A Battle between Two Kings

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3rd Pov

While the Knights of the Round Table and Neos Argonauts were fighting with each other with everything they had got, it wasn't their battle that was going to decide who would be the winning side, but rather the result of the battle fought above them between the two Artoria Pendragons was the main deciding factor.

Goddess Rhongomyniad being mounted on top of her white Horse, used her Divine Lance to manifest several attacks of Golden Light which she shot at her other self, Artoria quickly nullified them with her Rohongomyniad making the former's eyes narrower. " I see, you have it as well", she said in a calm voice, Artoria looked at her with a bloodthirsty gaze.

Artoria quickly silently chanted a 7th Tier Spell, ' Chain Dragon Lightning ', which shot a Dragon-shaped lightning towards the Goddess Rhongomyniad, It was one of the most destructive spells she had under her arsenal. The latter's eyes became wary as she used the Holy lance to erect a powerful Barrier around her to protect her, which succeeded in nullifying Artoria's attack.

But that was just the beginning, as Artoria shot another Chain Dragon Lightning, with another 7th Tier Spell,' Napalm Blast ', and another 7th Tier Spell, ' Scorching Flame Wave ', and she had used Maximized Enhancement on all of them raising their power to fullest. Such an attack can destroy her previous self back in London Singularity even with her full powers easily, yet they barely managed to create cracks in the shield of the Goddess Rhongomyniad who was slightly surprised by such an outcome.

Yes, she wasn't at her full Strength as of now, manifesting only as a Divine Spirit yet her strength was no joke, and despite the fact that the barrier ability of Rhongomyniad was very limited in her current form, it was strong enough to protect the entire Holy City from the aftermath of the attack between her and Poseidon's Meteroite Strike. It could do more, and at her full power, even Ozymandias would find it difficult to barely scratch her barrier with his strongest attacks.

Still, she paid it no heed and her face returned to normal and she quickly used her Divine Lance to attack Artoria with her Divine Lance manifesting several stripes of white shining in a Golden light shooting towards the Artoria, who quickly used Triplet Chain Lightning to counter them.

For a moment the battle seemed to be at a stalemate, as both the parties kept attacking each other with attacks that kept nullifying each other's but it was only for a short moment. Goddess Rhongomyniad decided to end her other self in close quarters and commanded her horse to gallop forward.

Then approaching Artoria at a speed faster than sound by several times, she thrust forward her Holy Lance with the intent to impale through her black armor, but Artoria who had already used Several spells to boost her prowess, easily parried it with her Holy Lance with such force that made Goddess Rhongomyniad's hands numb for a moment.

Seeing the chance she quickly Thrusted her Lance at her, but the Lord of the Ends of the World used her Divine authority to escape the attack by briefly teleporting away appearing hundreds of meters away. It annoyed Artoria to find herself losing such a good opportunity to bring the latter down in one move. She quickly summoned about nine 7th Tier Angels, to assist her.

The moment the Dominion Authorities were summoned a slight fragrance appeared in the air, they bathed in the bluish-white light as if the world itself was welcoming these Holy beings. They quickly assembled together in a formation and shot fully powered Holy smites which had the prowess of an 8th Tier spell, and being shot by several Angels it had reached the power of a 9th Tier Spell.

Alas, the enemy they were dealing with was a Goddess, and she dispelled these attacks at a moment's notice as if they were within her jurisdiction. Artoria was unfazed by the casual display of power by Goddess Rhongomyniad, as she had expected this to happen. The only reason she had summoned this Angel was to play the role of a distraction.

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