You Lose Mr President!

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(Author's Note: I haven't dropped this fic or anything, in fact on my original website where I uploaded this it has reached 60K+ more words than here, the thing is life is tough and I was just too busy and petty to waste some of my time to copy and paste.

By the way, I will soon upload pics of Every character till now! Also, some fics that have been not released here! Which includes one Fate fic that I had written before this having 100K+ words. Let's see just how much I can copy and paste.)


Poseidon Pov

The last night was amazing as I consolidated my relationship with my cute Artoria and we both made love with each other passionately. The day is night and now awakened from my brief nap I glanced at the sky, an extremely bright star hung in the sky that was still visible when the sun had almost come out. It was none other than Sword of Damocles an Orbital Weapon summoned or created by the Super-Tier Spell called Sword of Damocles.

It could destroy fortresses with relative ease classifying it as Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm Level. It might be far-fetched to call it capable of annihilating a continent...for now, at least. I have plans to improve all my spells once I have Ygdrassil Magic at my grasp. Again, if this spell was to be used in a lower classified world like an Earth without superpowers or magic bullshit without any doubt it could destroy an entire continent.

" It seems you have awakened early", said Queen of the Land of Shadows, I glanced at her with a small smile and said," We don't need to sleep, Scathach", she came beside me and said," Indeed it's true, for beings like us, servants, Divine Spirits or Gods, sleep is not necessary yet it's helpful in relieving some stress."

I nodded in agreement," Also, as expected of a Greek God, you spend the entire night doing those activities with both of those women right?", she asked me with a playful look, I nodded without shame and said," They are really lovely women", she looked at me and said," To be honest I want Death more than anything, your love proposal wasn't really surprising for me considering you are a Greek God and the knowledge of you guys have given me a gist of your personalities.

But, for some reason, you don't feel like an actual Greek God or like how I assumed you to be", I looked at her and said," I get from where you are getting it, those legends of us showed us like some thirsty men not caring about women's feelings and raping them to vent our lust right? But I am different, I consider only getting intimate with women that I consider worthy to get my love".

" You are arrogant, nothing surprising considering you are God, but this perk of yours is really attractive for some reason", she said with a smirk, I looked at her petite figure and said," Are you inviting me, Scathach", she came near me and said," It depends, you are a mystery for me, even your abilities are a complete mystery out of my Wisdom, maybe seeing an anomaly like you in this dull life of mine is what makes me attracted towards you? Even, so I won't call it love it is rather curiosity".

"I see... I didn't expect you to fall for me in such a short time either, we have years to make progress so there is nothing to worry about", I said,' A woman who is curious about some man means chances of her falling in love is extremely high with that said man', I thought satisfied with my progress. After that, we parted and let other servants wake up so we could form a plan for the next course of our actions.


" So who is going to take the lead?", asked Nikola Tesla glancing at everyone," Is that even a question? Of course it will be My Liege!", said Artoria with a serious look, if one was to focus on her then they would find sneaking glances on me, I find this behavior of hers really cute. After, hearing her words everyone shifted their focus on me.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now