Easter Bunnies ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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*Time skip to Easter

You're so happy you're off for Easter so you can spend it with Mark. You're making ham, string bean casserole, carrots, and mashed potatoes for dinner later and you're making Easter shaped sugar cookies and you bought a cheesecake platter. You wake up and yawn stretching then snuggling into Marks chest. After a while Mark wakes up too and yawns.
"Morning baby." Mark says.
"Morning handsome happy Easter." You say.
"Oh happy Easter." Mark says. You giggle.
"You forgot." You say laughing.
"Yeah I did." Mark starts laughing too.
You both get up and use the bathroom then let Chica out to do her business then you start making breakfast together. Once breakfast is done you plate it and put the plates on the table. You sit down and dig in talking while you eat.
Once you're done eating you and Mark make the cookies. When they're in the oven you and Mark sit down on the couch and watch tv while they bake. The oven goes off and you take the cookies out of the oven and put them on a cooling rack. You then go watch more tv until they're cool. After one more episode you and Mark ice the cookies. They turned out super cute.

Mark goes to grab one

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Mark goes to grab one.
"No baby wait till later." You say. Mark pouts but listens.
"Fine then I get the other thing I want." Mark says. You raise your eyebrow confused.
"What's that?" You ask.
"You." Mark says and before you have time to register what he said he picks you up and puts you on the counter. You yelp in surprise and steady yourself on his shoulders. He chuckles and kisses you passionately.
He kisses you relentlessly and you moan into the kiss running your fingers through his hair. Soon he trails his kisses down to your neck and sucks on your sweet spot.
"M-Mark." You moan. Mark leans up and puts his mouth right by your ear.
"It's Easter so we're going to fuck like rabbits baby." Mark growls and sucks and bites your earlobe. You gasp and moan. He pulls away and slowly takes your pajama shirt off. He then gets a devilish look and reaches for the leftover icing. Your breath hitches as you realize what he's going to do. First he teases you taking some on his finger and licking it off slowly. You moan and fidget making him chuckle. He then takes a blob of icing and puts it on your breasts. You gasp at the feeling and then he starts licking it off. You moan.
He pays extra attention to your nipples and keeps licking and sucking until you're a moaning mess under him.
"Baby I need you." You whimper. He chuckles.
"So needy. I like that." Mark says seductively.
"I'm always needy for you baby." You say.
"I know you are I bet that pussy is soaked for me right now." Mark growls still sucking your breasts.
You nod.
"It is daddy." You gasp out making Mark groan.
Mark slowly trails a hand down to your pants and inches his hand under your panties.
"Fuck you soaked through your panties." Mark growls. You moan needily and Mark quickly pulls his hand out and pulls down your pants and panties.
He tosses them on the floor then crashes his lips to yours putting your legs around his waist. You moan into the kiss as his erection is pressing against your clit. Mark notices this and trails a hand down to your pussy and starts rubbing your clit. You let out a sound between a gasp and a moan. Mark keeps kissing you hungrily and rubbing your clit. He speeds up his rubbing and you feel yourself getting close to your climax. You moan and buck your hips against his hand causing Mark to chuckle. Knowing you need more he thrusts two fingers into your entrance while still rubbing your clit with his thumb. You moan loudly into the kiss and pull his hair. Your orgasm hits and you buck wildly against his hand and moan into the kiss. Your orgasm begins to fade and you whimper when Mark pulls his fingers out but gasp as you feel them being replaced by his cock thrusting deep into you. He must have pulled his pants and boxers down while he was kissing and fingering you. He pounds into you hard and fast still kissing you desperately.
You moan loudly into the kiss threading your fingers through his hair and trailing a hand under his shirt over his abs and pecs. You don't even feel him picking you up you just realize you don't feel the counter under you anymore. You realize he's fucking you in the air and this is so hot to you that it sets your orgasm off again.
You moan loudly into the kiss and Mark must feel you cumming so he drops a hand to your clit and starts rubbing it making the orgasm much more intense. You whimper into the kiss from the intensity of the pleasure and cling tightly to Mark. Soon you feel the bed under your back and Mark uses this leverage to pound into you even harder and faster. You thrust your hips up to meet his thrusts and moan crazily into the kiss. Your orgasm is still going and your vision is black from the pleasure. Mark finally breaks the kiss to suck your neck and breasts as he fucks you and rubs your clit.
"Oh god daddy I'm still cumming!" You cry out.
"Good little girl don't stop cumming for daddy." Mark growls. This causes either a new orgasm or your orgasm to peak again you're not sure which but it causes you to whimper.
"Daddy you feel so good." You moan.
"Yes little girl." Mark grunts still drilling into you hard and fast.
"Oh daddy please fuck my ass." You moan.
Mark growls and flips you over so you're on your hands and knees and fucks you doggy style.
"So damn wet we won't need lube." Mark groans out.
He pulls his cock out of your pussy and uses his fingers to spread your wetness over your asshole. You moan. He then slowly pushes his cock into your tiny rosebud. You gasp.
"Yes daddy fill my ass." You moan.
"Oh I am princess." Mark groans out.
He pushes the rest of the way in and you moan at the fullness. He starts moving in and out and drops a hand to your pussy and thrusts two fingers in and out while rubbing your clit.
"Oh fuck daddy yes!" You cry out.
He starts pounding your ass hard and fast and thrusting his fingers into your pussy just as hard and fast.
"Fuck princess I'm gonna cum. Cum with me." Mark groans.
This causes your orgasm to explode and you clench hard around his cock. This causes Mark to groan out and his cum to spurt into your ass.
"Yes daddy fill my ass with your cum." You moan.
Mark moans and keeps thrusting until he's done cumming. You collapse onto the bed panting your ass still contracting around him. Once your orgasm is over Mark pulls out, carries you to the shower and you wash each other then dry off and get dressed. You then head into the kitchen to prepare the ham and put it in the oven then you watch tv until it's almost dinner time.
Once it's almost dinner time you start on the mashed potatoes, carrots, and string bean casserole. By the time both of those are done it's dinner time. You plate everything and take a picture.

