Marks Birthday

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It's Marks birthday today and you're super excited to show him what you have planned. You had to admit you couldn't have done it without Ethan he was a big help. You wake up and quietly get out of bed and use the bathroom. You let Chica out to do her business then head to the kitchen and start making French toast and bacon since that's his favorite. Once it's all plated you put it on the table. You then hear Mark coming down the stairs.
You walk up to him and wrap your arms around him and give him a kiss.
"Good morning birthday boy." You say and give him a hug.
"Good morning baby it smells really good in here." Mark says.
"Thank you I made your favorite French toast and bacon." You say.
"Yum thanks baby." Mark says.
You lead him to the table and you both sit down and chat as you eat. Once you're done eating you clean up.
"Ok babe let's get ready I have big plans for today." You say.
"What do you have planned?" Mark asks.
You giggle.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." You say and poke his nose.
You both get ready and once you're ready you grab your purse and keys and you head outside. You shut and lock the door. You open the passenger door for Mark and he narrows his eyes at you and you giggle. He gets in and you shut it and get in on the drivers side. Once you're both buckled you start driving to your first destination. When you're almost there you grab a blindfold from your purse. You hand it to Mark and he puts it on. You finally arrive and you park and get out of the car and open Marks door for him. You help him out of the car shut and lock it then walk him to the front door so he doesn't see the sign on the building and then allow him to take the blindfold off. You both walk in and head to the front desk.
"Hi I have two tickets." You say handing the tickets to the lady at the front desk.
"Perfect here are your passes." She says handing you two lanyards.
You hand one to Mark and he lets out a little squeal when he reads the lanyard.
"Space shuttle endeavor." Mark squeals.

A/N: This is an actual museum in L.A. google it if you don't believe me.

You giggle at his excitement.
The lady points you in the right direction. You spend a couple hours looking through the museum and you even get to step inside a real space shuttle. Mark is like a kid in a candy store he's so happy. You take lots of pictures to post on Instagram. Once you're done exploring the museum you thank everyone then head back out to the car. You open the passenger door for him and he gets in then you shut it and get in on the drivers side. Once you're both buckled you start driving again.
"Oh here I have snacks for us." You say and reach into your purse and hand Mark some freeze dried snacks. Marks eyes widen and he grins.
"Oh my god that's so cool!" Mark says. You giggle.
You eat your snacks while you drive and when you're almost there you have Mark put the blindfold on again. Once you get there you get out and open the door for him then help him out and shut and lock it. You walk him to the front door again then tell him he can remove the blindfold. You walk inside and head to the front desk again.
"Hi I have tickets for a tour for 2." You say handing the lady your tickets.
The lady looks at your tickets and nods.
"Right this way." She says and leads you into a room. You are at the Jet Propulsion Lab in LA. You and Mark explore and have so much fun. Once you've seen everything you head back to the car.
"Ok now I'm taking you to dinner." You say. You open the passenger door and Mark gets in and you shut it and get in on the drivers side.
Once you're both buckled you start driving. You have Mark put the blindfold on again when you're almost there. Once you get there you get out and open the car door for him. You then help him out then shut and lock the car door. You walk him to the front door then tell him he can take his blindfold off.
Mark sees where you are and starts tearing up.
"Oh my god are you actually crying?" You say laughing.
Mark nods.
"You've spoiled me today baby and now you took me to Cracker Barrel. I'm overwhelmed." He says. You giggle and you both head inside. You tell the hostess you have a reservation then she leads you to a table. You sit down and when the waitress comes over you tell her what you want to eat and drink. You chat while you wait for the food then when it comes you talk while you eat. Once you're done eating you ask for the check. You pay even though Mark protests you won't allow him to pay on his birthday. You then head back out to the car. You open the passenger door for him then shut it and get in on the drivers side. Once you're both buckled you start driving. You don't bother telling him to blindfold himself for this one. You take him to his favorite ice cream shop. You both get out and order your ice cream then eat it on the bench outside while talking. Once you're done you throw your trash out and go back to the car. You open the passenger door for Mark then shut it and get in on the drivers side. Once you're both buckled you start driving home. Once you're there you get out and open the door for Mark then shut and lock the car. You go up to the front door and unlock it then you both head inside. You shut and lock the door then put your purse down.
"Ok babe I'm grabbing your presents." You say.
You grab his presents and put them in the living room one by one since they're quite big. While you grab all the presents Mark lets Chica out. Once they're all there you tell Mark to open his card.
"Babe you got me way too much." Mark says as he opens the card. He smiles as he reads it.
"Open this one first." You say pointing at a long skinny one. Mark opens it and squeals when he sees what it is.
"You got me a high powered telescope?!" He says excitedly.
You giggle and nod. Mark comes up to you and kisses you.
"Thank you so much this is so cool!" Mark exclaims.
"You're welcome you can test it out later once it gets dark." You say. Mark nods enthusiastically.
"Ok this one next." You say pointing to a small box.
Mark opens it.
"Wow these are the exact headphones I've been wanting and I needed them since my old ones are on their way out. How did you know which ones to get?" Mark says in awe.
"I had a little help from Ethan." You say.
Mark comes up and kisses you again.
"Thank you baby." Mark says grinning.
"You're welcome." You say.
Mark opens his other presents. One is a new Xbox controller since his is almost broken, another is a projector that turns your ceiling into a solar system and the last one is a bag of real moon rocks.
"Thank you so much baby I loved all my presents." Mark says kissing you and hugging you tightly once he had opened all his presents.
"Of course babe." You say.
You both watch tv until it's dark out then you go outside and look at the night sky with Marks new telescope until you both get tired. You both get ready for bed and then you let Chica out. However you have much better plans than sleeping.

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