Tiamat Unleashed

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Poseidon Pov

We looked at the holographic image of the Tiamat projected from Mash's shield. It not only displayed her image, but also her parameters, which were already insane. However, it didn't meant that she couldn't be destroyed, of course I knew it was because it was her 'Femme Fatale' form. In simple words a weaker form of her weaker version.

" This- It isn't as high as we expected right?", Ritsuka broke the silence, and his servants nodded," A single shot of my Noble Phantasm will be enough to get rid of her!", said Ishtar as she puffed her chest with haughtiness. " It isn't that simple", I said breaking their dreams and continued," It is her weaker form, or a duplicate. Once we kill it will her real self would descend ."

" It is her weaker form?!!", some servants shouted, and Gilgamesh nodded," Indeed, that should be the case as in my first vision she destroyed the entirety of Babylon, and if it was to be her actual strength then that should have been impossible, not to mention other servants, I alone would have been enough for her", he said with a hint of pride.

" But you aren't", said Ishtar with a grin and Gilgamesh's smile fell, he glared at Ishtar who looked away. In my eyes they looked like typical Brother-Sister bantering with each other, which was actually Ironic. " Anyway, Doctor, Da Vinci- Any plan we can use?", asked Hektor and the two hesitated.

" There is no need for a new plan, we already have one", I suddenly said garnering everyone's attention. " We will destroy her 'Femme Fatale' form as quick as possible, so that her real body could descend as far as possible from the city, and then we launch an full powered assault", I said and my wives and daughter nodded, Anna as well.

" This plan is too crude to deal with her", said Merlin only to receive glares from my side, he laughed wryly and I said," There is an addition to the plan as well", I snapped my fingers and a holographic projection appeared, on the screen everyone could see Ereshkigal who suddenly blushed on finding that we were looking at her.

" Lo-Lord Poseidon!", she said blushing slightly, and others looked at her," Sister", Ishtar said only to receive a glare from the Goddess of the Underworld," Once unleashed Tiamat's prowess will be off the charts, you can expect her every parameters except her Agility to be above 'A', most likely two of her to be EX, add her Beast Authorities and Personal Skills, you will get a monster ", I said making everyone except a few gulp their saliva.

" Indeed, defeating Mother of All Creation isn't going to be an easy task, it won't be wrong to say it is nearly impossible to defeat her. There is where she comes in the plan", I said pointing at Ereshkigal who blushed seeing everyone's attention on her. She took a deep breath and then confidence appeared on her face, and she looked at everyone on her side of projection of us.

" In Underworld, whether are you King of Man, or God of Gods, you are equal before me. Even my father win if were to fight in Underworld, considering that Underworld and Mortal world are still physically connected, as long as you can create a gap on the ground and let her fall, she would fall under my Authority", she said, her demeanor completely changed.

Everyone sighed in relief on hearing her," It still won't be easy", I said and saw Ritsuka and his servants barely holding themselves from saying,' What now happened?! ', or something along the lines. I nodded to myself, satisfied that they have long understood to not interrupt me, and I said," Her skill can let her create a new world that could overwrite the present one but it takes time, so to say, in underworld we could only get her weakened enough to actually kill her, in a battle of attrition we would lose."

I could see despair appear on their faces realizing how hard it would be to kill Tiamat. While I was amused," Is there anything else?", asked Gilgamesh and I shook my head, then he looked at us and said," That's it! We have made our plan! Siduri!", he looked at his attendant and said," I want you to evacuate all the people of Uruk to the Demonic Frontier."

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