Jeanne D'Arc

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Jeanne D'Arc Pov

How Long Has it been? I don't remember it well, it just feels like yesterday when I was attempting to go near him while he lay on the grass peacefully, or just a few hours ago he told me the harshest words that cracked my heart to pieces," There are many things I don't accept about you", he said.

WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! What did I do wrong, is there really something wrong with me? Am I really such a big sinner that he can't accept me," There are many things I like about you", he continued. His words that relieved me the most, Yes! I am really not that bad, and not all hope is lost.

"It's my own selfishness, I can't accept someone like you", these were the last words that gave me the most pain. I understood there was some reason he couldn't accept me, even if his face remained calm and nearly emotionless. I understood why it should have been. He was never a good guy, and I understood he had reasons behind saving humanity back then.

Whatever his reason may have been, I didn't fall for his act of saving, nor for his body, It was just I fell in love with his soul, maybe I am just lying to myself, but I fell in love with him, and him only. As if, he was my destination, the place where I just needed to be, the person whom I needed, no matter how he was.

I wanted to tell him it was alright, to give me a second chance, but alas I vanished before I could achieve it. Then I tried to meet with him again and ended up getting summoned to the Age of Gods, in Greece. I searched, searched, I finally found, Poseidon, yet the person I found was not him. He was someone else entirely, who was entranced by my body and tried to attack me, to defile me, but that was the biggest mistake he had made, and what I had done after it was the biggest mistake of mine.

I killed him, I don't comprehend how I was even able to do it, but in the end, he lay on the ground dead, fading into dust while his three broken Divine cores lay on the ground, I vanished thereafter, but not before dooming an entire timeline, enticing the wrath of Gods who punished humanity, in the cruelest and most painful way possible.

I doomed humanity, interfered with one of the pan-human histories, and completely destroyed it. Even then I didn't stop searching for him, going from timeline to timeline, disrupting it entirely no matter how much I tried to just search for him and not interfere, I killed Trillions and before I knew it, I was cursed by him, ' The Lord ', a curse that makes me in constant pain, even as I walk, even as I breathe, each time I feel as I breathe acid, burning my lungs.

Each step was as if I walked on needles, each time I looked, I felt as if my eyes burned. Yes, it was punishment for me, who doomed several pan-human timelines and killed a trillion humans. ' It is a fitting punishment for a sinner like me ', this is what I believe, and no matter what excuses I would try to give, it was true.

It was painful at first, and even now, it hurts, hurts just so much, but it has become bearable. I never stopped for searching him, even as if my soul was in constant pain, I wanted to meet him again, confess to him yet again, and hop-hopefully earn his love. Even if he was to turn me down, the second time, I just want to see him once again and then whatever years in torture and bear the punishment for my crimes.

This time, yet again I am in the Age of Gods, or rather at the age near the end of it. I could sense a powerful terrifying being present in this twisted spiral of the world, who had long sensed me, and my affiliation to God, and raised its aura towards me as if challenging the ' Lord ', himself.

(A/N: I hope Yawheh doesn't angers Mommy*Cough* Otherwise it would be really bad)

Its Divine Aura is something that dwarfed any God I had ever met, even that white-haired Thunder God, the one with Ravens on his shoulders, or the even one with Nine Fox Tails behind her, that made seem the Heroic Spirits like us joke, I could still remember how she easily created a second sun in a few seconds and then turned me into ashes including the entire large mass of giant planet behind me.

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