Grand Servant Candidate

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Poseidon Pov

Jalter's head laid on my hard chest, her soft hands caressed my abs while my hand caressed her back and played with her white hair from time to time, we had finished venting our lust and our passionate session lasted for a few weeks, just a bit less than a month, during this time we have explored each other's entire body, I have taken her vaginal, oral and anal virginity.

"Poseidon", she said with a soft voice, I released a low sound of 'Hm', and she looked at me, her eyes fixated on my face," Thank you, you for everything, My Love", she said moving her head forward bit and then again snuggled on my upper chest," If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead long ago, I possessed no purpose in my meaningless life but you gave me a one", she continued and then hugged me tightly.

" I devote myself to you, as your devotee, servant, and most importantly your lover", she said and rubbed her cheek against mine, I chuckled and said," You have become quite cute", she blushed with my praise and replied," Only for you though!", we stayed silent afterward and laid in each other's embrace for hours, snuggling together, and giving each other light kisses.

Time passed and a few days later we returned to our normal routine, this time we would train for most of the day, then have a feast each time replenishing ourselves with delicious meals, then have a quickie and relax for a bit in each other's embrace, even if repetitive we never feel a bit bored with each other.


A few years later,

Just like these years passed without notice and I achieved huge success in my Magical abilities and Jalter surprisingly developed a new Sword Style from my suggestions and hints, we often spared with each other though I won almost every time, yes 'almost' considering I only used strength equal to her every time we spared I used, no magic, no skills while she was free to use everything except her Noble Phantasm and Magical abilities.

We had sword spars with sword skills with me limiting my skills as well, only then she managed to win sometimes and she didn't cheer once whenever she won against me since according to her I just went easy against her, and celebrating such a thing would be pathetic of her, obviously it wasn't something false so I didn't care about such matters as well.

It will be time for me to descend again and visit a singularity, I can go and visit the second singularity right now as the passage of time on Earth is meaningless for us who reside on the Throne of Heroes, though it will be the Throne of Divine in my case, and my status looks satisfactory as well.


Name: Poseidon

Race: God/Divine Spirit

Age: 13.9 Billion years.

Strength: A+

Endurance: A

Agility: A++

Magical Energy: EX

Luck: N/A(Since Master is a singularity and free from time, space, and fate due to being the owner of the system, the chance is not applicable)

NP(Noble Phantasm): A

Personal Skills:

Merciless: EX

Investigator: EX

Mana Heart: EX

Anti-Immortality Touki: A+++

Divinity: A++

Water Battle God Aura: A+

Mystic Eyes of Terror: A

Amphitrite (Wrathful Wave): C+

Chione Tyro Demeter (Divine Lightning Falling into the Rough Sea): B+

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now