Mark comes in just as you're putting the plates down on the table

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Mark comes in just as you're putting the plates down on the table.
"Wow babe this looks and smells amazing." Mark says.
"Thanks I know you've been stressed with finding time to yourself while still putting out videos lately so I wanted to do it myself to give you a break." You say blushing.
"Aww babe you're so sweet." Mark says coming up to you and cupping your cheek before giving you a quick kiss.
"You deserve it you're the best boyfriend ever." You say.
"I love it when you call me your boyfriend." Mark says grinning.
"I love when you call me your girlfriend too." You say blushing.
"Wife would sound better though." Mark murmurs to himself.
Your breath hitches at that and Mark notices.
"Crap did I say that out loud?" Mark says.
You nod and blush.
"No need to be embarrassed I'm happy you said it and I have to agree with you." You say giggling and give him another kiss.
"I love you so damn much you know that?" Mark says.
"I love you so much too Marky now let's eat." You say.
You sit down and start eating.
"Oh my god this is so good Y/N you've outdone yourself." Mark moans.
You giggle.
"I'm glad you like it baby." You say.
You talk as you eat and once you're done Mark insists on helping you clean up since you wouldn't let him help you cook. Once everything is cleaned up you get out the dessert plate it and take a picture. You talk while you eat your desserts then when you're done you clean up. You then remember something you wanted to do. You head upstairs and grab the things you need.
Once you get what you were looking for you head downstairs to Mark. He's on the couch scrolling on his phone. You sneak up to him and put the bunny ears you bought on his head. Mark feels you put them on and looks at you curiously.
You giggle and put your set of bunny ears on.
"Easter pics!" You say gleefully.
Mark chuckles at your cuteness and gets the camera up on his phone and pulls you close. He takes a selfie of him kissing your cheek while you both wear bunny ears.
You look at the picture and squeal.
"It's adorable send me that please!" You say.
Mark chuckles again and sends you the picture.
Once Mark sends you the picture you make your Easter post on Instagram tagging Mark in it.
Mark also makes his Easter post and tags you in it.
You can't believe how many followers you've gained since you and Mark announced your relationship it's insane. You can't lie though it's kinda nice that so many people actually give a shit what's going on in your life. You and Mark snuggle up on the couch and watch movies until you get tired.
You then get ready for bed. Once you're ready for bed you give Mark a kiss then get under the covers and snuggle into him.
"Goodnight baby happy Easter." Mark says.
"Goodnight handsome happy Easter." You say.
"I love you so much." Mark says.
"I love you so much too." You say.
You then close your eyes and slowly fall asleep.

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