Wake Up Call ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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You wake up to an insane amount of pleasure coming from your center. You moan and groggily open your eyes but don't see anything. You pull the covers back and gasp when you see Mark under the covers licking and sucking your clit.
"Fuck Mark that's one way to wake a woman up." You moan throwing your head back in pleasure. Mark chuckles the vibration causing you to moan from the pleasure. You tangle your fingers in his hair as he continues pleasuring you with his mouth. You gasp when you feel one of Marks fingers enter you and start thrusting in and out. You then let out a loud moan when he adds a second one.
"Mmmm M-Maaark fuck!" You say. Mark lifts his head up just long enough to say.
"Come on cum for me sweetheart." His dirty words cause you to have the strongest orgasm you've ever had.
"Aaaaahhhh Mark!" You scream as your climax hits you like a bomb exploded. You don't even realize you squirted all over the bed until you come down from the high of your climax and notice Marks face is completely covered in your juices and so is a big spot on the bed.
"Oh god." You pant out.
Once you gather yourself you move to Mark and push him on his back on the bed. You can see his obvious erection through his boxers. You bite your lip and pull down his boxers. His erection springs up nearly hitting you in the face making you giggle.
"That was close you almost gave me a black eye." You say and you both chuckle. You slowly start stroking him then put him in your mouth. You decide to do something a bit different this time to see how Mark reacts. You bob your head up and down your tongue moving along the back of his shaft while you suck while you move your hand up and down the base in a corkscrew motion. Every once in a while you stop and lick the tip quickly. You also use your other hand to massage his balls. Mark seems to really like this because he's moaning really loudly.
"Oooohhh Y/N so fucking good!" Mark moans.
You then pull off and Mark gives you a disappointed look until you start sucking on his balls while licking and pumping his shaft.
"Ohhh yeah." Mark moans.
You do this for a while then go back to sucking and stroking. After a while Marks balls start to tighten signaling he's about to reach his climax.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum. I want to cum on your gorgeous tits." Mark says and you moan at his words but nod as you keep sucking.
"I'm going to tap your head when I'm about to cum." Mark gasps out. You nod and start sucking harder and faster. It doesn't take long for Mark to tap your head and you pull him out of your mouth and push your breasts together and rub his throbbing cock between them.
"Ooohhhh fuck!" Mark says and his cum spurts all over your breasts. When Mark gets a hold of himself you take a finger and swipe up the cum and lick it off your finger. You do this until it's all gone.
You then clean the rest of the cum off his cock with your mouth then kiss the tip.
"Fuck you're perfect." Mark groans. You giggle. You get your clothes and shower things out then go to the bathroom and get in the shower. A minute or two after you're in the shower you hear the bathroom door open. You open your eyes to see Mark still naked. You bite your lip but pretend not to notice him.
"May I join you?" Mark asks. You nod and Mark opens the shower door and steps in. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him deeply.
After a while you pull away and you wash Marks hair then put conditioner in it. You then lather him up with soap paying close attention to his cock. He groans as you lather it. You then help him rinse off He then does the same for you paying attention to your throbbing pussy. He then helps you rinse off too. You think he's done but once you're all rinsed off you gasp when you feel two fingers enter your pussy.
"Oh fuck Mark!" You say as he thrusts his fingers at a dizzying pace in and out. It doesn't take long for you to be close to your climax.
"Oh fuck Mark I'm going to cum!" You close your eyes and you don't even notice Mark bending down until you feel his mouth on your wet pussy. The combination of his mouth and fingers is enough to take you over the edge.
"Ooooohhhh Mark!" You moan loudly as you come hard in his mouth.
Once you gather the strength to open your eyes you see Mark in front of you and he licks his lips.
"Fuck you're quite the overachiever aren't you?" You say.
"No I just can't get enough of you you taste so damn good." He says making you blush. Mark helps you step out and you help each other dry off. Once you're both dry you squeal as Mark picks you up and carries you setting you down right in front of your bed where your clothes are laid out.
"Can't have my princess slipping now." Mark says making you blush. You both get dressed then you strip the sheets and blankets and throw them in the washer. When you're done you head to the couch where Mark is.
"I believe it's my turn to make breakfast. How about omelettes? I make a really good omelette." You say to Mark.
"Ooohh yes please I love omelettes!" Mark says happily. You giggle and get to work making mushroom and cheese omelets, bacon, and toast for you both. After you're done making breakfast you plate it and set the plates on the table along with 2 glasses of orange juice.
"Markimoo breakfast is ready." You say.
Mark comes over and you both sit down and start to eat. After his first bite Mark pauses mid chew.
"Whats wrong do you not like it?" You say with a frown. Mark shakes his head.
"No, no I love it! It's amazing! I'm just trying to work out what the catch is." He says with a grin as he eats.
"What do you mean?" You ask confused.
"You're gorgeous, hilarious, give the best blowjobs ever, and you're a hell of a cook. What's the catch?" Mark says.
"I'm the crazed butt stabber." You say deadpan. Mark stays silent for a moment then you both burst out laughing.
"No but seriously there's no catch I am who you see." You say. Mark shakes his head in awe.
You talk as you eat and you finally confess your mischievous actions from yesterday to Mark.
"Mark I have a confession to make." You say.
"Ok?" Mark says an eyebrow raised in confusion.
"Yesterday the movie didn't really scare me I just used it as an excuse to snuggle closer to you and because I wanted you to sleep in bed with me." You say blushing. Mark is silent for a moment and you're worried so you look up at him to see him smirking and shaking his head.
"Naughty girl." He says making you giggle.
"I'm sowwy." You say in a baby voice as you give him puppy eyes and pout your lips.
"Ugh I can't stay mad at you you're too damn cute plus I can't even really be mad at you because you only wanted to be closer to me. Next time though just tell me the truth." Mark says and chuckles.
"Ok." You say.
You spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies until you get hungry. You order pizza and switch the sheets over to the dryer while you wait. Then once you're done eating you put the leftovers away and get ready for bed. You grab the sheets from the dryer then you both head into your room, change the sheets and get under the covers snuggling up with each other. You give Mark a kiss and you snuggle closer to him.
"Good night princess." He says.
"Good night baby." You say.
It doesn't take you long until you're fast asleep smiling like an idiot and looking forward to your future more than ever.

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