I shall give you a chance

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Poseidon Pov

I decided to watch the confrontation between Ritsuka and Jalter, having nothing better to do than eat and sleep, I followed after her and saw the difference between what was supposed to happen if I wasn't here and with me here at the very beginning, Jalter didn't wait for much time before burning down the entire town, though she ordered a 7th Tier Angel to take her mother to Castle.

Her mother kept screaming Janet as she watched her supposedly daughter burn down the entire town before fainting in shock, after she left at a safe distance she slaughtered everyone with a few Dragon breaths of Fanfir, not long after Ritsuka, Mash and Jeanne D'Arc of this timeline arrived, after that a followed chat with Jalter basically insulting Jeanne at every opportunity she can get.

Maybe she desires to prove herself to be better than the original Jeanne or something like that or it's simply how she is that is the reason behind her making such sarcastic remarks about Jeanne. Jalter then ordered her servants to surround them before my eyes, and just as they were feeling helpless other servants summoned in this Singularity by Holy Grail to oppose Jalter arrived at their rescue.

Unfortunately for them unlike the original, with me here, the situation of Jalter had changed greatly, and coupled with the summons I gave her it didn't take even a bit of time for them to be trapped and then beaten up by a single blast of Holy Smite from one of the three Seventh Tier Angels, it was a causal attack from it but proved enough to take two servants down.

Looks of dismay appeared on the faces of the rest who survived being defeated as Jalter slowly approached to finish them off, due to such turns of events Dr. Romani decided to use Rayshift to call Mash and Ritsuka back, I clicked my tongue seeing this after all if he leaves then who would provide a boost to my Merit? Even if he is a useless Master as a Protagonist just his presence boosts the amount of merit I get by a large Margin.

I decided to try a spell that is supposed to stop the target from teleporting, "Maximised Lesser Dimensional Lock", I chanted with a low voice, the spell I used is a sixth-tier spell and a weaker counterpart to its fully powered 8th Tier version, with Maximised Enhancement that supposedly drains a lot of mana to bring any spell to its extreme limit, I expected it to work and I wasn't disappointed it was enough for to cancel the Rayshift.

"Now that was rude", I said dispelling all the Magics I had cast on myself earlier to make my presence low, just as I appeared Jalter quickly knelt respectfully before me and said," My Lord!", I just gave her a small nod after which she kept her head down, still fearful of me huh? Well, it is to be expected after all I did give her quite a beating.

"Why don't you show yourself, their leader?", I demanded wanting to see the face of the legendary Grand Caster for real, and a holographic projection appeared from the Ritsuka's watch in the air in front of me, in the projection the face of Romani Archman was visible who had a look of helpless, he cautiously glanced at me, I said," You might have sent them into this era out of your obligation, but you can't leave without my permission".

"Can we talk about this?", he asked me, I decided to shift my focus for a bit, after all, he can wait, and thus looking at the Jeanne of this world, I commented with amusement in my voice," You suddenly are almost the same as her, I would think the only difference would be that she learns things a tad faster and is a bit less dumb".

"Who are yo-", before she could speak any further I chanted," Silence", a Fifth Tier Spell, and silenced her, she isn't the Jeanne who fell in love with me and the one I personally like, thus there was no need for me to polite to this dumbo, I continued," Now all of you are here to oppose my servant, and when you found the situation to be unfavorable for yourselves, you tried to run away huh?", I said glancing at Ritsuka who was supported by Mash.

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