Gaming and Chinese Food

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"What the - this is bull honkey you're cheating!" Mark says in a rage after you beat him for the 20th time in a row at Rocket League.
You laugh.
"I did warn you I was good at this game do you want to play as a team instead?" You say. Mark nods with a pout.
You giggle.
"You're so damn cute." You say and give him a peck on the lips which makes Mark grin. You chuckle at him.
You load up multiplayer and put Mark on your team. You do well but after a while you stop and decide to play Call of Duty.
You load up zombies and you and Mark play that for a while until you get hungry.
"You're so good at video games." Mark says shaking his head and looking at you in awe. You giggle.
"Lots of practice Markimoo." You say booping his nose. Mark chuckles.
"So what do you want for dinner?" Mark says.
"Pizza or Chinese what do you want?" You say.
"Hmmm Chinese." Mark says.
You nod and get the menu up for your favorite local Chinese place on your phone and send it to Mark. You both decide what you want and order it. When you go to give your card details Mark snatches the phone from you and gives his. You pout angrily with your arms crossed while Mark talks to the Chinese place. When he hangs up he looks at you and laughs at your face.
"Oh come on babe when you're with me you should know I'm not going to let you pay for anything." Mark says.
Your eyes widen and you blush and smile.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mark says with an eyebrow raised.
"You called me babe." You say still smiling and blushing.
Mark chuckles.
"I did." He says and brings you close to him and kisses you. He pulls away and you lay there cuddling him and talking for a while then play a couple more games of Rocket League until the food gets delivered.
The doorbell rings and you get up to get it while Mark grabs the plates and utensils. You open the door tip the delivery guy and grab the food then bring the food over to the counter to serve it. You both plate your food and sit down on the couch. You both pick a movie and eat while you watch it. After you're done eating you grab both of your dishes and start washing them. Mark gets up and starts to try and help you.
"No I will not allow this you're my guest you sit down." You say shooing him away. Mark pouts but goes back to the couch. You finish washing up and head back to the couch.
"I'll be right back just getting into my pjs." You say with a smile. You head to your room and throw on a pajama tang top and matching shorts you decide to not wear a bra because screw it and part of you hopes that it will tease Mark a little. You giggle to yourself at that thought and head back to the couch where you snuggle into Mark and you watch another movie. Before you know it you're falling asleep. You can swear you feel strong arms picking you up but your subconscious knows it's Mark so you just snuggle in closer. He makes you feel so safe. You feel yourself being put in your bed and the covers being pulled over you. You then feel a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight beautiful." You hear Mark whisper then you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

Marks POV:

"What the - this is bull honkey you're cheating!" I say furious after Y/N beat me for the 20th time in Rocket League. Of course I could never be angry at her. She's too beautiful. If I do get angry though anytime I look into those Y/E/C eyes all my anger fades away.
I hear her laugh and melt.
Fuck, that laugh. I'm falling for her hard.
"I did warn you I was good at this game you want to play as a team instead?" She says. I nod with a pout which makes her giggle.
"You're so damn cute." She says and gives me a peck on the lips which makes me grin like an idiot. She chuckles at me.
Shes loads up multiplayer and puts me on her team. We do well but after a while we stop and decide to play Call of Duty.
She loads up zombies and we play that for a while until we get hungry.
"You're so good at video games." I say shaking my head and looking at her in awe. She giggles.
"Lots of practice Markimoo." she says booping my nose. I chuckle.
"So what do you want for dinner?" I ask.
"Pizza or Chinese what do you want?" She says.
"Hmmm Chinese." I say after thinking about it.
She nods and sends me the menu to the Chinese place. We both decide what we want and order it. When she goes to give her card details I snatch the phone from her and give mine. No woman of mine will pay as long as I'm around. Damn now I'm thinking of her as mine. I can see her pout angrily out of the corner of my eye with her arms crossed while I talk to the Chinese place. When I hang up I look at her and I can't help but laugh at her face.
"Oh come on babe when you're with me you should know I'm not going to let you pay for anything." I say.
Her eyes widen and she blushes and smiles.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.
"You called me babe." She says still smiling and blushing.
I chuckle at her reaction to me calling her that.
"I did." I say and bring her close to me and kiss her. I pull away and we lay there cuddling and talking for a while then play a couple more games of Rocket League until the food gets delivered.
The doorbell rings and she gets up to get it while I grab the plates and utensils. She brings the food over to the counter to serve it. We plate our food and sit down on the couch. We pick a movie and eat while we watch it. After we're done eating she grabs both of our dishes and starts washing them. I get up and start to try and help her.
"No I will not allow this you're my guest you sit down." She says shooing me away. I pout but go back to the couch. She finishes washing up and heads back to the couch.
"I'll be right back just getting into my pjs." She says with a slight smile. She heads to her room and comes out not long after wearing a tang top and shorts. I notice that she is wearing no bra. Fuck. Just her wearing that made me rock hard since I can see the outline of her what seem to be sizable and perky tits almost perfectly. I discretely adjust myself. I feel like a teenage boy who can't control his erections. She sits down on the couch where she snuggles into me and we watch another movie. Soon I notice her breathing slow and I look down to see her eyes closed and a content smile on her face. My heart races. She's so damn beautiful. I gently pick her up and carry her bridal style to her bedroom. She snuggles even closer into me making my heart skip a beat. I get to her bedroom opening the door with my foot. I gently place her on her bed and tuck her in under the covers and spend a second admiring her beauty. Fuck I'm in trouble. I shake my head in awe and kiss her forehead.
"Goodnight beautiful." I whisper so I don't wake her. I then head out of the room and quietly shut the door. I head to the couch and sit down. It takes at least an hour of mindless scrolling for my erection to fully go away. After that I use the bathroom, find a blanket and pillows in the hall closet and go to sleep. Thinking of her as I fall asleep and dreaming of her.

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