Familiar faces

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Poseidon Pov

I have planned to use myself as the summoning catalyst, essentially one can summon servants related to the person if that person were to use him or her as the summoning catalyst. Despite my being from a different verse, I did have met a variety of servants and had a great impact on them during my journey, so I can theoretically summon any servant I have met for enough time.

Other than that, using my Authority as Divine Spirit I will narrow down the list of summonable servants to ensure that I summon only the specific ones, that I have in mind. No normal servant can do this, only a top divine spirit like me can pull this off, similar to how Artemis forced herself to be summoned with Orion's spirit origin.

I started chanting," Let the silver and Iron be the...


Smoke rose up in the room as the figure of the servants summoned in the room became clear, I heard a voice," I ask of you are you my mast- Uh?! Lord Poseidon?!", gasped the femboy looking at me, then he looked around to find the similar faces much to his surprise." Well what is happening?", asked Atalanta frowning as her eyes glanced at a particular person.

" Haha, can't believe I am seeing you again Atalanta!!", said Achilles with a smile glancing at his crush, who grunted in displeasure. " Hey, Mister God, what's the meaning of this? Why you have summoned us- Eh?! Father?", said Mordred in disbelief as her eyes fell on the figure of her father, King Arthur. Her body trembled in shock as she glanced at her father, who had more changes than she would have ever thought, especially on her chest part, as her eyes almost bulged out seeing those humongous pieces of flesh.

I sat on my Throne glancing at everyone that I had summoned, most of them belonged to the world that I visited first after becoming a Divine Spirit, that is none other than Fate Apocrypha World. I remained silent watching the drama unfolding before my eyes with amusement. " E-Is that you, father?", asked Mordred gulping in nervousness and excitement.

Artoria replied in a cold voice," Indeed, it's me, my idiotic son", Mordred shuddered to hear such a cold voice from her father, which was laced with slight killing intent, even if her tone was cold, just the words that she heard filled up her with joy, after all, Artoria referred her as her son, something she had never done once alive.

The eyes of the other servants fell on the Jalter as well, who slowly approached me and stood beside the throne holding the Evil Flag," Is that you Jeanne? What's with that look though?", asked Astolfo, Jalter's face morphed into one of displeasure hearing that, and then she replied," I am not the one you are thinking of, I am a totally different version of her, and my name is Jalter! I am Lord Poseidon's confidant ".

" Is that so?", he asked tilting his head, then glancing at her with scrutinizing eyes, he said," Oh, you are right, unlike the Holy vibe Jeanne has got, you have got an opposite vibe of her, an evil vibe", she snorted and said," Well, it's better you understood that quickly", Mordred asked Artoria skeptically," Fath-Father what is with your current attire?".

She replied coldly," I became like this after you betrayed me", a pang of guilt hit Mordred's heart as she heard the accusation, and then she replied," B-But I didn't want it to be like that! I- I just wanted you to recognize me as your son!", Artoria sneered and said," By betraying me, rallying my army and knights against me and then killing me with your sword?"

Mordred's head lowered upon hearing that as she clenched her fists," I- I apologize for my actions, I know that what I have done is irreversible and unforgivable! That's why please separate my head as a punishment!", she knelt on one leg, and lowered her head closing her eyes accepting her fate. She wanted to be punished for the sins she had committed against her king and her father.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now