Love that crossed time and space(Part 1)

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(Author's Note: Our Jeanne D' Arc is back, it is time for some holiness!!)


Poseidon Pov

I looked at the unconscious Jeanne in my arms with a weird feeling, I could sense the gruesome curse cast upon her, something that dwarfed even the curse upon Rama, and it gave me no doubt upon who had cast it on her, this was the feat that could be only performed by the All-Mighty, the Yahweh. It also went alongside his strict rules of Christianity.

I sighed as I felt a being looking at me, I couldn't find the direction from which came but there was just a single thing that came into my mind. I released my entire Divinity, as I made my presence known to the entire Babylon Pantheon, but I didn't stop as I released my Water Battle God Aura combined with Anti-Immortality Touki. My eyes gleamed fiercely as my Mystic Eyes of terror manifested.

The Law of Terror made the space around me tremble ferociously while Jalter quickly made some distance between us, I quickly released my entire Magical Aura as well, shaking the entire continent as the Mana purer than Holy Grail was unleashed. The entire singularity trembled as if it was to crack at any Moment. I glanced above and said," Fuck Off".

My words seemed to enrage the All Mighty who released an intense Holy Aura upon me, but he was met with disappointment as my might didn't dim by a bit, my entire amalgamation of different Auras destroyed the Holy Aura as if blowing away the smoke with the power of storm. This was the power of Holy Attack Nullification, one of the most broken resistance abilities of Tensura.

An ability to nullify the Holy power, and instead of covering it on my body as a barrier I mixed it with my Aura, I said," Didn't you hear me? I S.A.I.D F.U.C.K O.F.F!!!!!", my entire Aura attacked the metaphysical entity overpowering it's might, the space around me shattered and pieces of space fell near my legs shining like shards of the rainbow glass.

Time seemed to stop as another entity joined our confrontation, the Primordial Aura of Creation crashed against us, but I remained adamant, as the anger boiled inside me. I could see the gruesome cruse cast upon Jeanne and its effect, the pain she was in can't be described in mere words.

I was calm yet intense anger boiled inside me, My aura became fiercer fighting against the two Auras at the same time, it wasn't a direct confrontation, it was the battle of our will and despite having an overwhelming advantage over God of Creation, I held no such advantage over Primordial Mother of Creation and I felt my aura being crushed under her might.

[ Master don't give up!!!! Your 0.5% Merit points have been consumed! The Divine Origin of your vessel has been upgraded! Your Divinity has tripled!]

The system seemed to see the situation I was in and automatically used my Merit points to increase my vessel's divinity to the level of my original one, and as my Divinity Tripled, all of my Auras mixed into one and glancing at the two Auras with rage I said," FUCK OFF BASTARDS", my Aura with full force repelled their Auras, the space around me became turbulent as the Mana flow of the entire continent was disturbed.

Soon the gaze of Yahweh upon me faded while the Primordial Mother of Creation withdrew her Aura. As the battle ended, I calmed myself down and felt that half of my Mana had been drained in the battle, but it was understandable as I possibly repelled the Strongest God's Omniscience while another Universe Level Destruction Being's Aura.

Finally, I glanced upon the unconscious figure and felt the curse upon her weakening severely, meanwhile, Jalter said," M-My Lord?", her voice laced with fear, as she held her head down, I looked at her and said coldly," I won't punish you, but remember to not make such stupidity again."

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