Clash of a Dragon Goddess and God-Slayer

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3rd Pov

The battle with the Kingu didn't last long, with three Divinities each of High Rank within their ranks the victory was but meant to happen. The only significant enemy they had was Kingu, who was forced to flee after their clash with Artoria the 'Goddess of the End', it was no big surprise to Poseidon that Kingu, a being who was generally stronger than his single class Heroic Spirit was handled like a child before Artoria.

Artoria's divinity itself was unique and special, making her capable of attacking targets from a different timeline altogether by peeling of the layers between two worlds creating a passage that can propagate her attacks. Such an act completely outside the reach of other Divinities, even the Primordials. Rather the fact that Kingu managed to flee was a bit surprising, but considering they had the help from Tiamat herself, it was still within Poseidon's anticipated range of possibility.

Still it reminded that even the Gods in this world had lived only fraction of what he had lived, Poseidon was a being older than time itself. He had born before Big Bang happened itself, like Zeus, while he might have been full of flaws, if one were to exclude his previous arrogance, then no one can compare him to real fight in a equal fight. Feints, moves, predicting enemies next actions, he had learned a lot with his age, even if his power insignificant in this grand cosmos and wanted her women to pick up these things as well.

Now, he was relaxing in his chambers, his shoulder being massaged by Artoria while Jalter fed him fruits, he looked a King enjoying his life." Yahoo! It's me! Your beloved Mag-", Merlin who invaded their privacy became silent seeing the glare of Artoria, he smiled and then gulped his saliva, he had no idea of getting plummeted by Artoria, last time she had smashed his balls with her legs much to his horror, the pain lasted a few good minutes before his regeneration from being a Incubus kicked in.

Merlin changed his words and said,"*Ahem* I would like to meet Great God of Seven Seas, prostrate myself before the mighty Ruler of Heavens, this humble being would like to talk-", he was interrupted by Poseidon," Shut up, stop buttering me and tell me what do you want", Merlin gulped not liking the look Artoria and Jalter was giving him,' Thankfully I am Incubus, otherwise I would have been completely traumatized by the beating I got ', he thought thanking his parents who god knows what identity they had.

" You see there is a little fangirl you have, and she had the small request to see her idol", he said, and Poseidon's eyes shined, a small figure appeared behind Merlin who hid her face shyly. ' Cute ', he thought, his mood brightened up by the cuteness radiating from the child version of Medusa. "Um, I-I am Anna, an-and I really am your big devotee, Lord Poseidon!!", she said, failing to tell her infatuation with him, choosing to rather regard herself as Poseidon's devotee.

" My Lord's devotee?", Jalter looked at Anna, and wondering who she was. " Undoubtedly hailing from Ancient Greece, you are none other than Medusa, right?", Poseidon asked as he appeared beside her surprising her, he opened her hoodie revealing her cute face and started patting her head. ' Cute ', he thought looking her blushing face as panic struck her.

" No need to panic, even if I am not the Poseidon who had gifted you the Pegasus, fact remains that you had been gifted by another me, so for me to recognize you was easy", he said and she nodded,' H-He is so handsome and cool!!! ', she thought, stars appearing in her eyes as she looked at the figure whom she had admired since childhood.

At beginning it rose from the crush her sisters held for Poseidon, later developing into gratitude when Poseidon gifted her with Pegasus when her life was at line. Unfortunately, she soon fell to become Gorgon, and in the end was killed by Grandson of Zeus, Perseus. Just like Lily Medea, Anna too had the memories of her future self, and she couldn't even comprehend why her adult self-changed so much.

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