Goodbyes and Testing Techniques ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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The next morning everyone eats breakfast together and you hang out until you have to leave for the airport. You all head to the airport in Ethan, Mark, and your car. When you get there you exchange numbers with the guys and you all say goodbye. You then say goodbye to Ethan and you and Mark head back to your house. You eat lunch and hang out for a while and get a text when everyone lands. Later you make dinner for you and Mark and once you're done eating you clean up.
You'd just finished cleaning up the kitchen and just as you sit on the couch Marks phone pings and he looks at it and starts cracking up.
"What babe?" You say.
Mark just shows you his phone it's a text from Sean.

Sean: Jesus Christ on a bike I don't think Y/N was kidding about the blowjob lessons. If she gives a blowjob half as good as my girl just did you need to marry her no joke! 😩
Mark: No she wasn't kidding I found cucumbers in the trash. 🤣

You giggle.

"No I wasn't kidding." You say laughing. Mark laughs.
Suddenly you get a text in the group chat. It's Sean's girlfriend.

Sean's GF: OMG I just used your technique and my god it worked so well he was a moaning mess! Thanks girl! 😊
You: Haha glad to help 😉
Molly: Now be back soon I've got to try it
Marzia: Same
Mandy: Me too
You: Good luck girls 😘

You and Mark chat then about 30 minutes later your phone goes off again.

Molly: HOLY SHIT YOU'RE A GODDESS! Wade came so hard he fell asleep right after saying "Jesus fucking Christ that was amazing" 🤣🤣🤣
You: 🤣🤣🤣
Mandy: Yeah Bob said it was the best blowjob he'd ever had and if we weren't already married he would propose to me again right now that's how good it was 🤣🤣🤣
You: Love a man who has his priorities straight 🤣🤣
Mandy: 😆 this is why I love you girl you're fucking hilarious
Molly: And apparently also a blowjob queen
You: Don't you forget it bitches 😘
Marzia: Sorry guys Felix's legs stopped working he came so hard 😆 you should have seen him he was jerking around like he was possessed and shouting in Swedish 🤣
You: OMG 🤣🤣🤣
Mandy: I would love a translation for that
Molly: Me too
Marzia: I assume it was something like "Jesus fucking Christ that feels so fucking good." But I'll ask him 🤣🤣🤣
Mandy: Most likely 🤣🤣🤣 please ask him and report back to us 🤣🤣🤣
Molly: Yeah I'd assume that's accurate 🤣🤣🤣
You: Yep I would say so as well but let us know 🤣🤣🤣

Then Marks phone blows up too. He starts laughing again. You smirk and hold your hand out to see.

Felix: Jesus Christ man please thank your girl for me because I only just regained feeling in my legs after 20 minutes from the blowjob Marzia gave me.

Bob: Mark marry that woman because if you don't the next person who she gives a blowjob to will. That's all I'm going to say. Also thank her from me.

You giggle and give Mark back the phone. He replies while shaking his head laughing.

"Now do you want me to show you why I'm the blowjob queen baby?" You say biting your lip and getting on your knees in front of Mark.
"Fuck yes." Mark growls.
You pull down his pants and boxers and his erection springs to life. You giggle.
"Someone was jealous of all the attention his friends were getting wasn't he?" You say biting your lip and stroking his cock.
"Mmm hmm." Mark moans.
You spit on his cock and start slowly sucking while twisting the base. You slowly keep going deeper until your nose is on his stomach.
"Jesus Y/N." Mark moans. You start massaging his balls and Mark groans.
"Oh yeah baby just like that." Mark says through his moans.
You speed up and soon he's bucking his hips forcing his cock into your throat.
You moan around his cock.
"Oh I want to fuck that throat princess." Mark growls.
You nod and Mark grabs a hold of your head and starts thrusting into your throat. You moan as he does and he picks up speed fucking your mouth hard and fast.
"Oh god I'm gonna cum." Mark groans. You start to massage his abs and his balls as he thrusts and soon after his cum is spurting into your throat.
"Oooohhh Y/N!" Mark moans.
You swallow rhythmically as he cums while massaging his balls and abs still sucking until he stops cumming.
Mark sits there panting and you slowly suck up and swallow what's in your mouth. You then clean the rest off his cock and swallow that.
"God you're so perfect." Mark says and pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. You giggle.
"Now it's time to show you that I'm the king of more than just Five Nights at Freddy's." Mark says seductively and picks you up and puts you on the couch. He then pulls your pants and underwear down and tosses them on the floor. He kneels down and lifts your legs so they're on his shoulders and dips his mouth down to your pussy.
He starts to lick your folds and sucks, licks, and flicks your clit.
"Oh my god Mark!" You moan. He chuckles causing vibrations to be sent straight to your clit. You moan and run your fingers through his hair tugging at it.
He then flicks his tongue into your entrance thrusting in and out of it.
"Oooooohhhh fucccckkk!" You moan. He then replaces his tongue with 2 fingers and thrusts them in and out of you quickly while he sucks, licks, and flicks your clit and licks your folds.
"Oh fuck daddy I'm gonna cccuuuuummm!" You moan out.
"Cum for daddy." Mark says while still fingering and licking you.
This sends you over the edge and you explode over his face.
"Oh dadddyyyy!" You moan.
He keeps licking, sucking, and thrusting his fingers until your orgasm ends.
"Jesus babe maybe you need to give your friends lessons on that." You say panting. Mark chuckles.
"Not a bad idea maybe I will over Skype I'll just have them buy peaches and cut a little bit of it." Mark says.
"I'll go to the store tomorrow and get some." You say.
"Thanks baby." Mark says.

Mark texts the guys about the peaches and you grab your phone and text the group chat.
You: You all are in for a hell of a good surprise tomorrow thank me later ladies. 😘
Mandy: This should be interesting what is it? 🤔
Molly: Didn't you see she said surprise Mandy? 🙄
Marzia: I'm intrigued as well
Sean's GF: Me too
You: You'll have to wait and see night ladies 😘
Mandy: Night girl!
Molly: Night Y/N
Marzia: Night girlie
Sean's GF: Night lady

You and Mark put your clothes back on then sit on the couch and cuddle and watch movies until you get tired. You then let Chica out to use the bathroom then get ready for bed then give Mark a kiss and get under the covers snuggling into him.
"I love you baby." You say.
"I love you too beautiful." Mark says.
"Goodnight handsome." You say.
"Goodnight." Mark says.
You then fall asleep in each others arms.

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