Tearful Goodbyes

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Once you compose yourself you decide to order lunch because you don't want to move from Marks side to cook. You watch tv while you wait for the food and when it gets there you and Mark eat lunch and watch a movie. Then it's time for Mark to leave for the airport. You're going with him of course. He makes sure he didn't forget anything then brings his suitcase out to the car and you start crying a little bit again but compose yourself before he comes back in. He gives you a big hug and kiss and you grab your keys and head out then shut and lock your door. You get to the car and Mark opens the passenger side door for you. You climb in the car and he shuts the door and gets in on the drivers side. You were going to drive but you don't think you can in the state you're in and Mark sensed that so he is driving. Once you're both buckled in he starts the long solemn drive to the airport. It's silent apart from the music playing on the car radio. You don't even find the strength the sing when your favorite song comes on that you usually belt out. That's how sad you are that he's leaving. You realize suddenly Mark hasn't heard you sing and decide to surprise him by playing your guitar and singing for him next time you see him. Once you get to the airport Mark stops the car in front of where he needs to go, gets out and opens your door for you. You get out of the car and immediately throw your arms around him sobbing violently into his chest. You feel so stupid. You've only just started dating him and here you are acting like a crazy clingy person. Mark doesn't seem to mind about your blubbering, in fact after a minute you hear him crying too. After holding each other for a minute you pull apart and Mark gets his suitcase out of the trunk. You can clearly see now that he was in fact crying. This makes you feel less stupid for crying but it hurts you that he's hurting too. He puts his suitcase on the curb and gives you a passionate kiss. You cry as he kisses you and you notice he does too. You pull away and wipe away his tears and he wipes away yours then rests his forehead on yours stroking your cheek.
"I love you so much princess." Mark says.
"I love you so much too baby." You say.
"I promise I'll call every single day and I'll come back for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years." Mark says.
"Ok." You say weakly.
Mark gives you one more big hug and kiss.
"I'll text you when I land I love you so much!" Mark says as he grabs his suitcase from the curb and heads inside the airport looking back at you.
"I love you so much too!" You say and wave at him until you can't see him anymore.
You get in your car and drive out of the airport pay your fee and find a good spot to pull your car over because you can feel the tears coming and you don't want to have an accident. It takes a solid 20 minutes of you crying on the side of the road before you compose yourself enough to continue driving back to your apartment. Then you make the long drive home alone. The drive is only 20 minutes but feels like it's about an hour because of your emotional state. You finally get back to your apartment and unlock the door and head inside. It feels so empty in your apartment without Mark. You sigh shut and lock the door put your things down and head to your bedroom. You notice something on the bed and start crying again when you see that it's a note from Mark on top of one of his shirts.

It reads:
To my love Y/N,
When you're reading this I'll be at the airport waiting for my flight or already on my flight. Know that I miss you already and I can't wait for you to be in my arms again. I love you more than words can express and it truly killed me to leave you. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much but apparently it is. You are my missing piece. My soulmate. My person. I left a shirt for you that I sprayed with my cologne so you have a piece of me with you while I'm not physically with you. I hope it helps dull the ache of missing me. Keep watching my videos, that may help too.
Love always,
Your Markimoo

You start sobbing as you're reading the letter and by the time you get to the end you're laying on his pillow where he slept and clutching his shirt to your chest as you sob violently. It takes you 30 minutes this time to calm down. You look at the time and realize it's time for dinner. You're not hungry but you force yourself to eat some leftover pizza. This brings back memories of when Mark defended you to the pizza guy though. So now you're horny, crying, and shoveling pizza into your mouth. You calm down and eat your pizza then go into your freezer to get your favorite ice cream out. You eat the entire tub while watching movies. You clean up then get ready for bed. As soon as you get in bed your phone pings.

M: Hey baby just landed
Y: Awesome get home safe
M: Thanks I'll text you when I get home
Y: Ok I'm going to bed I'm exhausted I'll talk to you tomorrow I love you so much!
M: I love you so much too!

You smile at that and pull Marks pillow and shirt to your chest tightly and lightly cry yourself to sleep.

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