Consequences ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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Mark hovers over you then crashes his lips to yours passionately kissing you. You moan which gives Marks tongue the opening to slip in your mouth. You explore his mouth with your tongue while he explores yours with his. You run your fingers through his hair causing him to groan into the kiss. He pulls away to take your shirt and bra off and growls again.
"So beautiful." He says lustfully.
You blush.
"You're not too bad yourself Fischbach." You say coyly biting your lip as you trail your hands down his body. He groans as your hand brushes over his crotch. He then grabs your wrists in one hand and pins them behind your head and starts sucking your sweet spot hard enough you're sure it'll leave a hickey.
"Maaarrk." You moan out.
He chuckles against your neck.
"I'm going to be hearing that a lot tonight because you need to know when you should be moaning and when you shouldn't be." Mark says lustfully.
"Oh god." You say. His words sending a bolt of lightning to your clit.
"God can't save you now princess. I'm not stopping until you cum at least 10 times." Mark says growling. You gasp in anticipation. Mark keeps sucking and licking your sweet spot until you're a moaning mess under him and on the verge of orgasm. Before you know it your pants are down and his middle and index fingers are rubbing quick circles on your clit while he sucks and licks your neck. It doesn't take long for your climax to hit.
"Oh god Mark I'm gonna cum!" You moan out.
"That's right cum all over my hand baby." Mark growls into your neck as he starts rubbing faster. Suddenly your orgasm hits and you buck against his hand trying to get away but he holds you down so you can't escape.
"Maaarrrk." You moan.
"You're not going anywhere." He says.
You think he's going to give you a break but he has other plans. He pulls your pants and underwear off and throws them to the side. He hovers over your pussy and looks at you like you're his next meal. You moan lightly in anticipation and at the feeling of his breath above your center. Suddenly he is quickly licking and sucking your clit and folds eating you out like he needs your juices to survive.
"Oh god Mark!" You moan as you buck your hips into his face involuntarily riding his face.
"Mmm." Mark moans against your clit the vibrations causing you to moan out. He then seems to get an idea because he pulls up grabs your sides and lifts you up so you're sitting on his face.
"Ride my face baby." He growls.
You do as he says and you move your hips as he licks and sucks your clit and folds.
"Oooohhh Mark!" You moan.
"Cum for me." He says. His words cause your orgasm to come out of nowhere and you start moving your hips faster and squirt all over his face as it hits.
"Ooohhh!" You moan.
Mark lifts you off and sets you down so you're on your hands and knees on the bed.
"That's 2. Now this next thing I want to do is something we haven't done before so tell me at any point if you want me to stop and I will." Mark says.
"O-Ok." You say.
"Good now relax." Mark says.
You relax and soon you feel him spreading your ass cheeks and your eyes widen as you realize what he's about to do just as his tongue hits your asshole. You didn't think you'd like it but it feels good. Different but good.
"Ooh." You moan lightly.
Soon Mark goes faster causing you to moan a little bit more.
"Ooohhh." You moan.
Soon he stops and walks away and you hear him open a bottle and squeeze something. You then feel Marks wet finger pressing against your asshole.
"You want daddy to finger this tight little asshole?" Mark says seductively.
You gasp at the name.
"Yes." You moan out. You don't know why. You've  never wanted to do anything like that before so you don't know why you say yes. But you want it.
"Yes what?" Mark says.
A thrill runs through you when you realize what he wants you to say.
"Yes daddy." You moan out.
"Good girl just relax." He says softly. He first slides a finger in your pussy and starts thrusting in and out then he adds another one until you're thrusting back against his hand. Then he pushes his lube covered finger slowly into your tight asshole as he thrusts his two other fingers into your pussy.
"Ooohhh!" You moan as his finger slowly gets deeper. It's a little uncomfortable but nothing like you thought it would be. You thought it would hurt but it doesn't. Then once Marks finger is in all the way and he starts thrusting in and out of your asshole the pleasure hits.
"Ooohhh!" You moan.
After a while of this Mark adds a second finger to your asshole. The combination now of having two fingers thrusting in and out of your pussy and asshole is driving you crazy. Then when Mark dips his head down and starts sucking on your clit while his fingers thrust in and out of your pussy and asshole your orgasm explodes.
"Oooohhhh!" You moan as your vision goes black and you see stars from the intensity of being pleasured from three different points.
He keeps licking and sucking your clit and thrusting his fingers in and out until your orgasm fades away leaving you panting and unable to move.
"Oh god daddy." You pant out.
"That's 3 you have 7 more to go." Mark says.
You groan.
"Was that a complaint?" Mark asks.
"Um I just don't think I can handle 7 more." You say.
