The Sea and a New Servant

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Poseidon Pov

I walked on the sand leaving my footprints behind me as I gazed at the sea before me, the sky was orangish red, and I stepped on the water waves moving to and fro cleaning my legs, my mind felt peaceful looking at the Sea, I felt like I was at home, I continued walking forward as my body slowly submerged in the water of the sea.

I dived down and then like a jet of water I moved straight at a fast pace going to the deeper parts of the sea, soon I reached the deepest part of the Black Sea which was 1000 meters deep, I could barely see any fish due to the nature anoxic nature of the sea which made it inhabitable for the majority of the species of fishes.

I closed my eyes and started meditating trying to connect with the significant body of water, hours passed as my connection with the entire Black Sea and the Ocean, in general, became deeper and deeper until it reached a breaking point.

[Master! Your Divinity has reached A- Rank! With this, by using a huge amount of Magical energy or gaining faith energy you can ascend to a Divine Spirit for a short period!], system informed me.

I opened my eyes looking calmly at the blue water,' It feels nice to be at home, and I guess my divinity works similarly to what it worked previously ', I thought, I am a God of Water, which means I am God of Seas and Oceans as well, not only that I am God of Earthquakes and Horses and if we were to go by fate standards then the Divine Core I should possess within my saint graph should be the Divine Core of the Sea God.

Now comes the interesting part, Divine Spirits which are deteriorated forms of the God that appeared at the end of the Age of Gods, in this state a God needs a vessel to descend and their battle power is depended on the amount of faith of the humans they are receiving, real Gods are independent of that and just basically can destroy mountains with their Divinities.

For me, for example, I can flood the entire world within the ocean if I am a fully-fledged God but as a Divine Spirit I can barely control the water of a lake with my current power and I will get strong enough to control a big part of the ocean if millions of people have faith in me, that's a big qualitative difference.

" System, tell me when the Age of Gods ended?", I asked, to be honest, one of the biggest mysterious things about of Age of Gods is when it officially ended, in Mesopotamia, it ended thousands of years ago while in different places in the world, it lasted longer.

[Master, Age of Gods officially ended in 700 A.D, and there have been two phases of the end of the Age of Gods in every part of the world which normally people don't know.

In the first phase of the end of God of a region the local Divinities became unable to descend into the Human World anymore, they stayed in pocket spiritual Dimensions in which they resided after being unable to descend to the material world, it is called Divine Realm and which is different from the Divine Realm of Throne of Heroes which is more of a sub-Throne of Heroes, especially for Divinities.

Gods stay in the former Divine Realms which are their actual homes when they are alive and then they materialize or descend into the actual world, in this case, Gods still live in the Divine Realm though are unable to descend while the latter is the Throne of Heroes for the Dead Gods.

In the second phase of the end of the Age of Gods, the local divinities start dying and if they are famous enough then they are immortalized in the Throne of Heroes sub-system Divine Realm, it actually doesn't have any actual name and despite being part of Throne of Heroes it is basically for Divinities so it can't be called Throne of Heroes either, and now that I think it will be more confusing If I was to continue calling it Divine Realm so let's prefer to say it as Throne of Divine.

Anyway, master in the second phase all gods die residing in their local Divine Realm, and the famous Divinities get a chance to be immortalized in the Throne of Divine, and officially the second phase of the last age of Gods in the entire world ended at 700 A.D marking the end of the age of Gods, and please note that Master depending on the timeline the Age of Gods might end at different periods], system explained.

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