The Walls Have Ears ⚠️ Sexual References ⚠️

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You wake up in Marks arms and are super comfy. You snuggle in and sigh happily then your stomach growls and you groan.
"Good morning princess you sound hungry." Mark says and chuckles. You look up at him to see he already has his glasses on and is scrolling through his phone.
"Good morning baby I am when did you get up?" You ask.
"Not long ago I need to pee though so can you get off me please." He says and laughs.
"Sorry." You say and get off of him and he goes to the bathroom. You go after him then get dressed. Mark gets dressed and you head downstairs together. Everyone is up already and Mandy and Molly are making breakfast for everyone. When they see you everyone starts giggling.
"Good morning guys what's so funny?" You ask quirking an eyebrow. Mark looks at you and smirks then whispers in your ear.
"Told you they heard us big mouth." You flush red and they giggle even more.
Molly confirms your fears.
"OH GOD DADDY YES!" She moans out and everyone giggles. Your face turns even more red.
"Awww she's blushing." Mandy says and pinches your cheeks.
"Well now that we've addressed the elephant in the room how did everyone sleep?" Mark says casually.
"Pretty good you were quiet most of the time I guess you had your hand over her mouth except for that one outburst I didn't hear anything." Wade says smirking.
"A gentleman never tells." Mark says smirking.
"That a boy." Sean says clapping him on the back. Everyone laughs. You bury your face in Marks chest in embarrassment.
"Hey there's nothing to be ashamed about getting some good dick! At least from what it sounded like it was great dick!" Molly says giggling.
You manage to pull your face from his chest.
"You're not wrong." You say smiling and blushing.
All the guys come over and that a boy Mark and you and the other girls giggle at them.
You help Molly and Mandy finish the breakfast and you all sit down and chat as you eat.
"So you call him daddy then?" Sean says smirking.
"Oh my god Sean sttttooooppp." You say smiling and blushing your hands in front of your face.
"Answer all our questions and we'll drop it." Wade says.
"Fine yes I do next?" You say.
"How big is he?" Molly asks. You look to Mark to see if you can answer and he shrugs and laughs.
"I haven't exactly measured it but if I could guess I'd say about 9." You say blushing. The girls let out an impressed murmur.
"How good is he in bed out of 10?" Felix asks.
"Oh god 10 more if possible." You say blushing.
"You get that girl!" Sean's girlfriend says.
"Is he good with his mouth and fingers."
"Let's just say he's a gamer, he plays guitar, and he played trumpet in band I'll let you figure that one out based off of that." You say smirking.
"I'd say that's a hell yeah." Marzia giggles.
You nod in agreement. You look at Mark and he looks smug.
"Hey don't look smug they haven't even asked your opinion on me yet." You say smirking.
"Oh that's next." Tyler says. You blush.
"How long does he last?" Ethan asks.
"At least 20 minutes and then he's ready for another round almost immediately." You say blushing.
"Damn Mark you're making us all look bad." Sean says. Everyone laughs.
"What's your favorite position?" Molly asks.
"Doggy obviously I think that's every girl's favorite because that's the position you can get the deepest in." You say.
All the girls nod in agreement.
"Ok now on to Y/N." Tyler says.
"Oh god." You say blushing.
"Mark how good is she in bed out of 10?" Sean asks.
"10 best I've ever had." Mark says looking at you proudly. The girls whoop.
"How good is she at blowjobs?" Ethan asks.
"Oh my god so damn good 1,000,000 out of 10." Mark says.
"You go girl gotta teach us your tricks!" Marzia says.
"I can if you want." You say blushing.
"Yes! We need to have a girly sleepover before we leave and you can show us!" Molly says.
"Ok it's a deal we can do that I just need to go out and get some cucumbers." You say.
"Sounds good to me!" Mandy says.
"How often do you guys do it?" Sean asks.
"At least every other day sometimes every day or multiple times a day depending on how busy we are." You say.
"Ok are you satisfied with all your questions now?" You say smirking.
Everyone nods in agreement.
"Good." You say.
You chat some more while you finish breakfast then you help Molly and Mandy clean up.
"So when does everyone go home?" You ask the group.
"We all have flights tomorrow night." Sean says.
"Ok perfect so we can have our girly sleepover tonight I hope you brought your comfy cute pjs!" You say.
"We did!" Mandy says.
"Sweet so that means the boys can have a boys night!" Sean says.
"Hell yeah brother!" Mark says in a mock Hulk Hogan voice and high fives Sean. You giggle.
"Send me a list of what you guys want and I'll pick it up." You say.
"Thanks babe you da best." Mark says and gives you a kiss.
"I know." You say and giggle. You all get ready then head out to the store to get everything for your girls night. You buy some snacks, wine, face masks, nail polish, nail polish remover, cotton balls, Q-tips, cucumbers, and some other drinks. You also get everything the boys wanted. You checkout and head back to the house. You all hang out and chat then watch a movie. You all then decide to start your girls and boys nights. You head upstairs with the girls with the bags of stuff while the boys stay downstairs and play video games.

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