What are you doing with my father?!!

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3rd Pov

Mordred using her sword cut several trees into small sticks, the process was very quick. Everyone seeing her cutting the wood was dazzled by her precision and speed, so they couldn't help but clap. She smiled glancing at the refugees who had started living in the haven created by Poseidon. It had been a few weeks since she had been summoned in this world, at first when given the duty to guard the haven from outsiders she was excited.

She wanted to prove to her father, that she was still worthy of being her knight! Alas, after not coming across a single intruder approaching the haven whom she can defeat and show her prowess to her father, she decides to help Astolfo and Medea with their work. She had just come to the small camp made near the fortress, where she found that some wood was needed for cooking the food.

Well, at first when she had come outside after being just summoned a few weeks, she was indeed a bit impressed by the haven created by Poseidon, still, it wasn't at that level of others as at first, she didn't take the fact that there is only desert outside seriously, but when she climbed up the small hills which acted as a wall separating the haven and outside, she truly understood what miracle Poseidon has caused.

The haven was surrounded by steep and thin hills, which looked more like a wall than natural hills. There was a only small passage that allowed the natural entry of people inside, a huge gate was made in that place to control the usage of the passage, and it was guarded by the servants in a cycle to make sure there the gate was guarded all the time.

Next comes the inside of the haven which mainly consisted of open grasslands, a medium-sized lake was the main source of water in the haven. The water was crystal clear and its taste was also delicious that even Mordred found it quite pleased to drink it. There was a huge fortress in the middle, which looked more like a combination between a castle and a fortress. This was also where Poseidon resided, where all the servants rested and had food together.

To be honest, as servants, they didn't have any requirements for food. After all, Poseidon had an abnormally huge amount of Mana as he was able to supply all the servants with sufficient mana for them to display their true prowess. 

But being offered a meal, to satisfy their mind and body they didn't refrain from eating the food provided by Poseidon, and that was the best decision they had made as the food was extremely delicious, especially for Mordred who was well aware of the taste of the food that she was served when she was alive, if she had any problem with Artoria then it would be the disgusting food they were offered.

Just remembering the taste of the soup was enough to make her shudder, even the bread which was so hard to chew as if it was made of stone and not flour. So after tasting the delicious food that Poseidon summoned as if they were nothing, she became the second-best eater after Artoria. It was quite surprising for every servant to see Artoria finish 50 plates of food and Mordred 35 plates of food every time.

Mordred felt proud of this, as this showed she was indeed the son of King Arthur and had followed in the steps of her father. Next, 1/3rd of the land in Haven was filled with varieties of trees which were quite useful, as they could not only get wood for fuel and building but also fruits and other things.

Poseidon created a huge amount of flour, vegetables, and spices using his Magic for the sustainment of the refugees. But that was only enough for each of them to have their fill, even then it was a luxury to the refugees as they not only got a variety of food items, but also two times. Again, they had to cook it themselves so the wood was needed, and for anything extra, they would have to search for fruits.

When Mordred came today inside to check what was going on and to pass the time, she found they were in need of large amounts of wood for fuel and building. Normally she wouldn't have done such a menial task, but to impress her father she decided to lend a hand in Astolfo's job, who was going to cut the wood for them.

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