Jalter be my Servant

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I kicked the stomach, and the ground below her cracked as well as her ribs as she coughed a bit of blood, her yellow eyes looked at me with hatred, and she gritted her teeth as I kicked her again, with my cold eyes piercing through her spirit I looked at her and said," Surrender yourself to me or Die fake Jeanne D'Arc", her face twisted in anger as she heard that but didn't say anything.

I turned my focus to chained Gilles, I had chained him using a 6th Tier Spell, Chain of Restriction which binds the target and suppresses his mana and strength if the caster is stronger than the target, I also had used Rejection a 5th Tier spell which rejects the target's attempt to summon anything, normally he can summon his strongest Monstority that he summoned in Fate Zero but that takes a lot of time and preparation, so he was good as a loser.

I then pointed my hand at him and chanted," Holy Aura", and attacked him, as the Holy aura reached he cried in pain screaming," Gi-Gilles", muttered Jalter as she looked at Gilles in horror, "Aghhh!! Do-Don't give up Jeanne! Aghhhh!", he said causing my eyes to narrow, I calmly pointed my hand at him and chanted," Holy Smite".

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!", he screamed breaking his voice box, blood started coming out from his orifices as his skin started becoming scorched, and his muscles started melting until he was dead and his body started disappearing and I calmly chanted," Phoenix Flames", his body got covered with fire which healed all his injuries and resurrected him.

Gilles was unconscious this time and I again chanted Chain of Restriction and Rejection on him, then I turned towards Jeanne on the ground, I got myself at her level and grabbed her hair, I said," I ask you for the last time surrender or die", I used my mystic eyes of Terror on her, she started trembling with a look of Horror morphed on her face.

Suddenly I smelled something and looked to find that she has pissed, I was a bit surprised to find Jalter pissing, I sighed and stood up," Death it is", I said ready to finish her off," Please!!", she said and I halted on my steps, her eyes looked at me with fear, she knelt trembling and moved her head down," I- I surrender".

A smile came on my lips hearing that, then I glanced at unconscious Gilles, moving towards him I grabbed his head and using my eyes of Terror I awoke him, his eyes looked at me as his inferior Mystic eyes of Fear got suppressed by my own, he started shaking in fear, but then suddenly broke from its effect making me frown.

I cast," Mental Distortion, Greater Word of Curse", I chanted, his eyes started bulging out and the effect of my Mystic eyes started affecting him again, not before long he was shaking in fear and muttering incomprehensible words, I snapped my finger and stopped the effects making his return to reality.

"Wh-Who are you?", he asked me with fear evident in his eyes, I left him without answering and then glanced at injured Jeanne I chanted," Heal", it is a 6th Tier spell that could even regenerate a person from the brink of death and just in a few seconds she was as Good as new, walking towards in front of them I chanted," Greater Item Creation", and before their eyes, I created a Chair out of Mana, also it was as good as E tier Noble Phantasm.

I sat on it making myself comfortable and then looked at them," Jeanne so would you surrender wholeheartedly or have some other plans?", I said giving her my,' Maniac smile ', her body chilled, and she kept her head low and said," I surrender, I won't even think of betraying you".

[Ding! You have completed the 50% of the Quest, ' Help that Witch! '

It is recommended to the Master to complete the entire quest to claim the reward]

Seeing the System Notification I felt satisfied, if Jeanne hadn't surrendered to me and had plans on betraying then the system notification wouldn't have rang, yes this is something I found out earlier, and decided to order the system to tell me the rate of completion the Mission as it can be used like this, telling if the person had surrendered or not.

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