The Meeting

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A bit of background you are a 29 year old girl (so the age gap between you and Mark isn't huge) and you live in Y/H/T in an apartment and have been saving up to move to LA and you almost have enough.


Your POV:

You are binge watching your favorite YouTuber Markiplier's Five Nights at Freddy's playlist for probably the 100th time when you see he just uploaded a video titled 'Big News'. You immediately click off the video you were watching and click on his new upload.
"Hello everybody hope you're all ok, I just wanted to let you know I will be going to the con in Y/H/T in two months. I wanted to give you all plenty of notice so you can buy your tickets. There will be a meet and greet and a Q & A and you can buy either one of them or both. You can get your tickets by clicking the link in the description. But don't go breaking the site now." He says with a laugh. "I hope to see you there and as always I'll see you in the next video buh bye!" He says with his signature wide smile that makes you melt. You sigh in admiration of him with your hand on your face.
"Damn he's so handsome." You say aloud.
You snap yourself out of your Mark induced trance and quickly click the link in the description. You buy tickets for both the meet and greet and the Q & A. You can't wait to finally meet your hero in person.

*The day of the con*  Your POV

You were so nervous it felt like a million butterflies were doing backflips in your stomach. You were finally going to meet the man that saved your life. You had slept over your parents house the night before the convention because it was about 20 minutes closer to the convention center. You had set out your Markiplier shirt and hoodie and a pair of black leggings the night before. You were going to pair that with your favorite Y/F/C sneakers. You also got some Markiplier earrings on Etsy so you were going to wear those too.

You go to the bathroom then make your way to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Your mom is sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone but she puts it down when she sees you. Your dad is already at work since he leaves early.

"Good morning sweetie. I made breakfast your favorite pancakes and bacon. Yours is on the stove under the tinfoil." Your mom says.
"Thanks mom!" You say and grab the plate.
"You're welcome. So how did you sleep? Are you excited to finally meet that Markiplier guy you never shut up about?" She says with a laugh.
You blush. "I slept well and I am very excited and come on even you have to admit he is dreamy." You say with a giggle.
"Ok, ok he is a handsome guy I'll give you that and he seems very kind too and he must be really funny because you're always laughing in your room." She says with a chuckle.
"He is very kind and yes he's hilarious." You say.

You eat your breakfast then take a shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed. You decide to put on a little bit of makeup just eyeliner and mascara and some clear lipgloss to make your lips shiny. You do your hair and it turns out just the way you like it. You look at the time and decide to head to the convention center. You want to get there before there's a huge line. You stop at the couch where your mom is and give her a big hug.
"Bye mom love you!" You say with a huge grin.
"Bye Y/N have fun!" She says. You head to your car and start the drive to the convention center.

You get there and park then you show your ticket to the person at the desk and they hand you a lanyard that says VIP meet and greet and Q & A and has a picture of Marks logo on it. You go through the doors and take a deep breath so you don't fangirl in front of everyone there. Once you're through the doors you search for Marks booth which isn't hard to find. The line isn't that bad so it's a good thing you came when you did. You get in line and after about 20 minutes you're next in line. Your stomach is in knots you can't believe this is finally happening. You take a deep breath and step towards Mark.

"Hi." You say shyly.
"Hi what's your name?" Mark asks you.
"I'm Y/N nice to meet you." You say.
"That's a beautiful name nice to meet you too. How are you today?" Mark says.
"Besides trying not to hyperventilate I'm peachy." You say with a nervous laugh.
Mark laughs that iconic contagious laugh of his and immediately your nerves go away.
"Don't go doing that now I wouldn't want you to faint on me." He says with a wink.
Your heart skips a beat.
"I thought you were a doctor and you knew best." You say with a smirk causing another laugh to erupt from Mark. Then he composes himself and says.
"I am and I do if it weren't for that pesky nurse I would be world renowned by now." He says with a shake of his head.
You laugh.
"I saw your movie by the way it was amazing!" (This is set after Iron Lung is released. )
"Oh thank you!" He says and you can swear he has a slight blush.
"You're welcome. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do. You're an inspiration to so many people and you help so many people with their depression. I know you helped me with mine. After my grandmother passed away I was a wreck but you saved me. You allowed me to laugh and heal during the toughest time of my life. And for that I will be forever grateful." You say trying not to tear up.
Mark looks like he's trying not to tear up as well.
"Wow. Thank you for sharing that with me. Can I give you a hug?" He asks.
You nod and he pulls you in for a hug. You swear you feel electricity zap between you as he pulls you into his chest. You hug him back and stay there for a minute and don't want to let go. Eventually Mark pulls away.
"Do you have anything you want me to sign? " He asks you.
You nod and hand him a drawing you made.
"Wow this is really good." Mark say as he admires your drawing.
"Thank you." You say and blush.
Mark sits back down signs it and hands it back to you. Your hands brush and again you feel electricity zap through where you touched. You lightly gasp and you swear you can hear Mark gasp too.
No you're probably just imagining things.
"Thank you Mark for everything." You say.
"Of course. Did you want one more signature on a picture with my face?" He asks.
"Yes please." You say shyly.
Mark writes something on the paper.
"Ugh I messed up sorry." He says with a chuckle and signs another one and hands both to you.
"Here you can have both if you want it'll be one of a kind." He says with a laugh.
"Thank you. Can I have another hug please?" You say shyly.
"Of course." Mark says as he pulls you in for another hug. One of the event staff gestures to Mark to wrap it up. You really didn't want to leave but you knew you had to. Besides you'll see him at the Q & A.
"It was really nice meeting you thank you again for everything." You say.
"It was nice meeting you too. I see you're coming to the Q & A so I'll see you there and maybe you can ask me a question." He says with a grin.
"Yes I have a lot of questions for you I'll see you there." You say.
You walk away and find somewhere to sit and look at the autographs. They were all normal except the one he said he messed up on. That one had a note hastily scrawled out with a phone number underneath. The note read. 'My lunch break is in an hour text me. -M' Your heart starts pounding out of your chest as you fight the urge to squeal. You don't want to make a scene because you don't want anyone to know about this and you're sure Mark doesn't either which is why he did it so secretively.
You quickly head to the bathroom and luckily nobody is in there so you let out your squeals and jump up and down. You can't believe this is happening.

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