New Years Eve pt 3.

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When you get back to the house you all wait for Mark then everybody gets out and Mark unlocks the door. You really need to remind Mark to make a copy of the key for you. You all head inside and everyone compliments the decorations. Everyone puts their luggage in the guest room they're staying in. (There are 2 guest rooms idk if there actually are but I'm just saying there are for the sake of the story) You can't help but giggle remembering Marks balloon incident. Then you have a devilish idea. You have everybody gather in the living room. They all look confused as to what's going on.
"Ok so I'm going to be posting this on my instagram later but I wanted you all to see it first." You say giggling.
"No Y/N you are not posting it if it is what I think it is and no please don't show them." Mark whines.
"I am posting it and you can't stop me and I'm showing them." You say laughing. Mark stands there pouting and you turn the tv and Xbox on and cast the screen on your phone to the Xbox. You then play the video you secretly recorded of Mark blowing up the balloon. When the balloon explodes and Mark jumps everyone cracks up laughing.
"Oh my god that should be on Americas Funniest Home Videos." Wade says wiping tears from laughing so hard. You giggle.
"Shut up Wade." Mark says pouting angrily with his arms crossed.
"Awww is the wittle baby mawkimoo angwy?" You say going up to him and pinching his cheeks. Mark can't help but to smile.
"There's that smile see you can't stay mad at me." You say giggling.
"I'm going to punish you for that later and if you upload it I will punish you even worse." Mark growls into your ear. You gasp and bite your lip and look into his eyes to see they are almost black.
"Maybe I want that daddy." You say quietly into his ear and bite his ear then trail your hand down his chest. You then walk away like you did nothing. Everyone is still cracking up from the video. Once everyone calms down you and Mark sit down. You're the only one who notices Mark put a pillow over his crotch. You giggle internally at this because you know why he put it there. You all chat for a bit nibbling at snacks and laughing. Then you get up and grab the bags with the things you got for everyone. You give everyone their gifts and the last person is Sean. You hand him a box of lucky charms that is only marshmallows and his eyes light up and he looks like he's about to cry.
"Oh my god Sean are you about to cry?" You ask laughing. He nods and pulls you in for a hug.
"Thank you Y/N how did you know I love lucky charms and more specifically the marshmallows?" Sean asks.
"I told you I've watched every video of yours." You say to him smirking.
"Mark you better marry this woman because if you don't someone else will." He says seriously looking at Mark. You giggle at this.
"Oh I plan on it." Mark says smiling at you. You gasp at his words because that's the first time Mark has ever said he wants to marry you. Everyone awwws at his adorable statement.
Mark notices your surprise and gives you a look that says you'll talk about it later. You nod slightly and sit back down. You put on some music and you smirk because you have a devilish idea.
"Ok everyone I have a fun idea of what we can do. Since I don't know you all that well this will help us get to know each other." You say.
"Oh god what is it?" Mark says.
"We should play truth or dare." You say.
Everyone agrees so you start playing. It's a hilarious game so far. Sean is dared to switch clothes with his girlfriend which he does of course because he's Sean. You have no idea how they fit him but they do barely. Felix was dared to speak in a British accent for the rest of the game. Mark was dared to strip to just his boxers. Everyone else picked truth.
Then it's your turn.
"Truth or dare Y/N?" Mark says devilishly.
"Truth?" You gulp.
"If you could choose anyone in this room to go out with besides me who would it be?" Mark says smirking. Your eyes widen and you blush.
"Do I have to answer that?" You say softly.
"Yes." Mark says.
"Fine I guess if I had to choose it would be Sean." You say softly with your head down still blushing.
"Yes!" Sean shouts like he's just won the lottery. This stops your embarrassment and you giggle and everyone else laughs too.
"Why are you saying yes?" You say still giggling.
"Because you'd pick me over everyone else here." Sean says with a smug look on his face.
"If you were single and I was single then yes. If we're talking realistically here if you weren't single it would probably be Tyler since he's the only single guy here and he's definitely attractive and he would be my second choice after you either way only because I don't really know his personality as well as I know yours." You say.
"Makes sense." Sean says still smug.
"But in my honest opinion Mark is the most attractive and the funniest here. You would come second on both of those. Also, you'd have to lose the man bun." You say cringing when you say that. Everyone laughs at what you said except Sean who pouts and Mark puts his arm around you and gives you a kiss.
"I like my man bun." Sean says still pouting.
"Sorry but you look better with short hair just saying." You say shrugging.
"I have to agree with Y/N on that one you look like a photographer." Mark says. You and everyone else crack up laughing.
"I wasn't gonna say it but yes that's exactly what he looks like." You say cracking up. Everyone else agrees.
"Awww it's ok babe you'd be a cute photographer." His girlfriend says giggling giving him a hug.
Everyone laughs again. You play for a bit longer until you all start getting hungry. You ask everyone's favorite toppings and order the pizzas accordingly.

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