Goddess Problem

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Poseidon Pov

It was finally morning, and another day for the Mesopotamia. I could feel that the air was behaving weirdly as if wanting to announce something terrible is going to occur. Jeanne meanwhile sat happily beside me as we gazed at the horizon. Her head leaning on my shoulder, and her hand on my lap. I looked at the hordes of monster galloping towards the walls from kilometers away at the Demonic front.

The wall that protected the Fortress City Uruk also known as the Demonic front. I could see the servants summoned by Gilgamesh fighting there against the Demonic Beasts. " Poseidon, do you want to help them?", she asked while glancing at the distance, I paused and glanced at her realizing she was way stronger than ever before.

" I want to test some spells, and since I am in alliance with Gilgamesh it wouldn't hurt to help them", I replied and she nodded, then standing up while summoning her Holy Flag which had gotten a white hue surprisingly, she said," Then let's go and free those beasts of their pain! ", her words sounded as if she was a frantic Devotee of some Hypocritical Goddess of Light or God of Darkness in some 3rd Rate Isekai Manga.

" Heh ", I looked at her jumping on the ground and then blasted off there in a sonic speed, I looked at the Blonde speechlessly before muttering," Stupid ", then I teleported directly at the Battlefield, the cries of soldiers rung throughout the place as a few died while fighting against the horde. I could see around thousands of beasts at the Distance, and then summoning my Trident I grabbed it tightly and then threw it towards the beast.

*Shringgg* *BOOM*

A sharp sound travelled through as my Trident pierced the air at a supersonic speed, clearing out all the beasts near it's path and then it struck against ground a few kilometers away creating a huge crack and shockwaves that turned the nearby beasts into gore. My move garnered the attention of everyone, and soldiers looked at the scene baffled.

I ignored them as I floated on the air and started thinking of which spell I should test first. I decided to go with Super Tier Spell, ' Wind of Corruption ', and a large number of Magic circles surrounded me as I weaved the spell. " Wind of Corruption", I chanted and then the entire place became silent as wind remained still. Then a wide, and powerful gust of wind with a brown hue blew towards them, it threw thousands of the monster back due to enormous force it contained.

But it was not over, the bodies of monsters started decaying at a visible rate under everyone's astonished eyes. As the spell said, the Wind of Corruption is basically an Aoe spell that not strikes the enemies with a powerful shockwave and gust of wind, but also has corrupting and decaying properties that does immense damage to living creatures.

Even if they are monsters and corrupted beings in a way, they still are made by the Goddess of Life and Creation, thus this spell was immensely effective against them, though I doubt that will be the same for the corrupted humans that Tiamat will make. Well, I have a bunch of Super Tier Spells and Dozens of Summoning spells that I want to try against her and her army of 'New Humans'.

" Lord Poseidon!!!", said a servant carrying a Shield and spear while wearing a spartan mask, Leonidas looked at me with respect, awe, and admiration. " Thank you for helping us!!!", he said formally while doing a weird kind of salute? " Let me thank you Lord Poseidon ", said another servant, a female this time, wearing extremely samurai clothes and carrying a Japanese Katana.

" We were in a pinch, and to come and help us directly, I would like to express my and other's gratitude on their behalf ", she continued while looking at me with a slight blush. " That's not fair Lord Poseidon!", said Jeanne arriving beside me while looking at me with a pout and small blush. She had arrived here just the moment before I casted my spell and watched how I absolutely pulverized thousands of beasts in a few seconds.

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