Jeanne's Feeling

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3rd Pov

Both of them got ready for the second round of the battle, Mordred attacked him not waiting any further swinging her sword with intent to cut him down, Shirou blocked it and parried it, both of them started exchanging moves, the sound of their swords hitting each other reached far and wide in the reality marble.

*Clang* *Clang*

Mordred suddenly threw her sword at him taking him by surprise, he narrowly dodged it only to be welcomed by a powerful kick in the stomach, he coughed out blood as lightning cracked around Mordred's leg as she kicked him again this time on his face throwing him meters away.

Using her immense speed she reached above his body and started sending a barrage of punches at his face, coupled with her hard armor and Mana burst she broke his nose and half of his teeth, though he managed to regain his footing as blocked her attack with his hand and made some distance between them.

"And you call yourself a knight fucking bitch", he said with anger, she smirked and said," I am a Knight, but winning a battle and being a knight are two different things", then she summoned her sword at her hand and so did Shirou, both of them again ran towards each other breaking sound barrier and started fighting each other.

*Clang* *Clang*

The movement of their attacks reached tens of swings per second, from time to time Mordred would attack in a way that could be only said not Knightly but Shirou this time was more careful and easily managed to avoid her attacks, as time passed Mordred started falling disadvantage, while Shirou's wound started healing hers only got worse.

The fact air was poisonous didn't help her either by now it was only through her fucking sheer will that she was still attacking, her body was completely poisoned and she didn't have much time left, soon she reached her limit," Fuck", she said feeling pain throughout her body.

Shirou smiled and said," It seems the effect of the command spell your master had used had worn off", she grunted as she stumbled and fell,' Master! Use another command spell on me! ', she mentally messaged him but didn't get any reply, her eyes widened as she again said,' Master!! Can you hear me?! ', but again didn't get any reply.

She grunted and looked at slowly approaching Shirou and said," What the fuck you did?", he stopped and then cruelly smiled," Trying to contact your master? It's useless now before it might have worked but my Reality Marble is completely on full throttle now, it's completely sealed from the outside even command spells are useless", he said.

Her eyes widened," This is how I die? Without getting my wish?", she muttered, the image of her father flashed through her mind, "I- I wanted to become king, so I can end his solitude", she again muttered closing her eyes as she felt her life slipping away, Shirou didn't attack as he wanted to die her slowly writhing in pain from poison rather than giving her a quick death.

"Maximized Thunder Lance!"

A lance of thunder attacked Shirou, who partially evaded it though it managed to hit his chest partially passing through it and burning the skin on his chest, "Another one?", Shirou said getting ready to attack only to be stabbed through trident next moment, he coughed out blood looking at the figure who held the trident, "Ho-How?", he said in disbelief.

Poseidon didn't bother to reply and quickly severed his head using his sword next moment, after that he quickly chanted," Maximize Fire Ball", and a fireball appeared on top of the magic circle in his hand, he threw it on Shirou's body burning it, then turned to nearly dead Mordred and quickly moved to her.

"Maximized Destoxify Poison, Maximized Heavy Recovery", he said, the first spell dispelled all the poison from Mordred's body, and the second one healed her injuries, Poseidon felt more than half of his mana being completely depleted, he took her in his arms in a princess carry and waited for a bit before frowning.

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