Meeting the Fake King of Mages

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Poseidon pov

I looked at the sea calmly while enjoying the cool air brushing my body, others were behind me and they too were ready for battle though some wariness towards me could be seen in their eyes except Artemis, who as a qualified airhead could care less about such things and was enjoying playing with Teddy Orion who looked as if he had lost all his self-respect.

I saw something in the distance and got ready for the battle," Something is in the distance!", said Francis Drake alerting others, Artemis looked in the direction and said," It's a ship", others nodded hearing that took a battle stance, the ship came closer until we could see Medea and Hektor on it.

"Fire the cannons!", Francis said with a smirk, the cannons appeared and the crew started firing the cannons at their ship, meanwhile she summoned her own cannons which came out of some portals and started firing at their ship simultaneously, Artemis too shot a barrage of arrows at them.

Seeing such a terrific combo of attacks Medea did nothing but smile cutely and the next moment fog covered our entire ship," What happened?!", said Ritsuka, I grinned and said," It's time to end the final boss", the fog cleared revealing the ship in an entirely different location, at a distance floated Arognauts ship.

"What the hell is that?!", cursed Francis seeing a huge tentacle, it had eyes embedded in it which looked in our direction with focus and its body swayed as if inviting us to our deaths, I jumped onto the sea and said," Stand back, I will handle this", others looked at me skeptically, Artemis cheered me, " Go Uncle and show that monster what you have got!!".

Teddy Orion too cheered," Show them what you have got Dad!", I clicked my tongue hearing his words, and shot a Magical arrow at Teddy which pierced him, he cried out surprised and I said," It seems you need some funeral teddy", Orion hide behind Artemis shuddering in fear," Plea..Please I won't do it again!", he said stuttering.

I ignored him and shifted my focus on the Demon God Forneus, suddenly a man who looked like some joker with a long green cap came in front of me," You are here filthy God, now bow and fall before the power of my King! The power of the Demon Gods", he said haughtily with an arrogant smile plastered on his face.

I glanced at him with a mocking smile and said," You are saying that to God of the Ocean, while in Ocean?", his smile vanished, I covered the entire Body of the Demon God Forneus with water and then increased the water pressure by thousands of time, the great pressure forcibly solidified the water as it became solid and froze the so-called Demon God then I willed it to crack and it cracked into millions of pieces killing Forneus and Jason inside it.

Leff turned back and his eyes widened seeing the dead Demon God and his eyes widened in shock, he trembled and said in disbelief," Imp-Impossible! Ho-How!", I appeared next to him and pierced my trident through his chest, he coughed blood and looked at me with hatred," See you later, joker", I said and soon his body disappear.

Then I turned towards Medea who flinched and Hektor, using Grasp with both my hands and not giving Medea a single chance to break it I finished them off. The group behind me looked speechless at the anti-climatic ending, while I looked satisfied with my Divine Strength,' As the system said in the beginning due to changing the power system, my divinity has gotten stronger as well, for previous me it would have been impossible to do this ', I thought.

I returned back on the ship, others looked at me scared of my strength, Francis Drake asked me in disbelief," You can do that?", I nodded and said," Never underestimate a God's Divine Authority", Artemis suddenly jumped on me and hugged me tightly," That was awesome!! You were so cool and defeated that monster so easily Uncle!! You are stronger than my Uncle Poseidon!", she said excitedly.

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