Artoria's Declaration of Love!!

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(Author's Note: Who is stronger, Anos or Rimuru? This is a very controversial question, one has the power of destruction, while the other can create, destroy and alter)


3rd Pov

The next day began, and the scheduled battle between Jalter, the Dragon Witch, and the Queen of the Land of the Shadows was about to start," Jalter, win this one, I give your permission to go all out", said Poseidon, Jalter nodded and glanced at the Scathach who did a bit of stretching.

" Are you ready", she asked, Jalter smiled and replied," Lord has ordered me to win this one, and thus I shan't hold myself back", Scathach narrowed her eyes and said," Is that so? I hope you don't regret it because I won't be holding back at all!!", the match began and Jalter charged at Scathach.

She swung her sword horizontally, and Scathach parried it using her Gae Bolg Alternative, both of them started exchanging moves at a speed that the naked eye couldn't see, tens of strikes were parried and blocked every second at such speed and precision creating an illusion of a beautiful deadly dance.

Jalter was at a disadvantage in the beginning as her skills were quite inferior to Scathach's, but rapidly the battle started falling towards Jalter's favor as she silently cast one spell one after another, boosting all her parameters to the level of A+++, Scathach could feel the strength of Jalter becoming stronger every second as she augmented spells one after another.

Even then Scathach managed to parry all of her attacks swiftly, suddenly she changed her tactic from defensive to aggressive and started to do more deadly moves, she stabbed Jalter's heart who managed to teleport tens of meters away by the nick of time, Scathach looked at her and said," I can get where he was getting that confidence from, your magecraft abilities are surely impressive, and they are at the level of Magic".

Jalter unsummoned her sword and then summoned her Holy Flag, she said," We both are lancers and thus I shall battle you with my own lancer!", Scathach smiled at her stupidity and then they charged at each other, suddenly a spear of thunder manifested at Jalter's free hand and she threw it at Scathach at the speed tens of time faster than sound, but Scathach dodged it and then stabbed towards her.

Jalter seeing her attack failed again attacked with several fireballs, Scathach waved her fingers using the Primordial runes, and the shots of water nullified Jalter's magical attacks, both of them attacked at each other with stabs and magical spells one after another, suddenly Scathach launched herself towards Jalter breaking the sound barrier while flying.

Jalter's eyes narrowed and she tried teleporting again to put up a distance between them but Scathach easily predicted the place where she would reappear and attacked there, Jalter barely managed to block her attack, Scathach grinned and then ferociously attacked Jalter while mid-air who started getting wounded.

Her clothes got torn as blood leaked from the wounds on her stomach, hands, and legs, but Jalter ignored her wounds and retaliated against Scathach's moves with an equal amount of ferocity and silently chanted some healing spells which healed her rapidly as all her injuries were gone in a blink of an eye, Scathach squinted her eyes seeing this and she didn't expect Jalter to have such healings abilities.

' Interesting, my Wisdom of Dun Scaith didn't foretell about these abilities of hers, and her parameters all have reached EX Rank ', she thought, and then decided it was time to use her Noble Phantasm, Jalter quickly teleported away creating some distance between them and Scathach used it to her advantage not following after Jalter, "Here I go! Stab and penetrate... Thrust and drill! Gáe Bolg Alternative! ", she used her Noble Phantasm.

Jalter seeing it didn't stand still and quickly chanted, "La Grondement Du Haine!", Scathach approached at a speed that could be said incredulously fast and struck Jalter several times with her spear, after which Jalter's body unwillingly got pinned in the air, and Scathach threw her Spear at Jalter.

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