The Fifth Singularity and Artoria's Arousal

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Poseidon Pov

I have taken a new voluntary quest which is offering me quite a good reward.

[You have taken the Quest,' No need for the Protagonist '.

Mission objective: Restore the fifth singularity.

Completion Condition: You must restore the fifth singularity in the Protagonist's stead.

Note: The Protagonist and his gang won't be able to come to the fifth singularity due to the system's courtesy.

Reward: EX Rank Noble Phantasm Upgradation & 500% Boosted Merits.

Penalty: No rewards will be granted.

Bonus Objective: Take several servants in your team to complete this objective.

Reward: Mystic eyes upgrade to Jewel Rank.

Penalty: No reward will be granted.

Bonus Objective: Don't lose a single servant in your team and restore the singularity with an absolute majority in strength.

Reward: Evolution of Mana Heart

Penalty: No reward will be granted.]

There is also an opposite quest in which I have to kill all the servants wanting to restore the singularity, it has some good rewards as well, but its best reward is Gluttony skill, and obviously, it isn't from Tensura otherwise I would have taken that quest without a doubt. It is from a world named ' Berserk of the Gluttony ', and it is the ability of its Main Character.

While powerful it has a huge drawback, and the reward while boosted from the original isn't a perfected version, thus I didn't choose this quest and instead opted for this one. My, Jalter's, and Artoria's strength had increased rapidly during the past six months. I had finally started learning the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist Martial arts as well.

It has a plethora of useful abilities that I can use and execute in the battle, though for a weapon-oriented guy like me, it can be said as tertiary in importance. Anyway, this time I decided to take Jalter and Artoria with me to help in my quest, they will help to fill the necessary number of servants needed for the bonus quest.


"So I will be coming this time, My Lord?", she asked me in happiness, I nodded then I turned to Artoria and said," Likewise you will be assisting me too", she nodded in obedience through excitement and a glint of determination could be seen in her eyes, and after that, I held both of their hand and commanded the system to make us descend, the next moment we were in the middle of the battlefield.

' System you could have sent me before or a bit later anywhere else, so why do you have to send me in the middle of the Warfield here stupidly?' I asked not liking the fact that I am at the same place and time the Ritsuka and gang were supposed to arrive in this singularity.

The system replied,[ You took the responsibility to restore the singularity in the protagonist's stead, so you were sent here in his stead, thus you were sent at the same time and in the middle of the fight.]

I sighed and replied,' Fine ', after that I looked around the battlefield, the American soldiers armed with Modern weapons were rapidly firing bullets at the enemies, Artoria and Jalter meanwhile had encircled me the moment we got here protecting me from any stray Celts that would come my way.

I looked around searching for the servant who was supposed to be there, but not being able to find her in this chaos I sighed and said," What a disturbance, Artoria, Jalter kill all those Celts", hearing they nodded, Artoria replied in a way a proper knight would," As you command my Liege", hearing that Jalter replied as well," They will be turned into dust for getting in your way, My Lord".

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