Great News and Celebratory Dinners

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You get home and park the car in the driveway then run to the front door. You open it with the key Mark finally got you a couple days ago and head inside. You shut and lock the door then run to the couch where you see Mark watching tv. You catch him off guard and launch yourself into his arms full speed.
"Oof." Mark says as he catches you.
You giggle and cuddle him and squeal.
"I take it your meeting went well then?" Mark says smirking.
"It went amazing!" You say.
"Tell me everything." Mark says lifting you up so you can look at him.
"Ok so everyone was very impressed with my drawings and my pitch. I also showed them your logo I made for you and they were very impressed by that. The CEO Rachel said that she has a very important project coming up with a very high profile client and she has been looking for someone to lead that project. Well she said that I would be the perfect person to lead it and that if I do as well with this project as I did with the last one she can guarantee me a promotion." You say and squeal. Marks eyes widen and he breaks out into a grin and picks you up and spins you around kissing you. You squeal and giggle as he does and he finally pulls you to him and gives you a big bear hug and kiss before setting you down still holding you.
"I'm so proud of you baby." Mark says putting his forehead to yours.
"Thank you." You say blushing.
"I knew you'd knock it out of the park." Mark says.
"Thanks to your help honing my pitch." You say.
"It was all you I just helped your confidence." Mark says.
"Yes but you also helped me add some things to it." You say.
"True, oh I'm done my recording for the day. I was going to make dinner but I think such good news calls for a celebratory dinner out. Let's go get ready and we'll head out." Mark says.
You giggle.
"Ok sounds good to me." You say.
You get ready quickly changing into a nice dress and flats and do your hair and makeup. You also put some jewelry on and spray some perfume. Mark gets ready also, changing into a suit. You grab a matching purse head downstairs put what you need in it and see Mark. You gawk at how hot he looks in his suit.
"Oh my gosh babe why are you so dressed up?" You ask.
"Well, I have a confession to make." Mark says looking sheepish.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Mark what did you do?" You ask.
"I may have gotten us a reservation to a really expensive restaurant that books months in advance." Mark says. Your eyes widen.
"How?! I just found out today!" You say. Mark smirks.
"I have my ways baby sometimes it pays to be famous and know a lot of people." Mark says.
"One of your fans owns it don't they." You say.
"Yep." Mark says grinning.
"Wow that's crazy." You say.
"I know I messaged the page on Instagram asking if there would be any way I could get a table there tonight and they said the owner is a big fan and that it would be no problem at all." Mark says.
"That's so nice of them." You say.
"I know I'm lucky you ready to go?" Mark asks.
"Yep I'm ready babe." You say.
You head out and Mark shuts and locks the door then opens the passenger door for you. He then shuts it once you're in and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled up he starts the drive to the restaurant. Once you get there he gets out and opens your door for you then locks the car. You head to the door and Mark opens it for you.
"Reservation for 2 for Fischbach." Mark says.
The hostess smiles at you both and leads you to your table. The restaurant is the nicest you've been in it's impeccably decorated and the lighting is dimmed to give a romantic atmosphere.
The waitress comes over and asks what you'd like to drink and you tell her. You look at the menu and your jaw drops at the prices.
"Oh my god Mark you didn't have to take me here it's so expensive." You whisper.
Mark puts his hand over yours.
"I don't mind you deserve it order whatever you want." Mark says smiling.
You both decide what you want and the waitress comes over and you place your orders.
You talk while you're waiting for the dinner to come and suddenly you get an email. You quickly look and see it's from Rachel. You're curious who the high profile client is so you open the email and your eyes widen and your jaw drops.
"No. Fucking. Way." You whisper grinning.
Mark looks at you curiously.
"What babe? You look really excited like you just won the lottery or something." Mark smirks at you.
You're too overwhelmed to speak right now so you just show him the email.
"Holy shit." Mark whispers.
You squeal again and Mark chuckles.
"I have to get started right away everything has to be perfect I have to impress him. Oh my god oh my god oh my god." You start hyperventilating.
Mark takes your hand in his.
"Breathe baby breathe it's ok you'll do an amazing job like you always do and impress the crap out of him." Mark says soothingly. You take deep breaths then let out one more squeal of excitement. You break out into another grin.
"Thanks baby." You say.
"Of course my love." Mark says.
The dinner comes and you talk as you eat then you get dessert and eat that. Mark calls the waitress over to pay the check.
"Your bill has been taken care of tonight by the owner sir." The waitress says smiling. Both of your jaws drop.
"Wow are you sure?" Mark says surprised.
The waitress nods.
"Thank you so much." Mark says.
"Yes thank you so much." You say.
"It's our pleasure sir we hope to see you again." The waitress says and goes to walk away.
"Wait." Mark says and pulls his wallet out. He hands her a tip that would cover the amount of the bill.
"Here this is for you I was expecting to spend this money anyway." Mark says. The waitress looks at Mark in shock.
"Are you sure? This is very generous of you." The waitress says.
"Yes I'm sure." Mark says smiling.
"Thank you so much. Have a great night both of you." The waitress says.
"You too." Mark says.
The waitress walks away and you and Mark head out to the car. Mark opens the door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then gets in on his side and once you are both buckled starts driving back to the house.
"Wow that was really nice of the owner." You say.
"Yeah I wasn't expecting that at all." Mark says.
"That was super sweet of you to give that tip to the waitress though." You say.
"She did a great job and I would have tipped her high anyway but figured may as well." Mark says.
"This is why I love you you're so kind and thoughtful." You say smiling at him. He smiles back.
Once you get back to the house Mark gets out and opens the door for you and locks the car. You both walk to the front door and Mark unlocks it and you both head inside. Mark shuts and locks the door and you collapse on the sofa.
"I'm exhausted that meal wiped me out." You giggle. Mark chuckles.
"Me too." Mark says.
You both let Chica out give her a treat then head upstairs and get ready for bed. You then give Mark a kiss and get under the covers snuggling into him.
"Goodnight baby thank you for taking me out for dinner." You say.
"Goodnight my love and of course. I want you to always know how proud I am of you." Mark says and kisses you on the forehead.
"I love you so fucking much." You say and snuggle closer to him.
"I love you so much too." Mark says chuckling.
You then fall asleep in each other's arms and you think about what the future will hold with the high profile client.

A/N: Sorry I had to leave it a mystery for a couple more chapters haha I promise you'll know who it is in two chapters I had to keep the suspense.

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