Goddess Problem? No more!

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3rd Pov

In the magnificent Hall of the Uruk's castle where the King Gilgamesh resided on his throne, a loud laughter echoed throughout the Castle. Gilgamesh was laughing loudly while Ishtar looked at him calmly. She was tied with a Divine Construction, or rather just a Rope made up of water imbued with an extremely Strong Divinity far surpassing currents her.

Her body was filled with scratched, while her nose broken. Her beautiful face being deformed slightly weakened her current Divinity significantly, and she could only helplessly watch the King of Heroes laugh like a madman. Soon his laughter subsided, and she couldn't help but ask sarcastically," Had enough fun Gilgamesh? Seeing me, Innana in such a state?", her calm finally distorted with anger, and Gilgamesh said," Actually I hadn't, Hahahahahah ".

Thus, he continued laughing, making her angrier, she gnashed her teeth while eyeing Amara with a hateful glare, she was responsible for her current state! " Control your eyes insect, I might gouge out them if I get angry ", said Amara making Ishtar quickly look away while she started whistling. " Tell me Ishtar why did you attacked me?", asked Poseidon ignoring Gilgamesh who still laughing while Siduri looked at him worriedly.

" Why? You ask me why?! After using such a disgusting magic?! Did you know how much I loathe that corruption you spread, it made me disgusted!!", replied to Ishtar, and the next moment she screamed in pain as her pinky finger vanished. " Im-possible", she muttered as she looked at Amara who looked at her coldly as she held her finger, which started turning into dust.

Gilgamesh's laughter came to a halt and an extremely serious expression appeared on his face as he glanced at what had transpired. A cruel smile formed on Amara's face as she said," Be in your limits bitch, I defeated you and had killed you if not for my Daddy asking me to not to, do you think on dying you would return back to Heaven? Pfft- No I will kill you- For real".

Ishtar's face looked at her with fear and panic as she tried to ascend back to Heaven, which should have killed the mortal's body she is occupying, but she couldn't ascend back, and her face became paler. She lowered her head silently, and Amara said," Good", then she returned to Poseidon's side and hugged his arm between her chest with a look,' I made this noisy bitch shut up, so praise me!! '.

Poseidon didn't fulfill her wish knowing well that she just lowered the chances of them joining her, in the way he wanted. " Anyway, Ishtar do not fear I will not kill you- and neither let Amara kill you. I have a proposition, I want you to become my subordinate, a temporary one alas, till I deal with her. If you accept the proposal then I will set you free after the war, and if not, I will send you back to heaven", he said.

" I accept!!! I swear on my name of Ishtar, Innana and Queen of the Heaven. As long as this God abides through his agreement, I shall serve him as his subordinate God till the end of the war! ", Ishtar replied instantly, swearing an oath on her Divinity. Her this act meant she was betraying the three Goddess Alliance, but she didn't care, after all with such a scary Divine Beast Capable of Killing her for actual, standing beside him she is supposed to deny him?

Everything went smoothly, only Ishtar was at loss, her pride was trampled upon, and she was taught a lesson that she would remember for the rest of her life. " Finally, I am free!", said Ishtar as she cracked her fingers happily. Her face started healing quickly and soon she was in a better shape. Meanwhile, Ritsuka, Mash and Arjuna beside him came to the throne room to inform Gilgamesh about the completion of the quest he gave them.

" EH? A Devi?", said Arjuna as he found a new face who was none other than Ishtar, she looked at them as well and found them to be familiar. " Wait isn't she is the person whom we met the moment we Ray shifted here? ", said Ritsuka, while Ishtar got a smug look and said," Ah! You are the people whom I graced by saving them from being ripped apart from the jaws of the Demonic Beast! ".

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