The Barrel

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When you get inside you ask for a table for 2. The hostess leads you to a table and hands you both menus and Mark pulls your seat out for you. You sit and he pushes your chair in.
"What a gentleman." You say.
"Anything for you m'lady." He says as he bows and tips an invisible hat in the voice he used in flappy fedora then sits down.
"It's not the same without the fedora." You say with a smirk. Mark laughs causing you to laugh as well.
"You really have watched all my videos." He says in surprise.
"I sure have." You say with a nod.
The waitress comes and asks what you want to drink and you both order your drinks.
"Do you need more time for what you want to eat?" She asks.
"No we're good thanks we know what we want." You say. Mark gives you a quizzical look.
"Oh come on Mark we both know you're going to get the chicken and dumplings." You say with your eyebrow raised and a chuckle.
"Good point." He says chuckling.
"Two orders of your chicken and dumplings please." You say.
"Oh you're getting it too?" He asks.
"Yep have to see what the hype is about. Did you want any appetizers?" You ask.
"Nah the chicken and dumplings are very filling you won't need any." He says.
You nod and tell the waitress that'll be all and she goes to place your orders.
"Ok you really know me too well this is creepy at this point." Mark says and you both start laughing.
"I know a lot more about you but I don't want to freak you out." You say laughing.
"I'll take your word for it." He says laughing too.
"Mostly from your draw my life." You say.
"Oh yeah that makes sense." He says.
"I just have a really good memory any tidbit of information about you I remember." You say.
"That's really cool though." He says.
"Yeah it is but it makes me seem obsessed which is why I'm not telling you half the things I know about you because when I say I've watched all your videos I mean ALL of your videos. Including the ones where you tell your fans your favorite things." You say.
"Wow that's dedication." He says.
"What can I say? I really like your videos." You say blushing.
"You also really like me." He says with a wink.
"Well that goes without saying I mean how could I not." You say quietly looking down, blushing even more.
"I really like you too." He says with a smile.
You look up at Mark and smile shyly.
You keep talking until the waitress comes with the food. You watch Mark as he takes the first bite and his eyes roll back from bliss and he lets out a little moan. Something inside you feels jealous you're not the one causing him to make that face. You shake the horny thoughts out of your head just in time for Mark to open his eyes and look at you.
"Good?" You say.
"Just as amazing as I remember thank you so much." Mark says genuinely.
You try yours and can see why Mark reacted the way he did because you have the same reaction. Except Mark didn't hide his expression as fast as you did and you see he had the same thoughts as you.
You laugh.
"What's funny?" Mark says.
"Nothing never mind." You say chuckling.
"What is it." Mark says again.
You sigh.
"I'll tell you when we get back to your hotel." You say. Mark nods satisfied with this.
You both talk and eat until you're both finished. Mark pays the bill even after you insist you will pay. You get in the car and head back to Marks hotel.
Once you both get in the room and sit on the bed Mark looks at you.
"Ok out with it you said you'd tell me when we got back so spill." Mark says in a whiny baby voice. You laugh then sigh.
"Fine. When you took your first bite you had this look of bliss and I couldn't help thinking I wanted to be the one to cause that look. Then when I took my first bite I noticed you had the same look I probably did when you took your first bite so I assumed you were thinking the same thing as I was." You say explaining yourself.
"I was." Mark says his eyes darkening.
Your breath hitches as he leans in close and moves a piece of hair away from your face.
"Fuck I want to kiss you so bad right now but I don't want to move things too quickly since we just met today." Mark says and pulls himself away from you with what you can see is an agonizing effort.
"I want to kiss you too but you're right we shouldn't rush into anything even though I feel like I've known you for years." You say.
"I feel the same way." Mark says.
You sigh as the moment is broken and the tension is gone.
"Fuck this is going to be harder than we thought isn't it?" You say.
Mark nods.
"I think it is." He says.
You both sit and talk for a while getting to know each other when Mark has an idea.
"Hey I want dessert do you? We could get room service." He says.
"Yesss that's a great idea." You say.
Mark chuckles at your enthusiasm and you both look over the menu and choose what you want. Mark picks up the phone and orders what you both wanted and you talk as you wait.
Soon there is a knock at the hotel room door and Mark goes and grabs your desserts. He comes back and puts the trays on the bed and uncovers them. You both start eating your dessert and talking and laughing. Before you know it it's almost 9:00.
"I'd better be heading back to my house it's getting late." You say with a yawn.
"Yeah it is." Mark says.
You gather your things and stand in front of Mark.
"It was really nice meeting you and spending time with you today Mark. It's a shame you're leaving tomorrow." You say frowning with your head down.
Mark puts his fingers under your chin and looks you in the eye.
"Hey. We're going to stay in touch because I really want to see where this goes. I really like you Y/N and I'm not just saying that. I'm not letting you go that easy." He says with a smile making you blush.
You can't help yourself you lean in and kiss Mark on the cheek causing his mouth to open in shock and him to blush. After the shock wears off he has a huge smile on his face. You giggle and give him a hug.
"Bye Mark." You say.
"Bye Y/N text me when you get home safe." He says.
You nod and head out of the hotel and drive back home. The whole way back home you think of Mark and how you wish he could stay. Once you get home you lock the door and collapse on your bed and pull your phone out and text Mark.

Y - I'm home Mark
M - Good sleep well and sweet dreams (hopefully of me 😉)
Y - Thank you and I would be surprised if they're not ☺️
M - That's what I like to hear 😉
Y - Goodnight Mark
M - Goodnight Y/N

You put your phone down and get ready for bed. Once you're all ready you get into bed and fall asleep straight away. You dream of Mark and what the future may hold for your relationship.

A Date With MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now