The Celt Servants

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3rd Pov

Geronimo drove the cattle cart through the barren land, and Poseidon, Artoria, and Jalter, were seated on the cattle cart he drove while Rama and Nightingale were seated in the cattle cart following from behind." So when we will reach there?", Artoria asked Gernomino while looking at the scene of Jalter hugging Poseidon while sitting beside him with Jealousy. Poseidon's eyes were closed and anyone could understand he was taking a nap.

Rama looked while gritting his teeth from the cattle cart behind the one Poseidon, Jalter, and Artoria were seated, as the blatant show of someone's love just hurt him, it made him remember the happy moments he spent with Sita and the fact he was the one who ordered her to leave the Kingdom just hurt him more, Nightingale sat with a normal expression not a bit affected by others mood.

Geronimo replied," We should be there anytime soon", she nodded hearing that, and continued waiting, after fifteen minutes they reached their destination, " We are here", Geronimo said, Jalter pouted hearing that, and said," So early?*Sigh*", she rubbed her cheek against his abs and said,"~My Lord, We are here~", Artoria's eyebrows twitched seeing her shameless skin touching.

Poseidon's eyelids fluttered as he opened his eyes, he took a yawn and said," That was a good nap, anyway we are here?", Jalter nodded while still hugging his hand, they got out and found a board at the entrance of the village which was glittery with the words 'Broadway in session' plastered on them.

" This doesn't seem something of this era", commented Artoria, Rama nodded and said," It's obvious, it must be the work of those servants Geronimo told us about", Poseidon looked at the board amused and said," Jalter, it seemed we will be meeting someone familiar", Jalter frowned hearing that and asked him," Someone familiar?".

He nodded in reply and said," Let's go then", as they entered the town they heard the extremely jarring voices of two people," Who the hell is singing this evil rhyme?!", Rama said covering his ears in pain, Poseidon used silence cutting off all the sound and said," Now we should go and meet those tone-deaf singers".

They finally saw them, one was a girl with blond hair of short but curvy stature with pale skin, yellowish blond hair with intake, and bright lime green eyes. She was dressed in a revealing red and white dress with long poofy sleeves, a transparent front, a leotard, and knee-high golden armored boots, She was none other than the most famous Saber-face Nero Claudius.

The other was a young fair girl with mid-back length pink hair tied with purple ribbons and light blue eyes, She had a slender figure and was claded in a cyber-goth-loli dress with white detached sleeves, with a circular skirt and several belts on the top connected to her collar that covers her chest area, she was wearing knee-high shoes with two sharp spikes. She had long pink claws instead of fingers. Her most prominent features are the dragon horns, and the protruding dragon fangs, along with a long draconic tail and pink scales scattered throughout her body.

She was none other than Elizabeth Bathory who was singing in the worst tone possible, Suddenly she opened her eyes surprised by the lack of sound, Nero too opened her eyes and got surprised by finding a woman in front of her looking very similar to her. ' Are they Chaldea that Elizabeth told me about? ', she wondered and then looked at her friend to see her growling, Her eyes were red and a look of hatred could be seen on her face.

'Eh?!', Nero became surprised," IT'S YOU!", Elizabeth growled with anger on her face, and the next moment she charged at Poseidon with the intent to kill him.


Poseidon Pov

"IT'S YOU!", Elizabeth growled like an angry dog before me and charged at me with killing intent, Jalter came in front of me quickly and blocked her attack, and then punched her in the guts throwing her meters away," Eliz!", shouted Saber in worry as she quickly ran towards her fallen body.

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