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Poseidon Pov

I looked at my status sheet, enjoying what I have gained so far.


Name: Poseidon

Race: God/Divine Spirit

Age: 13.9 Billion years.

Strength: A+

Endurance: A

Agility: A++

Magical Energy: EX

Luck: N/A(Since Master is a singularity and free from time, space, and fate due to being the owner of the system, the chance is not applicable)

NP(Noble Phantasm): EX

Personal Skills:

Transcendent Mana Heart: EX

Holy Attack Nullification: EX

Merciless: EX

Investigator: EX

Anti-Immortality Touki: EX

Apostle Bestowal: EX

Divinity: A+++

Water Battle God Aura: A+

Mystic Eyes of Terror: A++

Amphitrite (Wrathful Wave): C+

Chione Tyro Demeter (Divine Lightning Falling into the Rough Sea): B+

Medusa Alope Demeter (40 Days and 40 Nights Big Flood): A+

Flow: C-

Water Slash: C+

Hundred Pieces Water Strike: B

Absolute Counter: A

Deprivation Sword Kingdom: A+

Tier Magic: EX (Upto 10th Tier)

Anti-Magic: A++

Silent Casting: EX (Upto 10th Tier)

Multicasting: EX( Can be used on any Magic no matter its power as long as a user has appropriate mana and control)

Maximized Magic: A++(Upto 10th Tier)

Triplet Maximized Magic: C+(Upto 4th Tier)

Super Tier Spells:

Creation: A++

Fallen Down: A++

Shub-Niggurth: EX

Summoning of an Avatar of the God: EX

The End of the Time: EX

Dark Dream: A+++

Megiddo God's Wrath: B+

Water Fist Style: C

Noble Phantasm:

World of water: EX

Penetration: EX

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now