"Well you should have thought about that before you were moaning my name." Mark growls out. You realize he's not going to show you mercy and you whimper in anticipation.
"You like this really don't you?" Mark says as he plants kisses up and down your back.
"I do but I don't it's really intense." You manage to say.
"That's because the more you cum the more sensitive you become." Mark says.
"Yeah I can tell." You giggle.
"Now for your next orgasm you're going to ride my fingers." Mark says pulling you up so you're squatting. He puts his hand under your center and pushes you down so 2 of his fingers enter you.
"Ooohhh." You moan and start moving your hips. As you ride his fingers Mark uses his thumb to stroke your clit and uses his other hand to squeeze your breasts and flick your nipples.
"Oooooohhhh." You moan moving your hips faster as your orgasm builds quickly.
When Mark take one of your nipples in his mouth and starts sucking it brings you to the brink then when he bites it lightly you shatter and your orgasm washes over you.
"Ooooooooooohhhhh!" You cry out as your pussy pulses around his fingers your juices going all over them. You keep riding his fingers until your orgasm fades then you start to collapse. But he catches you and slowly pulls you down to his chest.
"That's 4 you have 6 more to go." He says and kisses your forehead. You groan.
"Well baby you'll never pull that stunt again will you?" He asks.
You shake your head.
"Words please." He says pulling your head up to look at him.
"No." You say panting. He raises an eyebrow and you know what he wants.
"No daddy." You say weakly. He nods.
Mark doesn't give you any time to rest before he strips the rest of his clothes and you feel his cock enter your pussy.
"Oh Jesus Y/N so good." Mark moans. You moan back in response. It doesn't take long for you to cum all over him again.
"Ooooohhh yes!" You moan as he pounds into you while your pussy contracts around his cock.
He doesn't stop. He only pounds you harder and faster until your orgasm comes again.
"Fuck Y/N come on gorgeous cum one more time for me before I cum." He says and starts rubbing your clit while he pounds you. Your body reacts as if his words were a command for it and you explode around him once more. You vaguely hear Mark grunting as he releases inside you. You moan out weakly as you both ride your orgasms out. He pulls out of you and picks you up and carries you to the bathroom which is good because there's no way you can walk right now. You sigh as you think he's done with you until when you're both in the shower he takes the shower head down from the holder, turns on the water and puts it to a powerful setting. You moan in anticipation when you realize his plan. He lifts you up wrapping his arms around you and holding your legs so you can't move. He then points the shower head directly at your clit. The pleasure is too much you try and move away from it but you can't. Your orgasm hits almost immediately due to your sensitivity.
"Oooooooohhhhh god yes!" You moan loudly as your pussy pulses. But he doesn't stop. He keeps it there until you cum 1 more time. You almost collapse when it fades but he holds you up.
"You did so good baby." He says and kisses you. He holds you up and washes your hair and body careful to wash your pussy well. You moan out as his fingers touch your sensitive clit.
"Oh you greedy girl you want to cum one more time on daddy's fingers?" Mark asks seductively in your ear.
You moan out at that and nod.
"Words please baby." Mark says.
"Yes please." You say weakly.
"Yes please what?" Mark says.
"Yes please daddy." You moan out.
"Good girl." He says and inserts two fingers into your entrance and starts thrusting in and out.
"Oooooohhhh yes!" You moan out. Mark starts fingering you faster and harder.
"Oh god daddy I'm gonna cum!" You say. Mark chuckles at your use of the new name and starts rubbing your clit with his thumb as he thrusts his fingers in and out.
"Oooohhhh daddy!" You moan out as your orgasm hits you like a freight train. You shake and writhe under him but he holds you up.
"Oh dear that's 11 and we can't end on an odd number can we?" Mark says tutting. Damn this man. You groan and before you know it his mouth is on your pussy. He licks and sucks your clit and folds and thrusts his tongue in and out of your entrance like he was born to do it. Damn he has a talented mouth. Your hypersensitivity makes you reach your orgasm in less than a minute. You moan and writhe under him as he tortures you with his mouth and then you explode all over his mouth.
"Oooooohhhhh daddy yes!" You cry out. Mark stands up and holds you as you shake from the force of your orgasms. He sets you on the floor quickly washes himself then picks you up puts you down on the bathroom floor dries you both off then picks you up again and carries you to your bed. He sets you down finds pajamas for you and helps you put them on. He helps you get ready for bed then helps you under the covers and gets ready himself. By the time he gets back you're almost asleep. So he gets under the covers pulls you to him and kisses you.
"Goodnight baby." Mark says.
"Goodnight Marky." You say weakly.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." You say softly.
Then you fall asleep in his arms thoroughly exhausted from all 12 of your orgasms. You could get used to this.

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