Army of Summons

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Poseidon Pov

We returned triumphant from our visit from the Underworld, with the likes of Ereshkigal added in alliance, it made all of us much powerful. Ereshkigal was a powerful asset for my plans, unlike the other Gods who couldn't descend in the mortal world, and even if they were to descend, whether they will help humanity or will be strong enough to be play an important role was another issue.

Our current Alliance held strong Divines like me, Artoria, Amara, Quetzalcoatl, Ereshkigal and even Ishtar. Each one of us being a Top Divine Spirit, capable of leading an entire pantheon by own, thus the help of the Babylonian Gods, even their God Kings were of no need, they couldn't do more than we could do anyway.

Now, we all have gathered on the Royal Hall, a visible tension present in the room. For obviously no other reason than the fact that Tiamat was soon going to woke up from her sleep, a flood of dark mud has struck the coastal areas turning all humans to Lahmus, and had started attacking the nearby towns and villages, Ritsuka's group which consisted of huge servants, and servants under Gilgamesh and Jaguar man went to those cities to rescue people.

Even Jeanne and Scathach have went to save them, former obviously retaining her kind nature and latter simply wanted to do so. I sighed as I felt the rising Aura, I knew it won't be her full strength at most, a fraction of true prowess, yet knowing how formidable she might be, she made me tremble, tremble with excitement.

I wanted to fight with her, defeat her, rip her apart, show her who was the stronger here, after a long time would I engage in a fight where I could actually lose, despite the opponent being highly weakened or restrained. I could feel my heartbeat rising and barely contained myself from smiling. The others had no such expression as me, especially Gilgamesh who had a solemn expression on his face.

" Master, you told us she would only awaken when that Gorgon Bitch will die, so to say, is that bitch dead?", suddenly Ishtar asked me, I looked at her, and others as well as if looking at an idiot. " What?! Why are you all looking at me like that?! Stop with that grin bastard!!", she shouted as she glared at Gilgamesh, by who's right Siduri stood.

" Ishtar", I spoke garnering her attention, she snorted and shifted her focus on me," Kingu has killed Gorgon himself, as the being who had the Magical Energy of the Holy Grail and Anti-Divine properties, Gorgon whose main prowess was her Divinity, fell before him. As for why he acted in such a rush? It is obvious", I said.

Ana on my side looked a little lost hearing me confirming Gorgon's death, the reason she was summoned in this Singularity was to stop her adult version, yet the latter died in anti-climactic way. I patted her sensing her emotions, and she leaned on my hand to enjoy my head pats. It soothened her emotions, and I smiled seeing her expression of bliss, she is really cute.

Suddenly, a wave of rushed throughout the Singularity, we all froze for a moment before moving. I summoned my Trident in my hand, Jalter, Artoria, and Amara following beside me. It was obvious what had happened," She has returned", spoke Jalter trembling slightly, her senses must have warned her about the sheer might of the Beast.

A bloodthirsty smile formed on my face, contrary to everyone's expressions, although Tiamat hasn't fully descended, she has indeed returned to Singularity from the Sea of Imaginary Numbers in her 'Femme Fatale' form. Her current form already was worthy of being a God Queen, I have already decided to face her directly.

I teleported to the direction of the observatory, her attack was going to be totally in the opposite direction of the Demonic Front, where there were no barriers, but only the sea. Huge amounts of mana gushed out of me making the entire Singularity quake. My thoughts accelerated thousand times to my normal speed.

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