Slutty Medb and Queen of the Land of the Shadows

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3rd Pov

Medb stood by the side of the Cu Chulainn's Throne looking teasingly at the brown-skinned man," C'mon Arjuna? What have you been waiting for? I have already given you permission, I can be all your tonight, you can use my body to your heart's content", she said with a smirk, Arjuna remained still with a stoic face and replied," My Queen, I appreciate your intentions, but I am already married and have no intentions to betray them".

Medb clicked her tongue and said," Bah! You have said that thing ten times in a row! Also weren't you married to four women? Hehe, you are indeed a playboy despite your innocent look Arjuna, You must be quite experienced in this right? So there is no need to worry about such things! You have to spend just one night with me!", she walked towards him and showed him a bit of her cleavage.

(A/N: As you have guessed, she is an sl*t)

Arjuna quickly looked away, and Medb smiled playfully and then opened her dress showing her bare breasts, Arjuna blushed getting a glimpse of the real deal from the corner of his eyes, he quickly closed his eyes and said," My Queen, please take care of your decency!", Medb's smile widened when suddenly her expression froze, " I see they have been killed", she muttered.

She quickly wore her clothes and said," Arjuna you can open your eyes now", he opened his eyes hearing that and asked," My Queen, what happened?", Medb grunted and said," It would seems the three servants sent to intercept those resistance guys have been killed", Cu Chulainn Alter who was sitting on the throne till now silently opened his eyes and said," It should be the work of that Divine Spirit".

Medb nodded and said," Hehe, I have seen how he looks, and can't say I am not impressed, an aura of a warrior reeks out of him, his perfectly lined muscles, his handsome body, and that bold expression on his face, I wonder how it would be like to ride on top of him", a perverse expression appeared on her face as she giggled.

Cu Chulainn's and Arjuna's faces remained unchanged by her statement as they were well aware of her personality, especially the Mad Dog who died in his life due to her. " Cu-Chan, promise me that you won't kill him and chain him so I can enjoy the taste of him", she licked her lips, Cu Chulainn Alter said," If that's what you wish, then fine". A feverish smile appeared on her face as she thought of being pounded by Poseidon.

Yes, she didn't consider at all that they would lose despite the disparity of the number of servants between them and the Resistance, it was simple for her, she had Arjuna a powerful demigod capable of annihilating low-level to Mid-level Divine Spirits on his own and coupled with the great supply of Mana from the Holy Grail he could even fight against top-level Divine Spirits or so they thought.

On the other hand, Cu Chulainn was the greatest disciple of one of the greatest Godslayers to live, thus he was like the bane of all Divine Spirits, and Poseidon being a Divine Spirit further riled up their confidence. They weren't exactly wrong as Cu Chulainn was the strongest servant in the singularity in the original in this singularity, his abilities weren't just at 100% but beyond that being boosted by Holy Grail.

But they didn't consider the prowess of a top-divine servant like Poseidon who was a main God, and Main Gods of every Pantheon were notoriously famous for having some OP Bullsh*t abilities, and to make it worse, he wasn't any Poseidon, but the one whose prowess kept increasing without any limit. They didn't know that time they were about to get an unexpected surprise for better or worse.


"So you are God Neptune?", asked Nero looking at Poseidon with shining eyes, even if Neptune's importance in Rome was much lesser as compared to the importance of Poseidon in Greek, in later parts of Roman History when overseas trade became extremely important for the Empire and Horse racing become one of the most loved past-time sports for royals, his importance increased considerably in the Roman Empire.

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