The Sun had fallen down!(Special Chapter)

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3rd Pov

The cruel sun was casting its light all over the desert, scorching every bit of sand possible making it more difficult for the remaining humanity to survive. But at a certain place, in the middle of which was a Giant Pyramid, telling the glory of ancient Egypt, the rays of the sun were gentle and mild, surrounding the Glorious pyramid were the houses made of stones, and on the edges of the place there were pieces of farms illuminated and fed by the sun itself.

In the Pyramid, inside the Throne room, on top of the throne sat the incarnation of Great Amun Ra himself, his black skin remnant of the scorching heat it had tolerated in the past. In front of him stood Nitocris and Xuanzang Sanzang, the former informed him of the blooming development of his glorious kingdom that his magnanimity has created, while the latter had a bored look on her face.

Suddenly Ozymandias signaled to Nitocris to stop and glanced above, his eyes peering through walls falling on a figure high above in the sky riding on a Dragon. His eyes narrowed in caution as the figure got bigger and closer, Suddenly the roof of the Throne broke revealing the outside view, and the figure of a Dragon was revealed before them which roared loudly announcing its Master's arrival.

Nicotris and Xuanzang Sanzang got in a defensive stance, the former's expression being serious while the latter was excited, as if she had finally found a way to escape the boredom she had been bearing till now. Ozymandias looked at the pinnacle of Phantasmal Beasts with not a single hint of fear, as killing the mighty dragon in front of him would but a mere task for him who is the incarnation of Amun Ra himself.

Still, his eyes got narrowed as they landed on the figure sitting on top of the Dragon, who slowly got up from the back of the dragon and landed inside the throne room in front of him. Her blonde-white hair cascaded down her waist, and her beautiful yellow eyes sparked a sudden interest in him. Overall she was a beauty, one that even made him question who he might choose if she and Nefertari were to put in front of him.

Still, such thoughts didn't linger for much longer, as he gazed at the intruder with slight anger, Nitocris her beautiful servant who he had summoned to assist her was the first one to question the intruder," Who are you?! and How dare you break into the Pyramid built by the Paraoh himself?!", she asked with anger and wariness, as unlike her Pharaoh she doubted that it would be easy for her to face off against the mighty dragon which bore it fangs clearly displeased by the lack of disrespect shown to his Master by Nitocris.

(A/N: Her EX Rank skill makes every dragon a simp for her, lol)

" Who I am you question? Well, my name is Jalter, though to make it easier for you, I am the altered version of Jeanne D' Arc and a better one at that, and I am here on behalf of my Lord", she said. When her identity as the altered version of Jeanne D'Arc the famous Saint of the Christians was revealed, anger and hatred appeared in the eyes of the Sun King and Magic Queen towards her.

" Oh? A servant of that God? Who preaches his religion everywhere disregarding other Gods, as if they are mere imaginations?", he asked in a mocking tone, The memories of the Ten Plagues of Egypt resurfaced in his mind, increasing his hostility towards Jalter. The woman in question instead glanced at him with a cold look, not a bit affected by his insult towards Yahweh as she hated him as well.

She said," Well, firstly I am not the servant of that God, and secondly I am here for a simple reason either you bow to my Lord, or get destroyed like the fading sand that your tomb has been built upon", her voice had no hint of respect towards the incarnation of Ra, and neither towards Yahweh, and by the way she dared to call out the magnificent home of Ozymandias a Tomb, it showed just how much lack of respect she had towards the incarnation of the Chief God of Egyptian patheon. It also showed beautifully, how her love, admiration, respect, and loyalty only extended to her Lord, Poseidon.

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