The Plan ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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You wake up feeling a little better but still sad that Mark will be leaving in 2 days. You have a plan though. Your lease runs out at the end of the year and hopefully one of those jobs you applied for will accept you. So you have two more months to save up the rest of the money you need which you know you can do. You stretch and look over at Mark sleeping soundly and sigh. He's so handsome. You push a stray hair behind his ear and just admire him then get out of bed and use the bathroom. Once you're done using the bathroom you head out to the kitchen and start making waffles. You get your waffle maker out and make the batter. While the waffle maker heats up you cut up some strawberries and bananas. Once the waffles are done and the toppings are out you get the waffles on plates. You then put what topping you want on yours and put some of each topping in little containers for Mark as you're not sure what he wants. You then pour two glasses of orange juice and get a tray and put everything on it and bring it into the bedroom. You set it down on the side table and gently wake Mark.
"Baby breakfast." You say.
Mark groans and opens his eyes.
"Oh thank you." Mark says.
"Of course." Mark rubs his eyes and sits up.
"Let me use the bathroom first." He says. You nod and he gets up and uses the bathroom then comes back to you and puts his glasses on before sitting back down on the bed. He sees the plate of food and his eyes widen.
"Wow you went all out." Mark says.
"Yeah I want to make your last few days here special." You say with a sad smile.
Mark pulls you to him and hugs you and gives you a kiss. You hand him his plate and you both start to eat. Once you're both done eating you take all the dishes and bring them out to the kitchen and wash them and put them in the dishwasher. Once you're done you join Mark on the couch where he'd moved to while you were doing the dishes. You then play video games and watch movies for the rest of the day until dinner time. You make dinner and eat it then watch some more movies until you get tired. You both then fall asleep in each others arms.

Mark is leaving tomorrow so you spend the day snuggling and watching movies because you don't want to be apart from him. You order pizza and are snuggling him as you eat. Mark just holds you close and kisses your forehead once in a while. Once you're both done eating you reluctantly part from Mark to clean up and put the leftovers away. You then go back to the couch and snuggle into Mark again while you watch movies until you're ready for bed. Soon enough it's time to go to bed you both get ready for bed and crawl under the covers. You cling tighter to Mark that night and fall asleep in his arms.

The next day you wake up in Marks arms and almost cry. Then you remind yourself you'll be moving to L.A. in a couple months. So you take a deep breath and cuddle him until he wakes up. When he wakes up you decide go to the diner for breakfast. So you both get up and get ready. You head out to your car and Mark opens the passenger side door for you then shuts it when you get in. He then gets in on his side and shuts the door. When you're both buckled he starts driving to the diner. When you get there he gets out and opens your door and helps you out before shutting your door. He then locks the car door and you walk up to the diner. Mark opens the door for you and you both head inside.
"Two please." Mark says and the waitress leads you to an empty table. Mark pulls your chair out for you and you sit down then he pushes you in. He sits down and you decide what you want to eat and drink. When the waitress comes over you tell her what you want and you talk as you wait for the food. When it comes you dig in and are silent for the rest of the meal deep in thought of how much you're going to miss him. When you're both done Mark asks for the check and he pays then you head out to the car. When you get to the car he opens your door for you then shuts it when you get in then gets in on his side. Once you're buckled he starts driving back to your apartment. Once you get back he gets out and opens your door for you then shuts it once you're out. He then locks the door and you both head up to your apartment. You unlock the door and you both head inside. You shut and lock the door and put your purse down and you both sit down on the couch.
"Hey look at me." Mark says.
You do and can't help but burst into tears at the concern in his chocolate brown eyes.
You sob and bury your face in his chest. He rubs your back and whispers sweet nothings in your ear as you sob against him. Once you're finally done crying he wipes your tears away and starts kissing you. You feel an intense need for him so you climb onto his lap straddling him.
Mark groans as you grind against his cock while you kiss. After awhile you pull back and rest your face in his neck.
"Mark I need you." You moan.
Mark lifts you up with one hand so he can pull his pants and boxers down then he does the same with yours.
"Fuck baby you're already soaked for me." Mark growls. You whimper at this and Mark slowly pushes his cock into your entrance. He slowly thrusts in and out while kissing you passionately. It's a kiss that says he's not going anywhere and that he loves you. This is the first time you and Mark have made love. Every other time has been rough carnal sex. It's incredible because the emotions that rush through you are so intense. After a while you feel your orgasm start to rise.
"Oh Mark I'm going to cum." You moan.
"Me too." Mark grunts.
Not long after you both release at the same time your pussy contracting milking the cum from his cock as he thrusts slowly into you.
"Ooohh." You moan and lay your head on Marks chest. He pulls out and gets up picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. You make love once more in the shower before silently washing each  other and holding each other tightly. When you're both done he helps you out and you dry each other then head to your room and get dressed. You head back to the couch and try not to cry because Mark is packing his stuff now. Once he's done he brings his suitcase out which causes fresh tears to burst from you. He holds you close and comforts you while you sob into his chest. Once you stop crying he kisses your forehead and pulls you back so you look at him.
"I know you're going to miss me baby and I'm going to miss you too but I have to go." Mark says looking like he's fighting tears himself. You nod and wipe your tears away.

A Date With MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now