Bowling, Dinner, and Scary Movies

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Once you and Mark are done eating breakfast you wash your dishes.
"So what do you want to do today?" You ask Mark.
"Ummm we could go bowling go out to dinner and then watch a movie at the movie theatre?" Mark says.
"That sounds awesome to me." You say grinning.
"Sounds like a plan then." Mark says. You look up movies and movie times and decide on a movie and a time. You decide to watch the new horror movie that just came out which starts at 7:00. That will give you plenty of time to eat dinner at the restaurant near the movie theater. You shower and get dressed then Mark does the same. Damn you were tempted to join Mark in the shower or at least sneak a peek but you're not going to do that yet. Even though you're falling for him fast. God he's just so perfect. Once you're ready you get everything you need for the day in your purse and you and Mark head out the door. You shut and lock your door and head to your car.
"Am I driving or are you?" Mark asks.
"It's up to you I don't mind either way." You shrug.
"I'll drive you can play passenger princess like the princess you are." Mark winks.
You giggle and blush.
Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving to the bowling alley with the help of the GPS on his phone. Once you get there Mark helps you out of the car and shuts your door. He locks the car and you both head inside. Mark pays for 3 games and you tell the lady behind the counter your shoe size and Mark tells her his.
"Is that your actual shoe size or do you go a size up when you get bowling shoes?" You ask.
"I usually go a half size up." Mark says.
You note his shoe size for the future.
"Me too." You say.
Mark nods and you both go choose your balls then head to your assigned lane. You play the 3 games and Mark wins barely.
"Look at me I'm the best look how good I am!" Mark says while flexing and kissing his arm muscles. You laugh at his antics.
"What are you laughing at!?" Mark says in mock annoyance which makes you giggle even more. You can't help but snuggle into him as you feel a burst of affection for him. He kisses you on the forehead and you lean into him. There's an arcade in the bowling alley too so you both spend a couple hours playing random games and when it's about 4:30 you cash in all your tickets. Between the two of you you got a decent amount of tickets so you were able to get a ton of the crappy prizes they offer at arcades. It was a lot of fun. You head back to the car and Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving to the restaurant right by the movie theater. Once you get there Mark helps you out of the car and shuts your door. He locks the car and you both head inside.
"Table for two please." Mark says to the hostess.
"Certainly right this way." She says and leads you both to the table. She hands you your menus and asks what you both would like to drink.
You choose your drinks and she walks away. You both look through the menu figuring out what you want to eat. By the time you figure out what you want to eat the waitress comes back and you order your food. You and Mark talk while you wait for the food. When the food comes you both thank the waitress and start eating while you talk.
"Wow this tastes so good." You moan.
"Not as good as you." Mark leans in close and whispers. You gasp and blush at his words.
You both finish eating and Mark asks for the check. Not long after he pays and you both head out to the car. Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving to the movie theater. It doesn't take long since it's around the corner from the restaurant. You head in show your tickets and get your popcorn, drinks, and other snacks and take turns using the bathroom. You then head into the theater. The movie is pretty good and it keeps you on the edge of your toes. You like horror movies however, so you're not too scared. Despite that, you use this as an opportunity to snuggle close to Mark and bury your face in his chest at the "scary" parts. He has his big strong arms wrapped around you which makes you feel safe. You realize at this moment that you're not falling for him. You've fallen. Hard. Fuck. You're not scared at this realization though which surprises you. You're happy. You snuggle even closer into Mark and grin. He kisses your forehead and you melt. After the movie you both throw your trash away use the bathroom then head back to the car. Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving back to your apartment.  Once you get there Mark helps you out of the car and shuts your door. He locks the car and you both head to the door where you unlock it and head inside. You shut and lock the door put your stuff down and you both collapse on the couch. You talk for a while until you start getting tired. You suddenly get an idea.
"Mark I'm still a little scared from the movie will you sleep with me?" You say sheepishly. Dang you should have won an Oscar for how convincing that was. You're not scared of course you just want him to lay with you.
"Of course." Mark says.
You both get ready for bed and you get under the covers and get comfy. You see Mark take his shirt and pants off leaving him in only his boxers and you bite your lip at the sight. Damn. He's hot. Mark chuckles then turns off the light then lays down in bed and gets under the covers with you. You give him a kiss then snuggle close to him.
"Goodnight Y/N." Mark says and wraps his arms around you.
"Goodnight Marky." You say.
You quickly fall asleep in his arms but before you fully fall asleep you swear you hear Mark whisper.
"I love you."

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