

Function: By coating yourself or your weapon you can induce your weapons with attacks that negate Regeneration and Immortality. Works Against Immortality Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4. Works Partially against Type 6 and Type 8.

Advantages: Works on Opponents far stronger than you, your regeneration and immortality are immune to its effect, and wearing this while fighting against someone with similar powers can help you negate the effects of their attacks if they are weaker than you and helps in lessening the effect of the opponents stronger than you.

Disadvantages: Doesn't works on the opponents too much stronger than you, and doesn't affect the remaining types of Immortalities.

You have completed the quest,' I will punch this Berseker to oblivion! '.

Completion Condition: Kill a powerful Berserker with your fists without any weapon.

Reward: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist Style

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now