The Proposal (Your POV)

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You wake up with a yawn and snuggle closer to Mark then slowly open your eyes. Mark smiles and kisses you on the forehead.
"Good morning princess happy one year anniversary." He says.
"Good morning baby happy one year anniversary." You say in your raspy morning voice.
"I want to go out for breakfast then we're going out after." Mark says.
"Ok sounds good babe." You say.
You both use the bathroom then Mark gets changed and brushes his teeth. You do the same then do your makeup quickly in the bathroom. You come downstairs and Mark hands you a card.
"Oh let me get yours." You say and run upstairs and get the card from your hiding spot. You come back down a minute later with his card and present.
You hand them both to him and then open the card

Dear Princess,
I can't believe it's been one year already. It feels like I've known you a lifetime. You truly are my soulmate and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I love you more than words can express.
Love always,

"Awww baby." You say and give him a hug.
He hands me the present.
You open it to see a charm for your charm bracelet of a couple hugging and you look at him smiling.
"I love it." You say.
"Let me help you put it on." He says.
You're already wearing the bracelet so he takes it off and puts the charm on for you. He then puts the bracelet back on your wrist.
"There perfect." He says.
"Now open yours." You say eagerly.
He opens the card first.

Dear Markimoo,
One year wow it feels way longer than that. It feels like I've known you my whole life. I can't imagine life without you and can't wait for our future. I love you so much baby.

"Thank you honey." He says.
"You're welcome." You say.

He opens the gift to find a picture of the stars on the night you met. He tears up and pulls you close.
"Thank you I love you so much." He says and kisses your forehead.
"You're welcome now let's go out to breakfast." You say. Mark sets the picture on the dining room table.
"Bye Chica Bicca you be a good girl." Mark says petting her.
"Bye girl." I say petting her as well.
You then head outside. Mark shuts and locks the door and you walk to the car. Then he opens the passenger door for you and shuts it then gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled he starts driving to the diner. You chat as he drives and once you get to the diner he gets out and opens the door for you. He then shuts and locks the door. You head inside and he asks the hostess for a table for two and she leads us to an empty table. Once you get to the table she hands you your menus and asks what you would like to drink. You tell her and look at the menu while you wait for our drinks. Once she's back with your drinks you thank her and order your food. You chat while you wait for your food and soon it arrives. You talk as you eat then when you're done Mark asks for the check and pays. You then head out to the car. He opens the passenger door for you then shuts the door and gets in on his side. Once you're both buckled he starts driving again.
"Where are we going?" You ask.
"You'll just have to wait and see." He says with a smirk.
After a little while of driving he has you close your eyes and promise not to peek. Finally you get there. The car stops and you hear Mark get out and open your door then he helps you out of the car then shuts and locks it.
"Ok my love open your eyes." He says.
You open your eyes and are overwhelmed with excitement when you see the carnival in front of you. You squeal and hug and kiss him then grab his hand and pull him to the ticket both. He chuckles at your giddiness.
He buys the tickets and you go on all the rides stopping for hot dogs and cotton candy. You ride the Ferris wheel last like the first time. As you're in line you can see Mark is nervous.
"Are you ok babe?" You ask concerned.
He takes a deep breath and nods.
"Yeah just feeling a little queasy maybe I shouldn't have eaten so much before that last ride." He says chuckling. That makes sense. You giggle at him.
You get on your Ferris wheel car and as soon as you start moving Mark takes another deep breath.
"Y/N?" He asks.
You nod looking at him lovingly.
"You know I love you more than life itself right?" He says.
"Yeah of course I love you more than life itself too." You say.
He takes yet another deep breath.
"Princess this past year has been the best year of my life hands down. In you I have found my soulmate, the person who was made especially for me." He starts.
Holy shit no way. Is he proposing right now?
"Mark." You say quietly starting to tear up.
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't imagine life without you or doing life with anyone else. I also refuse to do that and I will never let you go. So this is me telling you I'm never letting you go. Telling you that I want to spend forever with you. Making you happy, supporting you and celebrating your successes and good times and taking care of you through the bad times." He says.
Holy fucking shit yep he's definitely proposing. You put your hand over your mouth and start full on crying.
"So." He says and slowly gets down on one knee and pulls a small velvet box from his jacket pocket.
You're at the top of the Ferris wheel now.
"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man not just on earth but in the universe and marry me?" He asks and opens the ring box.
It takes you a couple seconds of sobbing hysterically before you throw your arms around him and sob into his chest. You finally pull away and calm down enough to choke out.
"Yes Mark yes of course I'll marry you!" Then kiss him passionately. You feel him sigh in relief into the kiss. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours for a second. He then takes the ring out of the box and takes your right hand in his taking your promise ring off and putting it on your right hand ring finger then taking your left hand in his and taking the engagement ring and sliding it on your ring finger. You can't help but gasp when you see it.

 You can't help but gasp when you see it

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"Oh my god Mark it's gorgeous

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"Oh my god Mark it's gorgeous. You shouldn't have you didn't need to spend this much on me." You say tearing up again.
He lifts your chin up with his two fingers so your eyes meet his.
"Of course I did only the best for my queen now that you're my fiancée you've been upgraded from princess to queen." He says with a smirk making your heart soar and you giggle.
"I love you so much." You say.
"I love you so much too baby." He says and presses a kiss to your lips.
He helps you up and you sit cuddling for the rest of the ride which isn't long. Once it's over he takes your hand and helps you off and leads you to the car. He opens the passenger door for you then shuts it and gets in on his side. Once we're both buckled he starts driving back to the house. He finds your hand with his as he drives and brings it to his lips smiling then rests your hands on his thigh. Once you get home he gets out and opens your door for you then shuts and locks the door. He then walks you to the front door and unlocks it. He enters and you follow and gasp when you see all your friends and family and the house decorated for an engagement party.
"Surprise!" Everyone shouts.

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