A Second Thanksgiving Feast and Meeting Friends ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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Mark pulls your underwear off and groans as he slides his fingers over you finding you soaking wet.
"Always so wet for me you're such a good girl for daddy." Mark growls as he rubs your clit and you moan.
"You like calling me daddy don't you? It's making you even more wet naughty girl." Mark chuckles. You moan.
"Yes daddy." You say panting as he strokes your clit agonizingly slowly.
"Daddy's going to have his second Thanksgiving feast now." Mark says and kneels in front of the bed and pulls you to the edge with your legs over his shoulders. You moan at the feeling of his breath right above where you need him. You see Mark lick his lips and all of a sudden he dips down and starts devouring you.
"Oh god daddy that feels so good!" You moan out.
Mark sucks, flicks, and licks your clit and folds and pushes his tongue into your entrance fucking you with it.
"Oh god daddy yes yes yes!" You cry.
He keeps up his torture and you're about to explode.
"Oh god daddy I'm going to cum!" You say.
Mark lifts his head up for long enough to say.
"Cum for daddy."
This sends you over the edge and you explode all over his tongue and mouth.
"Ooooohhhh daddy!" You cry.
Mark continues licking and sucking your clit until your climax ends. You lay there panting with your eyes closed. Mark chuckles.
"I'm not done with you yet princess. Don't you want daddy to fuck this pretty little pussy?" Mark says licking your clit once to tease you.
"Yes." You manage.
"I want to hear you say it baby." Mark says.
"Yes daddy please fuck me fuck my pussy!" You moan out needily. Mark chuckles.
He pulls his boxers and pants off and you moan as you see his huge throbbing cock dripping with precum.
Mark chuckles and pulls you to him putting your legs over his shoulders and slowly pushes into you.
"Ooohh." You moan at the feeling of him filling you.
"That's right baby suck my cock into your pussy." Mark says. You moan.
Mark starts thrusting harder and faster and you start moaning louder.
"Ohhh daddy yes!" You moan.
Mark changes angles and when he does he hits your g-spot making you cry out.
"Why would I fucking stop?" Mark growls pounding into that spot over and over harder and faster. This sends you over the edge.
"Who's pussy is this?" He asks as he pounds you hard and fast.
"YOURS DADDY OH GOD ONLY YOURS!" You moan out as your orgasm explodes over you.
"Jesus Y/N you feel so fucking good cumming all over my cock." He says grunting as he pounds you. You moan.
You can tell he's close because his breathing is growing faster. This suspicion is confirmed when he starts rubbing your clit as he fucks you.
"I'm close baby cum for daddy one more time." Mark says grunting. This sends you over the edge again and you explode around him as you feel his cock throbbing inside you releasing his cum into you. You moan out.
"OH GOD YES DADDY FILL YOUR PUSSY!" You moan. Mark keeps thrusting until both of your orgasms are over then he stays inside you for a minute while you both catch your breath.
"My god Y/N you're incredible." Mark says panting. You giggle.
"So are you." You say running your hands over his abs panting as well.
After you catch your breath Mark carries you to the shower and you wash each other then he helps you step out and you both dry off. You both change into your pjs and get ready for bed. You then get under the covers give Mark a kiss and snuggle into his chest.
"I love you so much baby happy Thanksgiving I can't wait for you to move in with me." Mark says.
"I love you so much too happy Thanksgiving and I can't wait either." You say grinning.
"Goodnight baby." Mark says.
"Goodnight my love." You say and you both fall asleep in each others arms.

The next day you and Mark plan everything for the move and then get ready having sex again in the shower. This man is insatiable not that you're complaining. You're having dinner with B/F/N. You can't wait for Mark to meet her. Once you're ready you grab your stuff and text B/F/N that you're leaving.

Y: hey girl leaving now see you soon 😘
You immediately get a text back.
B: I'm leaving now too see you soon babes! 😘

You grin and put your phone back in your purse. You shut and lock your door then head down to your car. Mark opens the passenger door for you and you get in. Then he shuts it and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled he starts driving to the restaurant. Once you get there he gets out and opens your door for you then shuts it and locks the car. He grabs your hand and you both walk up to the restaurant. You head inside and see B/F/N waiting for you by the hostess. You both squeal and she pulls you into a hug. The hostess seats you and you order your drinks. You get a cocktail and so does B/F/N. Mark gets a soda. The waitress walks away and you all decide what to eat. Once you decide she comes back and places your orders.
"I have to say you're even better looking in person if I was into guys I would definitely be into you." B/F/N says laughing. You push her arm laughing too. Mark blushes.
"Aww you're blushing!" You say to him pinching his cheeks which makes him blush more.
"Is the wittle Mawkimoo embawwased?" You say in a baby voice. Mark laughs.
"Yes I wasn't expecting your friend to hit on me!" he says laughing. You and B/F/N are laughing too.
"Yeah she's like that don't worry though she doesn't like dick." You say laughing whispering the last part. B/F/N cracks up at this and so does Mark. Your food comes and you eat and chat and have a lot of fun. You all laugh a lot and Mark and B/F/N get along well. When you're done eating you get dessert then Mark asks for the check and pays it.
"Dang ok Mark getting the check!" B/F/N says. You all laugh.
"Well I would be going against the gentleman's code if I let a lady pay." Mark says. B/F/N pretends to swoon and you all laugh.
"No but seriously bitch marry this man!" She says turning to you and you laugh but look at Mark lovingly and he smiles at you sweetly.
"No but seriously I'd better be maid of honor or I'm going to throw hands." B/F/N says and you all laugh.
You pack up your leftovers while Mark leaves a tip and you all head outside.
"It was so good to meet you Mark!" B/F/N says giving Mark a hug. He awkwardly hugs back.
"This is how you know he's a good guy Y/N he's hesitant to even hug me even though he knows I'm not into guys." B/F/N says to you laughing. You laugh and so does Mark.
"Well I just feel like it's disrespectful to Y/N that's all." He says smiling.
"Awww." You and B/F/N both say at the same time then laugh when you realize you did.
"Bye bitch see you at work!" She says giving you a hug.
"Byeeee love you girl!" You say.
"Love you too!" She says walking to her car.
B/F/N was the first person to know about your plans to move to L.A. at the end of the year. She helped you with your job hunt and was so happy for you.
You and Mark walk to your car and he opens the passenger door for you then shuts it and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled he starts back to your apartment.
"So what did you think of her?" You ask Mark.
"She's cool." Mark says.
"I know right she's the best." You say grinning. You talk while you drive and soon you're back at your apartment. Mark gets out and opens your door for you then shuts it and locks the car. You both then head up to your apartment and you unlock the door and head inside. You shut and lock the door and put your purse down then sit down on the couch. Mark joins you and you watch a movie then get ready for bed. You then give Mark a kiss and get under the covers.
"Goodnight baby I love you." You say.
"Goodnight princess I love you too." He says and not long after you're both asleep in each others arms.

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