The Last Master of the Humanity

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3rd Pov

"So did you learn anything?", asked Doctor Romani from Ritsuka Fujimaru who nodded and replied," After talking with locals we got to know someone who might be the cause of this singularity". Leonardo Da Vinci sipped coffee and said," So who is that person?". Mash answered," From our investigation, we came to know that the famous saint Jeanne D'Arc who was burned at the stake not long ago returned to life-giving Holy Judgement to the people".

"Holy Judgement huh?", said Leonarda taking another sip of coffee, Romani sensed something about the words Mash said and asked," Why Holy Judgement?", Ritsuka answered," Well, Doctor the locals have told about some white-winged angel-like beings accompanying her and following her orders".

Both hearing that stopped in surprise, everyone else in the Chaldea was the same," That isn't the worst part, apparently she is riding on a dragon as well", Ritsuka replied, " Now that's really bad news", said Leonardo concerned, " Is that so? I am not a Magus so I can't understand...", said Ritsuka.

"Well, You see Fujimaru, the species of monsters that appear in myths and tales are called Phantasmal species and the beings who are the strongest of this species are Dragons, if it's a named one then that's even worse, a high ranking servant can't even compare to them but that's not the really bad part, in 15th Century France Dragons shouldn't exist", said Leonardo.

After that, they continued talking for a bit when suddenly someone shouted," Angels!!! They are coming!!", Ritsuka and Mash quickly got on their guard and looked above to see tens of white-winged Angel like creatures flying towards them, to make matters worse several wyverns followed them as well.

Seeing this Ritsuka shouted," Mash!", she nodded and quickly took a battle stance holding her shield and replied, "Understood Senpai! Beginning-", her voice got interrupted by Leonardo who said," Stop! Listen, Mash, Fujimaru I can't let you fight here! You have got the information we needed and now it's better for you to take refuge somewhere safe".

Ritsuka asked her confused," Wh-What do you mean?! There are people here!", Leonardo sighed and replied," Listen to me well Fujimaru, Mash, a singularity is an isolated space detached from another Era, strictly speaking, if you were to repair the singularity then everything that happened will be erased, hence even if the people of this era were to die there won't be any problem, thus, the only people not allowed to die are you and Mash".

Ritsuka clenched his fists hearing that, Leonardo continued," Your Judgement will save us all Fujimaru, so I want to understand the meaning behind these words", he looked around seeing the trouble, and suddenly his eyes fell on a child crying in the ground as an Angel approached him ready to turn him into meat puddle.

By the nick of the time Ritsuka Fujimaru managed to save him, then started running with the child in his hand," Fujimaru?! Didn't I just tell you-", he interrupted and said," I know! Bu-But I don't want anyone to die!", Leonardo sighed in defeat and replied," Fine", a smile appeared on her face and then she started ordering others to handle the situation from their side and prepare if the need of help arises.

Ritsuka Fujimaru ordered Mash to commence combat, and thus their battle against Angels and Wyverns began, but unfortunately from the beginning, the battle started looking deadly for them, Winged angels while not powerful didn't die easily and defeated a single Wyvern, Mash had to use her full strength.

"Only if we had another servant", Ritsuka said nervously as he watched the chaos unfold, he quickly moved towards a soldier and said," Sir! This kid had been separated from his parents! Can you take care of him!", the soldier replied," Got it!", he handed him over the child and then looked around the chaos.

People were running trying to save themselves, soldiers and men tried to fend off the attack while Women and children started evacuating to a safe place, his eyes fell on a hooded woman falling on the ground as a wyvern approached her, he looked in dread closing his eyes not bearing to look the bloodied scene.

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