God of the Gods V/S The Strongest Greek Hero

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Poseidon Pov

I entered the forest near the Yggdimillenia Fotress, If I am not wrong the war between the two factions should start soon, it was currently evening, and I traveled in my spirit from finally finding something, so someone, it was none other than the Two Gay bois, Astolfo and Seig who has no name right now.

I watched silently as Astolfo dramatically told Seig the meaning of life and freedom, soon some Golems appeared which were quickly finished off by the trap, I decided to materialize and did just that in front of him, he saw me warily stood in front of Seig and said," How about we talk on it a bit later on? Quickly run away from here!".

Then he quickly attacked me with his lance as Seig started running away, I summoned my sword and covered it in Touki making it a D-rank Noble Phantasm same as the rank of his Lance except the fact I don't have any energy-related moves. 

He quickly got ready," Trap of Argalia", and shouted his Noble Phantasm's name.

His lance started glowing, I decided to not dodge it despite being fast enough to pull off a dodge as I wanted to test my sword technique Absolute counter, after all, I need to know if it can counter energy attacks as well which are 70% of the Noble Phantasms attacks in this entire Moon Type Universe.

His lance threw a blob of shining golden energy and I used Absolute Counter to Counter it, and thankfully the technique worked as I intended to as it countered the attack and threw it back to Astolfo who despite being surprised managed to dodge it, he looked at me shocked and shouted," Just with raw skills?!! Tsk, it is going to be harder than I thought".

I calmly put my sword back surprising him and looked at the Seig who while quite far has stopped running and was looking at our battle," Your name is Astolfo right? How about we stop our battle? You want to make that Homunculus free right? So you better escort him far away right now before your Master arrives".

He looked at me surprised and wary, but then suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and asked," Really?! I didn't think you would understand my feelings as well! And yes now that you say I do need to escort him a bit far away so he can truly be free, Thankyou! Lord Poseidon!", after that he quickly summoned his Hippogriff and looking at Seig he said," C'mon we gotta leave you a bit further from here".

The Homunculi nodded and came near with apparent fear towards me, I asked Astolfo," What is his name?", he stopped and looked genuinely concerned," He doesn't have one! How about I give you one? How does Rema sound to you? No it's too girly? How about Arthur? No that's a name of a famous King? Usha? Eh? So what you want as your name?", he looked at him for an answer.

Seig looked troubled and confused by Astolfo's rant and said," Ah- I don't know", I sighed and said," Eston, how about we name him Eston?", Astolofo looked at him and he nodded," That sounds good", Astolfo came and grabbing my hands he started swinging," Thankyou for the name suggestion Lord Poseidon!!", thus the boy who was Eston now said," I- I want to thank you sirs, both of you!", he bowed gratefully.

Astolfo waved his hand and said," No need to thank me Eston, now get on Hippogriff, I need to make sure you are away from all the conflict here", he nodded and got on it, then Astolfo gave me a thumbs up and said," See you later on! Now let's fly Hippogriff!", the beast roared and then flapping its wings it flew up.

Once he have went considerably far away I muttered," That was weird", well I can't say much about Astolfo's weird and cheerful personality on top of that he has a curse called Evaporation of Reason which might be a factor in how weird he is, I decided to ignore it and go to the battlefield where top Servants like Achilles, Atalanta, Vlad III are, my plan was fairly simple.

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