The Celts, the American King, and Chaldea

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(Author's Note: Guys check out my other fic, please![This is for the readers who haven't checked it already only])


3rd pov

Medb was facing a dilemma currently, all of her servants that she had summoned with the exception of Arjuna and Cu Chulainn had been killed by the Resistance. Although she had extreme confidence in Cu Chulainn now knowing that his master and some new servants had joined the resistance as well she couldn't help but get worried.

" Cu Chan! Are you sure that you can defeat all of them?", she asked the Cu Chulainn Alter seated on the Throne, he opened his eyes and looked at her, he replied," I am not sure, the resistance which was supposed to be the weakest faction now has a Divine Spirit, an Avatar, a powerful Berseker, my master and other two powerful servants, not to mention other servants which while weak their huge number can prove to be a fatal disadvantage for us."

Medb turned her face towards the handsome chocolate-skinned Arjuna who sighed and said," My Queen, while I am confident enough in obliterating other weaker servants, I doubt fighting against Rama, and that Deva will be any easy", she grunted and pouted her cheeks hearing his words," Fine! You two! Hmph! I will summon new servants to aide us!", she said.

After that, she began the summoning ritual and a group of new servants appeared before her, she glanced at each one of them and her eyes twinkled seeing two of them. " See that Cu Chan?! It is my love for you that I have summoned two other Cu Chans!", she said excitedly looking at the two blue-haired figures.

The younger one as soon as he saw Medb said," What the hell? I am summoned by this bitch?", Medb who was dancing in joy stopped and then looked at Cu Chulainn's kid version, then she hugged him out of nowhere and shouted," So cute!!!", the poor kid struggled as she hugged him tightly, then she hugged him in her bosom," Fuck off Bitch! Eh?! Stop hugging me this tightly! I am cute huh?", he said as he was further pressed into Medb's breasts.

Meanwhile, the Cu Chulainn Prototype's eyelids twitched furiously as he looked at his alternate version seated on the Throne," Is that fucking me?", he said cursing directly, Cu Chulainn alter rubbed his forehead in desperation and said," You had to go and summon my other versions huh? You fucking idiot."

"Oh? Cu Chan if you look at me like that I will get wet", Medb said in a sultry tone leaving the poor kid Cu Chulainn who fainted and fell on the ground helplessly, Cu Chulainn Alter sighed and said," If you want me this much then I would ravage you the entire night, but for now let other servants introduce themselves".

Cu Chulainn Prototype stepped forward and introduced himself," Let me go first, as you can guess, I am Cu Chulainn a Lancer-class servant, now there are many things I want to ask but I shall let the other servants finish their introduction before that", after him a white-haired female servant stepped forward, she had a single ponytail hanging behind her," I am Archer class servant Tomoe Gozen", she said, her ruby red eyes shined with excitement glancing at the new faces before her.

Then the next servant stepped forward who had a mask on his face, a small patch of white-haired on the corner of his head swayed as he walked and introduced himself to her," I am Saber class servant Sigurd", he said giving a small introduction of himself not fond of the idea explaining anything about him in detail.

Medb made an 'Oh' face then her eyes got a glint as she glanced at him and asked," Do you have any relationship with Seigfried?", Sigurd flinched garnering everyone's attention, he replied coldly," Seigfried...You can say we are the same, yet separate entities", Medb nodded happily and didn't ask him any further aware of his foul mood.

Then she glanced at the other servant who stepped forward a boy of small stature, he had a bit of an androgynous face, pale yellowish-green hair, two goat-like horns stood on the corners of his head, and orangish eyes that showed his purity. Medb licked her lips seeing him, and with a smile asked," Who you might be cutie?", he replied," I am archer class servant, Paris" Innocence shined in his eyes.

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