A Bunny, Bear, and Chicken Walk Into an Office

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A/N: You might be able to guess who the high profile client is from the title 😉

The next morning you wake up in Marks arms feeling exhilarated and more motivated then you have ever been in your entire life. You get up use the bathroom let Chica out to do her business and start to make breakfast. Mark comes into the kitchen just as you're finishing up cooking.
"Good morning baby." Mark says rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning my handsome amazing boyfriend." You say.
Mark raises an eyebrow.
"You're in a good mood." Mark says.
You nod.
"Do I even have to explain why?" You say grinning.
"No I have a feeling it has to do with a certain project." Mark smirks.
You nod enthusiastically and squeal and Mark chuckles.
"I'm still fangirling babe and I read the damn email yesterday." You say still grinning like a fool. Mark laughs.
"Well you're a big fan so I'm not surprised." Mark says.
"Mark I know every single word to every single one of your videos on it. You say punctuating each word.
"I know you do." Mark says.
"How can you be so calm?! I have to have a meeting with Scott fucking Cawthon in two weeks to pitch drawings for the fucking animatronics for his new game! I'm freaking the fuck out!" You say squealing.

A/N: Told you we'd get there also I'm not even going to explain who Scott Cawthon is because I think pretty much every Mark fan knows who he is 😆

"I'm freaking out for you babe I am." Mark says laughing.
"You don't look it!" You say and you and Mark both laugh.
You plate the breakfast and set it on the table and you and Mark talk while you eat. Once you're done eating you clean up then brush your teeth and hair and throw a nice shirt on over your pajamas.
Perks of working from home hehe.
You clock in on your app and start the zoom meeting with your team. Once everyone has joined you start talking.
"Hi everyone I'm Y/N you may or may not know me but I'm going to be leading this project." You say.
Everyone nods.
"So since this is a group project it's very important that everyone has a part in what we do. Of course in the end I will be approving everything. My thought is that everyone can make their own separate drawings to showcase their talents. We will then have the client pick their favorites out of all the drawings. How does that sound?" You say.
Everyone murmurs their agreement.
"So for times sake we are only going to do 3 drawings each. What I suggest to do first is that everyone do 3 rough sketches and I will look at them and tell you what needs to be improved." You say.
"When will the rough sketches be due?" Someone asks.
"Good question since it's 3 sketches I expect them done no later than three days from now. Preferably 2 so you have more time to flesh out the final drawings. Is that fair?" You ask.
Everyone nods their heads and says yes.
"Awesome I'm also going to be doing 3 rough sketches and I will have Rachel or Liz evaluate them." You say.
Everyone nods.
"Great so since there are 10 of us total the client will have 10 drawings to choose from." You say.
"Are we going to get to meet him?" One girl asks.
"Yes we are he is going to come in for a meeting with us." You say.
The girl mutes her mic and turns her camera off for a minute then comes back on.
"I'm fine." She says in a high pitched voice. You laugh.
"Don't be embarrassed I fangirled when I got the email and I fangirled this morning too." You say and laugh.
The girl blushes.
"I'm just a big fan is all." She says quietly.
"Me too I've watched every single video pretty much every gamer has made on Five Nights at Freddy's and I've watch the movie at least 10 times." You say.
"Wow." Someone says.
"That's dedication." Someone says.
You laugh.
"We want to make sure that these drawings fit the vibe of the previous games also so I suggest if you're not familiar with them that you google images of the animatronics so you can get a better idea of what you should be going for with your drawings." You say.
"Are we drawing the endoskeletons as well?" One person asks.
"So if it would show in the game then yes if not then no draw what you'll see when you see the animatronic." You say.
"Ok thank you." They say.
"No problem also since there are 10 animatronics to draw you will each be assigned one animatronic if you want you can draw different versions of the animatronic some with the endoskeleton showing and some without it showing and then I'll help you decide which version to go for. That way we have variation to the designs so your drawings won't be identical." You say handing everyone a piece of paper with a name and description of their assigned animatronic on it.
"Ok everyone I'll touch base with you all tomorrow and see how things are going if you have any questions you can reach out to me via email. The original email that Rachel sent to all of us about this has the information on what the client wants so make sure to incorporate everything into your designs." You say.
Everyone says bye and you end the zoom meeting.
You sigh and open your drawing program on your laptop. You get your phone out and look at all the things things that Scott requested be included in the drawings. You work off of that and make one rough sketch then clock out for the day.
By now it's dinner time and you're getting hungry so you close your laptop and wonder where Mark is. Normally he would be making dinner by now or at least out in the living room. You quickly let Chica out as you're not sure when she was out last. You give her a treat then quietly go to his recording room and put your ear up to it. You hear him playing a game. Perfect you think as you have a devilish idea your pussy getting wet at the thought of what you're about to do. You giggle then take a deep breath.

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