The Cruelty of the Lion King

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3rd Pov

In the middle of the vast desert, a wooden vehicle never seen in this era was moving rapidly towards the Holy City, the vehicle was driven by none other than Da Vinci, and Ritsuka alongside Mash, Kiyohime, and Hektor was sitting in the back. " I can't believe that you made this out of scraps", said Ritsuka enjoying the air brushing against his skin.

Da Vinci giggled and said proudly," Never underestimate this Universal Genius! Your lovely Da Vinci chan can do almost anything!", they smiled wearily, Kiyohime snorted as she still disliked Da Vinci who had two amazing huge breasts, and Hektor remained silent though he was indeed grateful to Da Vinci who made this so-called modern vehicle after it worked like a magical ship, moving on its own.

" We should be near the Holy Citadel by now according to the coordinates, but it's not here", said Mash, " Are our coordinates wrong?", asked Ritsuka, Da Vinci replied," I don't think so, instead it should be caused by what had turned this place into desert, which should be Holy Grail", they nodded hearing that and understood everything at once, just like the third singularity in which the world was almost covered in the ocean, this singularity was covered by sand.

Suddenly a view of a grand tower appeared in front of them after the car traveled above a sand dune, Da Vinci stopped the vehicle and they got to see a grand city, with huge towers clearly not belonging to this era, the city was surrounded by huge walls, and on the outskirts, the remains of a city could be seen.

" So this is the Holy City?", asked Mash, uncertain what to make out of this scene, Kiyohime said," According to the people we met on the way, there are three cities that remain in this barren world, the last hope of humanity, first is this Holy City, second is the city of the Sun King, and lastly is the newly appeared haven made by a God".

The words 'God ' made everyone silent, to be honest, they already had a guess who it might be, although there were chances that it might be another God, but other than two Gorgon sisters, Artemis they have only met Poseidon in previous singularities, not to mention his intervention in three of the singularities was really suspicious.

Thus it was obvious who it might be, after a bit of talking Romani decided it was better for them to visit the Holy City as it was not only nearest to them, but also to avoid meeting Poseidon for now. If they can understand the situation in the Holy City only then they should decide on how to approach Poseidon.

" Senpai", Mash said glancing at Ritsuka who nodded, after that Da Vinci drove the vehicle to the Holy City, stopping it before the city's gate. They got inside the city to inspect the situation from the people but most of the people denied them to tell anything in anger. One even tried to kill Ritsuka only to be beaten down by Kiyohime. They sighed and continued investigating when Da Vinci's and Hektor's eyes fell on two people talking to each other.

" I wonder if I could listen in as well?", Da Vinci said approaching them, she smiled beautifully keeping her gauntlet on the table, Hektor silently followed her and then glanced at the two servants out of which, one had already exposed his identity as the Great Persian Hero, Arash, and the other servant who gave out his fake name Lucius. He glanced at both of them assessing their danger level.

"Oh, who you might be Miss?", asked Arash, with his signature smile, Da Vinci waved her hair and said, "The Great Genius, Leonardo Da Vinci, a member of the organization for the preservation of Human Order, Chaldea", hearing her words Hektor couldn't help but face-palm,' Who the heck gives out their identity so casually? ', he thought glancing at the gender-bended beauty with a sigh, wondering if her EQ went to her two big breasts.

"Chaldea?", Arash asked glancing at them skeptically, she said," That's the organization that's here to restore this destroyed place", then she leaned a bit towards them and said in a low voice," I am the same as you, a servant", Hektor again had the urge to facepalm himself,' What is the use of leaning and telling it in a low voice when is everyone gonna hear it anyway? '.

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