Do Meet Your Heroes

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Today is the day of the meeting with Scott. You have evaluated everyone's drawings and helped them make them as good as possible. You have also finished yours. You also worked with Mark on the pitch. When your alarm goes off you wake up nervous and excited and curl up into Marks chest. Mark wraps his arms around you and kisses your head.
"Morning baby it's the big day." Mark says.
"Yep it is I'm nervous but also excited." You say and giggle.
"That's normal you'll do great." Mark says.
"Thanks baby." You say.
"Of course my love." Mark says.
You lay there for a little bit then stretch and get out of bed and go to the bathroom. Mark goes to the bathroom after you and you both head to the kitchen.
"Do you want pancakes baby?" Mark asks.
"Yes please." You say giddily. Mark chuckles.
"Pancakes it is for my beautiful girliplier." Mark says and gets the pancake stuff out.
"I like that." You say and giggle.
"Girliplier?" Mark asks. You nod.
"Yeah it has a nice ring to it." You say.
"Yeah it does." Mark says.
You let Chica out to use the bathroom while he makes the pancakes then chat with him and once they're done he puts the plates on the table and you both sit down and dig in. You talk while you eat then when you're done you clean up. You then get ready for work. Once you're ready you head back downstairs to see Mark waiting for you. He gives you a big hug and a passionate kiss.
When he pulls away you look at him.
"What was that for?" You ask giggling.
"Just getting you kiss drunk. Also I wanted to give you a good luck kiss." Mark says smirking.
"Well it worked I'm definitely kiss drunk and thank you." You say giggling.
"I can tell and you don't have to thank me." Mark says chuckling.
He gives you another kiss.
"I love you have a good day." Mark says.
"I love you too thank you I will. I'll see you after work." You say.
"You sure will I want to go out to celebrate your promotion." Mark says grinning.
"You're that sure I'm getting a promotion today?" You say.
"Of course when they see how much you've impressed Scott they'll have to promote you." Mark says.
"Thank you for your confidence in me." You say.
"Of course I'm always going to be your biggest cheerleader." Mark says kissing your nose.
"I'll see you later baby I love you." You say grinning.
"See you later princess tell Scott I said hi I love you too!" Mark says.
"I will." You say.
You grab your work stuff then head out to your car after shutting and locking the front door.
You get in your car and head to the office. Once you're there you get out lock your car and head inside. You clock in then head to the meeting room. You see Rachel and your team there.
"Hi Y/N Mr. Cawthon will be here any minute now." Rachel says. You nod. You do a quick rundown of everything with your team and right after you're done Scott walks in.
Rachel goes up to him and shakes his hand.
You follow suit.
"Hi Mr. Cawthon my name is Y/N it's a pleasure to meet you I'm a big fan of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise and it's been an honor to bring some of these animatronics to life." You say smiling.
"Thank you I really appreciate that you can call me Scott." He says smiling at you.
"Of course and ok Scott it is." You say smiling.
You do your pitch and show him the drawings.
"Wow I'm really impressed by your pitch and these drawings are incredible especially these ones." Scott says pointing at yours.
"Thank you I did those." You say blushing.
"Well you're very talented." Scott says.
"Thank you." You say.
Scott picks one drawing for each animatronic that he wants to use.
"Ok I think that's it. If I could have a quick meeting with just you and Rachel that would be great." Scott says.
"Sure that's no problem." You say.
"Great job everybody you can clock out and head home now." You say smiling at everyone.
When everyone is gone you shut the door and head back over to Scott.
"Ok so I was wondering if I could contract you to make the drawings for all the animatronics for the rest of the games I will put out." Scott says.
"Just me?" You say your mouth dropped open a little in shock.
"Yes just you. Let's be honest here your drawings are the best out of everybody's." Scott says.
You turn to Rachel.
"So would you be able to do that through the company?" You ask her.
"I wouldn't see why not Y/N." She says smiling.
"I would be honored to Mr- Scott. Do these drawings meet your expectations or would you like me to redo them? I can have them done in a week." You ask.
"I don't want to step on anybody's toes these drawings are good enough. But thank you for the offer." Scott says smiling at you.
"Yes that makes sense and of course Scott." You say.
"I'll contact you through the company when I'm ready to make the next game. It will most likely be next year." Scott says.
"Sounds good oh my boyfriend says hi you know him it's Markiplier." You say blushing.
"Your boyfriend is Markiplier?" Scott asks in shock.
"Yeah I know I'm very lucky." You say giggling.
"You both are and I was surprised how small of a world it is. Tell him I said hi also." Scott says.
"Will do thank you Scott." You say.
"You're welcome it was a pleasure working with you Y/N." Scott says.
"You as well Scott." You say.
Scott heads out and you turn to Rachel who is grinning from ear to ear.
"I knew I didn't make a mistake putting you on this project Y/N." Rachel says.
"Thank you I really appreciate that." You say.
"Y/N I'm very impressed with you. I want to give you a raise and a promotion. I'm promoting you to Junior Designer. You will be working alongside Liz." Rachel says.
"Wow really thank you Rachel!" You say.
"You will have your own office and your pay will be upped from $20 an hour to $30 an hour." Rachel says.
"Thank you so much!" You say.
"You're very welcome I wouldn't want to waste your talent on the low level projects that's why I'm promoting you so you can work on the bigger projects. You will still be working from home most of the time." Rachel says.
"That's amazing I won't let you down!" You say.
"I know you won't. Now go and celebrate with your boyfriend." She says grinning. You giggle.
"He was so sure I'd get a promotion he is my biggest cheerleader." You say laughing.
"Sounds like he's a smart man who knows how talented you are." She says.
"He is very smart." You say.
"Have a good night Y/N." Rachel says.
"Thank you Rachel you too." You say.
You clock out and get in your car and head home to tell Mark the good news.

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