Picnics and Promises

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You wake up the next morning with a smile on your face. You're in Marks arms and you look over to see him asleep looking so cute. You sigh in happiness and snuggle into him laying there for a bit longer. A little while later Mark wakes up and stretches.
"Good morning princess." He says groggily.
"Good morning handsome." You say and give him a kiss.
"I was thinking we could have a movie day then I have a plan for dinner." Mark says to you.
"Ok sounds good to me." You say.
You get up and go to the bathroom then while Mark uses the bathroom you get started on making breakfast. You decide to make bacon egg and cheese sandwiches on biscuits. Once they're done you take the biscuits out of the oven and assemble and plate them. You made 2 each. You bring them to the table where Mark is sitting.
"Wow babe these look great." He says.
"Thank you." You say.
You both eat and talk as you eat.
"Wow those were so good thank you." Mark says after he finishes his sandwiches.
"Aww thanks babe and of course." You say.
Once you're done yours you wash up the dishes and you and Mark snuggle up on the couch and watch movies until it's almost dinner time.
"Ok I'm running to the store to get stuff for dinner I'll be right back." Mark gives you a kiss and heads out to the store. You scroll through your phone until he gets back. He starts making dinner so you watch some YouTube. You giggle and decide to watch his channel because you need to catch up on his videos. You load up a video and when his voice comes through the speaker he comes over to you chuckling.
"Can't get enough of me can you?" He says smirking.
"What can I say I love your videos." You say smiling at him. He shakes his head laughing and goes back to cooking. When he's done he makes you go in your room while he prepares something. Once he's done he comes in to get you and you head outside lock your door and head to your car. Mark opens the passenger side door for you then shuts it once you're in. He then gets in on his side and shuts the door. Once you're both buckled he heads to wherever he's taking you. When you get there he gets out and shuts the door. You realize you're at a park. Mark goes in the trunk and grabs something and tells you not to look out the window. After about 5 minutes he comes back and opens your door for you then shuts it when you get out. After locking the door he leads you to a blanket on the ground with a picnic basket on top of it.
"Awwww babe." You say and give him a hug and kiss. Mark chuckles.
He helps you sit down then sits down himself.
He opens the picnic basket and takes out the food and sparkling grape juice. He opens the juice and pours you both a glass. He then plates the food. You both talk as you eat and enjoy the scenery of the park. Once you're done he cleans up then helps you up. He grabs the stuff and you both walk back to the car where he puts the stuff back in the trunk. He then opens the door for you and shuts it once you're in then gets in himself. Once you're buckled he starts back to your apartment. You get there and he gets out and opens the passenger door for you then shuts it. You both walk to your door and you unlock it. You then put your stuff down and sit on the couch while Mark puts the picnic stuff away. He joins you not long after and you watch movies until it's time for bed. You yawn and snuggle into Mark.
"Come on princess let's go to bed." Mark says. You groan and Mark chuckles.
You reluctantly get up and you both get ready for bed then get under the covers and snuggle up to each other after giving each other a kiss.
"Goodnight baby." You say.
"Goodnight my love." Mark says.
"I love you." You say.
"I love you too princess." Mark says.
You smile and quickly fall asleep feeling safe and content in his arms.

You wake up the next morning sad because you realize Mark has to go home in 3 days. You snuggle closer into him as he sleeps and try to fight back the tears.
But when Mark looks at you with those brown eyes you've fallen for and asks you what's wrong you break down. You bury your face in his chest and sob as he strokes your back and hair.
"Shhh it's ok baby it's ok I'm here tell me what's wrong." Mark says trying to comfort you. After a while you finally stop crying long enough to tell him what's wrong.
"I-I d-don't want y-you to g-go." You manage through sniffles. Mark holds you closer and kisses your forehead then pulls you back so you can look at him. You can't look him in the eyes it hurts too much so you try to look down but he lifts your chin with his fingers so you're forced to look at him.
"Listen. I may be leaving but I promise you I will be back. I love you and I'm not going to just leave and not come back." Mark says stroking your hair.
"I know I'm just going to miss you so much." You say quietly.
"I'm going to miss you too baby." Mark says. You snuggle into him and vow to save your money faster so you can move to L.A. by the end of the year. You have almost enough so it shouldn't be too hard. You don't want to be away from Mark. You're going to start looking for jobs in L.A. online. You casually ask where Mark lives in L.A. and he tells you.
You spend the day with Mark watching movies and looking and applying for jobs in L.A. nearby to where Mark lives since you want to get a place near there.
"Hey babe what would you say if I told you I'm thinking about moving to L.A. in the next couple of  years?" You ask casually because he doesn't know you're planning on moving to L.A. and you want it to be a surprise.
"What? I'd say I want you to live with me." Mark says with a grin making you smile.
You finish watching your movie and decide to order Chinese food for dinner. You eat it while you watch your movie then both get ready for bed then get under the covers and snuggle up to each other after giving each other a kiss.
"Goodnight baby." You say.
"Goodnight beautiful." Mark says.
You smile and quickly fall asleep feeling good about the future.

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