It was not supposed to be like this!!

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(Author's Note: Enjoy the chapter!!)


Poseidon Pov

I stood in front of Scathach, the Queen of the Land of Shadows ready to battle with me in her full glory, wearing an extremely appealing, sexy, and tight uniform, and thighs that would make any man of culture like me to be pressed between them.

I nodded to myself proud of my choice, while Scathach frowned and said," Can you stop ogling me and focus? ", Her words were blunt, she was indeed a bit new to the matters of love, but she was no woman to shy about such matters and even about sex.

I respected her words, knowing well how much effort she had put up to get strong enough to give me an extremely good battle or even have a chance of defeating me, while her Godkiller would be more lethal to me due to my increased divinity but that would be but meager compared to my increased prowess after my divinity had increased more than 50 times.

I got serious and took a battle stance summoning my Trident, A cruel smile formed on her face," Poseidon, do your best otherwise you will be up for a beating, and remember that, I won't go on easy", she said showing her sadistic nature. Her words made me smile, one that contained pride and cruelty,' I will Break that pride of Warrior ', I thought as a cruel glint appeared in my eyes.

Then the time slowed in my vision and I charged towards breaking the sound barrier on my first step, reached a speed ten times faster than sound, and thrusted forward my Trident only for her to teleport away, and attack from behind, I smirked and used my Noble Phantasm ' World of Water ', and the next moment we were in a different place.

" You used your Noble Phantasm?", she asked with narrowed eyes and quickly gazed around, She was showing such a reaction because she knew I hadn't used such an ability till now, at least from Jalter she knew about it. Meanwhile, I breathed excited feeling all my parameters increasing by a single rank, My abilities increased as well, including my personal skill Divinity which had reached the EX Rank.

I couldn't completely comprehend why the difference between A+++ and EX Divinity was so big unlike its other counterparts but I could understand it now, what Arjuna Alter must have felt, because the level of my Authority had temporarily risen to new heights. It wasn't as shallow as it previously used to be but rather more powerful, and more conceptual.

" Gae Bolg Alternative! ", Scathach had completed her chant of the Noble Phantasm, but that wasn't what made her so confident against me, rather the fact that her parameters had been increased by a single rank and she had boosted all of them to EX Rank, and using other powerful spells as complementary, her attack had reached a terrifying EX Rank level.

' It's really strong and deadly ', I thought as I saw the red Spears living linings of mirages coming towards me, it was imbued with a curse of Deaths sure to kill any high-ranking Divine Spirit, even a top one,' But it had been over since the beginning ', I thought as the divinity raged around me and I silently chanted,' Time-Stop ', but Scathach's attack didn't stop, as it pierced through the magical effects.

My eyes narrowed as I was hit by the several attacks of her spears and then I was pinned in the air," Takeee! Thisss!!!", she shouted as she threw her other spear at me, my body met its attack head-on and I cast no spells to defend myself because I knew it would be useless. Finally, the attack ended, she had put her entire strength and almost her entire mana.

" Ho-How?! ", she said horrified seeing me unscathed,' Again, It had been over since the beginning ', I thought as I looked at the Reality Marble crumbling, she clicked her tongue and got ready to attack me again, but I stopped time and then teleported behind her, I grabbed her waist forcefully with my left hand and her breast with my right hand.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now