The Cheap Adam Rip-Off

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3rd Pov

Mordred and Kairi quickly came towards the Yggdmillennia Fortress, seeing that huge parts of the fortress have been destroyed Morded commented," It seems they had it pretty tough huh? Anyway, Master hurry up! You are slow as a snail!", she turned back looking at her Master carrying heavily injured and unconscious Poseidon, if one was to consider him by normal human standards he was pretty fast and was showing no hint of tiredness but that logic didn't apply to Mordred's dictionary.

Sairi continued not minding his servant's rants, looking around the destroyed fortress and said," There still will be quite a lot of Homunculus and some of their Masters", Mordred casually punched in the wall of the fortress destroying it and creating a big enough hole for them to pass through, she replied," I will just kill them then don't worry about it Master, anyway let's bandage this God up, I want to quickly join the fight in that floating piece of rock as well".

Kairi nodded and then they entered only to be greeted by a blast of Noble Phantasm, "Trap of Argalia!", Mordred just quickly comes in front of her Master, her Armor absorbs the attack as it provides no damage to her, and she shrugs it off and said," Another twerp, come out let me see who is the idiot attacked me".

Astolfo comes out while holding her lance, he looks at Mordred nervous as his strongest attack did no damage to Mordred, who smirked looking at her, he bravely declared," I am Astolfo! One of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne!", Mordred and Kairi became speechless hearing him giving away his True name and Mordred said blinking her eyes," Okay?".

Then quickly summoning her sword she attacked him without any further waiting, Astolfo tried parrying her attack only to fall back due to the pure difference between the raw strength between them,' Her parameters are way above me! ', he bit his lips nervously as he parried her attacks, Mordred grunted seeing Astolfo being able to dodge and parry her attacks though barely,' Damn! That f*cking b*tch's attack has made me more wounded than I thought, otherwise, I would have killed this f*cking third-rate twerp already '.

*Clank* *Clank*

Sounds of the exchange of blows filled up the area, Astolfo barely managed to dodge and parry Mordred's continuous attacks which became harder for him to do as her attacks became faster and stronger with each passing second, Mordred's anger started rising and she angrily said," You are f*cking annoying".

Her speed suddenly increased by a level as she slyly attacked Astolfo with a sword and then kicked her away, he flew away tens of meters crashing into the wall of the fortress, Mordred got ready for the final blow which was sure to kill Astolfo but the moment she swung her sword at Astolfo he teleported,' What the-', she quickly turned around back to see Astolfo in front of her Master.

Astolfo himself looked surprised as his body went against his will attacking Kairi who was unguarded, but seeing the face of a familiar person on his shoulder he somehow managed to change the direction of his attack before it landed on Kairi and shouted, "Run away!", Kairi seeing that quickly moved to make the distance between them while Mordred was already behind Astolfo and kicked him away with full force.

"GUackkk!", blood came out of Astolfo's mouth as he was yeeted outside the fortress, his several bones broke and he tried standing up back against his will but his body gave up as he fell unconscious, Mordred grunted ready to kill him but hesitated and asked," Did you see that Master?", Kairi who was sweating a bit and said," He intentionally changed the direction of his attack".

Mordred unsummoned her sword and glancing at his unconscious body a final time she said," I guess he gets a chance to live", she smirked and said, "Anyway let's not wait any longer", he nodded as both of them started raiding Yggdmillennia fortress for medical supplies.

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